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16 replies to this topic

#1 MikeTekRacing

    tifoso Ferrari

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Scris 16 septembrie 2007 - 01:03

o veste deosebit de trista din pacate
se pare ca a decedat Colin McRae in urma unui accident de elicopter. nu a fost nici un supravietuitor, elicopterul era al sau. identificarea oficiala a victimelor se va face maine :)
nu mai am cuvinte
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Felipe trebuie sa castigi cea mai importanta batalie a ta de pana acum!



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  • Model:Focus Mk3.5
  • Motorizare:1.5TDCi 120CP

Scris 16 septembrie 2007 - 01:08

"It has been reported that McRae was killed in a helicopter crash on 15 September 2007 but the identity of the victim(s) has yet to be confirmed by police."

"A helicopter believed to be registered to former World Rally Champion Colin McRae has crashed near his home in Lanark, Scotland."

Poate, totusi, nu era in el...
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"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry Ford
Mondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
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  • Model:Focus Mk3.5
  • Motorizare:1.5TDCi 120CP

Scris 16 septembrie 2007 - 08:22

Din pacate...

Imagine amplasata

"From The Sunday Times September 16, 2007
Rally champion Colin McRae dies with son in helicopter crash

The former rally driving champion Colin McRae was killed and his five year-old son feared dead in a helicopter crash yesterday afternoon. The aircraft came down in Jerviswood, Lanarkshire, half a mile from the family's home and burst into flames just after 4pm.

Jean-Eric Freudiger, McRae's agent, said the 39-year-old driver had been piloting the helicopter himself. Also on board were believed to be his son Johnny, another adult - said by locals to be a school friend of McRae - and another child. McRae's wife Alison and their daughter Hollie, 9, were not on board, friends said.

Strathclyde police said in a statement: "Four people were onboard the helicopter," adding "The bodies were found within the helicopter which is owned by Mr Colin McRae of Jerviswood House, Lanark. It is believed he was onboard the helicopter."

McRae became Britain's first World Rally champion in 1995. He was one of the country's most successful sportsmen, achieving 25 wins in World Rally events and 42 podium places. He was a flamboyant driver, inspiring one the world's best-selling computer rally games.

The helicopter came down within half a mile of McRae's 16th-century home, which has an adjacent helipad. The weather had been overcast, with southwesterly winds gusting to 30 knots and good visibility.

Officers with dogs and torches continued to comb the woodland near the crash into the night.

McRae's wife, a childhood sweetheart and his former co-driver, was taken back to the house under police escort shortly after 6pm.

McRae's friend the rally journalist Jeremy Hart, who flew with him several times, described him as a "very good, very measured pilot".

"Colin regularly flew all over the UK and into Europe," said Hart. "He knew the terrain and conditions at Jerviswood very well.

"As a sportsman he was a true hero. As a driver Colin was misunderstood slightly as being reckless but everything you saw with him came from pure raw talent as opposed to being learnt. He was the Michael Schumacher of rally driving.

"It's so ironic that he should die in a helicopter crash when he had competed and had brushed with death so many times as a rally driver."
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"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry Ford
Mondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
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#4 masterblaster


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Inregistrat: 30-octombrie 05
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Hyundai / Dacia
  • Model:Accent / 1310
  • Motorizare:1.5 CRDI / 1.4

Scris 16 septembrie 2007 - 10:16

nu se poate :) era idolu meu in raliuri. RIP! mare pilot, imi aduc aminte de duelurile cu makinen. ce accident stupid argh, si a murit si fiul lui :(
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He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!



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  • Model:Focus Mk3.5
  • Motorizare:1.5TDCi 120CP

Scris 16 septembrie 2007 - 10:26

Video Tribute...

Imagine amplasata
Dimineata mergea... Acum e... Negru...

Aceasta postare a fost editata de VIPER: 16 septembrie 2007 - 11:19

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"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry Ford
Mondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele

#6 Spining


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Scris 16 septembrie 2007 - 12:01

Zvonul conform caruia marele pilot Colin McRae a decedat in urma unui accident de elicopter a fost confirmat partial de catre EUROSPORT.

