un freezone.
Scris 15 septembrie 2006 - 06:54
Mitsubishi Outlander | 2.2 Instyle Navi | 2008 | JEEP Cherokee [KJ] | 2.8CRD | 2004 | Renault Super 5 | 1.4i | 1988
Scris 15 septembrie 2006 - 06:56
Aceasta postare a fost editata de romanescu: 15 septembrie 2006 - 06:57
Scris 15 septembrie 2006 - 10:53
In alta ordine de idei ... greu e cu sesiunea asta de toamna
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
Scris 16 septembrie 2006 - 10:19
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 16 septembrie 2006 - 11:18
Scris 16 septembrie 2006 - 11:41
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 17 septembrie 2006 - 10:41
The stock Eaton blower is replaced with a pair of Garrett GT35R scrolls from Precision Turbo, which are mounted behind the engine and inboard of the shock towers. Custom exhaust work brings up the hot gases from the low-mounted stock manifolds, and new downpipes dump the spent exhaust through the stock bodywork opening. A custom "hat" adapts a 95mm throttle body and routes compressed air through the stock intercooler (which is built into the intake manifold), and the OEM fuel system remains intact.
The video shows the car putting down over 830 HP on the dyno, and Stage 6 claims that this same vehicle has put down 1012 RWHP with further work. A kit involving fuel system upgrades and internal engine modifications is said to be under development, with potential for several hundred more HP.
While not all of us can identify the effort it takes to fabricate a twin-turbo install for a Ford GT in five days, the terse "I'm staying at the shop and won't be home until much later" phone call with a significant other that occurs at the 9:30 mark in the above video is something to which most of us can relate.
si filmuletul (l-am upload-at pe rapidshare)
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 18 septembrie 2006 - 12:29
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 18 septembrie 2006 - 12:46
si io am intrebat de el acu cateva zile...
zice-tiiiiiiii ca skaaaaaa il cauta. si daca nu-l gaseste, il gasesc Yuri si Dimitri
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 18 septembrie 2006 - 09:33
pasati o cafea
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 18 septembrie 2006 - 12:52
Scris 18 septembrie 2006 - 12:56
tare tipu cu meganu.
sio luat RS si de astepta la consum de dizal 5% in Buc? LOOOL
il "omoara" consumu auzi tu...
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 18 septembrie 2006 - 01:20
Cu dedicatie pentru problemele existentiale ale lui Aer Curat: link http://www.garajul.r...tyle_emoticons/default/010.gif
Da, am inteles si vazut ca nu se poate turbo benzinar cu gpl.
M-a tentat ideea si ar fi fost un compromis pt putere si consum (exceptand varianta diesel).
Deci eu am fost preocupat de problema consumului inca din momentul in care a aparut tentatia, nici macar nu ochisem o masina.
Insa pt o viitoare masina proprie si pers. nu exclud din posibilele optiuni un benzinar aspirat si cu gpl, pana sa se dezvolte corespunzator hibridele.
Scris 18 septembrie 2006 - 01:23
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 18 septembrie 2006 - 02:42
ska, sper s-o muste si aia de pe 4tuning, la fel ca tine
ce sa muste? ce am "muscat" eu si nu stiu?
sau te referi la faza cu gpl + motoare turbo? i knew that
gluma sau nu, pe mine m-a amuzat exprimarea... ma "omoara" consumu la masina de 225cp in oras...
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 18 septembrie 2006 - 05:48
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 18 septembrie 2006 - 09:10
In alta ordine de idei: sa va detaliez ce paste cu sos alb (din branza si smantana) asezonate cu ton am pregatit in seara asta ?
Dupa ce voi fi gasind topicul cu delicatese, care momentan este usor "discret".
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