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Member Since 10 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 25 2008 08:41 AM

Topics I've Started

Broblema schimb ulei,,, poate ii joja defecta!

24 April 2008 - 12:14 AM

.... So im the proud owner of a 2.3 TD Frontera from 1993, from Romania. I just recently bought te car .
So one of my first work on here was the oil change. On my Frontera a new fill up of oil with oil filter change takes about 5.6L of oil. Ok so i'v start the engine let it idles for about 15min. Then i'v stop it and drain the old oil down ( i have waited about 30 to drain it all, to be shure it's all down)and change the filter. I have put exactly 5,5 L of oil. After that i let the engine runn for about 5min.

MY PROBLEM STARST HERE !!! After checking the oil level on the dipstick the oil level was WAY TO MUTCH , about 3,4 cm above MAX !!!. so i'v noticed that my dipstick is not the original , it's from a 2.3TDR omega..... Ok so maybe it's not a problem if the dipstick indicate wrong so i'v mesure it exactly from the top (where it enters in the pipe to the bottom )it has 24,5 cm lenght. from the to to where my oil is now it is 18,6 cm , from the bottom to where the max indicate they are 2.5 cm so i,v mesur it that is a difference of 3,4 cm from the max to wher my oil level is. Iv also calculated that if from the min to the max there is a difference of 1L of oil, thet means I have about 2L of oil in exesss.

Here are my dipstick measurments
|....................|oil level now........< max.+1,7cm-.min>...
(......................24,5 cm........................................)

CAN YOU HELP MY !!!!!!! is my dipstick indicating wrong our what's the problem???? what are the mesurement for an 2.3 frontera on the dipstick.. PLZZZZ ... now i'm afraid to drive tha car becaus i might have toooo, tooo mutch oil.

Vorbesc romaneste numai ca acum i foarte tarziu si nu am timp de traducere. apreciez foarte mult orice sfat . sper ca nu va suparati de un pic de draducer :D

Nissan Terrano I care ii cea mai buna motorizare?

10 December 2007 - 04:10 PM

As vrea sa imi iau un Nissan Terrano I cu 2+1 usi,nu dispun de foarte multi bani si vreau totusi sa fac iesiri off-road (dar nu extreme) si am inteles ca ii o masina foarte buna si la raport pret si calitate.Mai vreau sa mentionez ca o sa merg cu ea si prin oras si pe munte si e singura mea masina.

Acum nu m-am hotarat,adica nu stiu care motorizare sa aleg,...m-ar interesa sa aflu care dintre cele 3 motorizari,adica 2.4i,2.7tdi sau 3.0 are cel mai bun raport calitate /consum si putere.Am inteles ca motorizarea de 2.4i si 2.7tdi au cam 100 cai ,dar ca 2,7tdi are un consum mai mic, iar despre 3.0 e mai puternic 140 de cai (parca) dar cred ca are si un consum pe masura.
Sa zicem ca as alege 3.0 credeti ca m-ar avantaja o instalatie pe GPL??? si as putea opri alimentarea cu gaz cand intru in off-road???sau o sa-mi uzez prematur motorul si dau si multi bani si fac si o prostie.

Oricum ideea e ca ma intereseaza care are cel mai bun raport intre consum/putere/anduranta, nu am foarte multi bani pt combustibil si conteaza totusi si consumul,sunt sigur ca motorul de 3.0 i cel mai bun dar daca nu i o foarte mare diferenta intre el si 2.7tdi...merge..

Astept raspunsuri MERSI !!!!