Stirea soc a facut inconjurul lumii, managerul pilotului sustinand ca McRae era la bord in momentul prabusirii.

Locul prabusirii elicopterului (proprietatea lui Colin McRae) se afla la 1 km de resedinta acestuia, Jerviswood Estate.

Inca nu este confirmat oficial faptul ca McRae se afla la mansa aparatului de zbor, accidentul a fost atat de grav incat la inceput a fost imposibil de identificat cate persoane erau la bord.

Se pare ca la bord, alaturi de Colin se afla si baietelul sau in varsta de 5 ani, impreuna cu inca un adult si un copil.

In urma lui Colin ar ramane sotia si fiica sa de 9 ani.

McRae a fost primul britanic in World Rally Car, fiind cel mai tanar pilot (27 ani la acea data) care a concurat in aceasta disciplina.

Debutul sau la 7 ani in trialurile de motociclism a fost incununat cu castigarea campionatelor junior de 2 ori (la 12 si la 14 ani). De la 17 ani decide sa se apuce de ceva mai �serios� si participa la Kames Stages in Scotia.

In 1991 si 1992 castiga campionatul britanic de raliuri si devinde pentru prima data campion mondial de raliuri (WRC) in 1995.

A mai punctat pentru Subaru si Citroen ajutand echipele sa castige mai multe titluri mondiale (de trei ori Subaru si o data Citroen). A mai participat la cursele de la LeMans si Dakar dezvoltand in 2004 un proiect a unei masini proprii cu care a mai participat la cateva curse inainte de�

In afara de aceste date seci, McRae a contat decisiv pentru popularizarea WRC in lume fiind unul dintre cei mai spectaculosi piloti din lume.

Sarmul sau, firea sa, interviurile sale dementiale au atras foarte multi oameni in jurul acestui sport, omul acesta a insemnat enorm si va ramane mereu in memoria multora drept cel mai talentat si cel mai nebun pilot al tuturor timpurilor.

Pana si in perioada Crash Colin, McRae a primit ropote de aplauze pentru fiecare glisare, fiecare ac de par luat in full power si chiar si pentru toate� accidentele.
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<!--sizeo:2--><!--/sizeo-->Daca te trezesti dimineata si nu vezi soarele... trage draperia!<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->

#7 masterblaster


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Inregistrat: 30-octombrie 05
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Hyundai / Dacia
  • Model:Accent / 1310
  • Motorizare:1.5 CRDI / 1.4

Scris 16 septembrie 2007 - 12:28

o mare pierdere :) a fost idolul meu in raliuri! RIP!
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He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!

#8 Frank SF

    membru de nadejde

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Scris 16 septembrie 2007 - 12:40

Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca !

E cu atit mai trist cu cit in accident a murit si fiul lui de 5 ani... mai intii Burns, acum si Mc Rae...

nu stiu voi ce simtiti dar anul asta Dumnezeu a luat la el extraordinar de multi oameni buni si valorosi.....
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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."

#9 Cristian

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Scris 16 septembrie 2007 - 07:42

Vorba lui Viper de acum cateva zile , cand a murit Pvaroti " cred ca se pregateste ceva acolo sus " . Incep sa cred acelasi lucru ... RIP Colin :D
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Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination. Albert Einstein

#10 ska


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  • Model:Astra J
  • Motorizare:2.0CDTI 165cp

Scris 16 septembrie 2007 - 08:01

mare pacat... :D
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happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.

#11 Legionaru'

    master of VVT-i

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Scris 16 septembrie 2007 - 08:15

Un pilot de exceptie!
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#12 Cristian

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  • Model:Albea
  • Motorizare:1.4 77CP

Scris 02 septembrie 2008 - 10:38


In honour of the late Colin McRae, a convoy of an estimated 1100 Subaru cars stretching 30 miles drove in formation from McRae's home on Saturday August 30, 2008. Nine hours and 300 miles later, the convoy arrived at Prodrive’s headquarters in Banbury, having been cheered along the way by thousands of fans who stood on every available motorway bridge on route.

“Literally every bridge had people waving and cheering us along with many hanging the Saltire from the railings.” said Grant Hendry, who led the McRae Gathering convoy. “It turned what was an already memorable event into a truly amazing and emotional occasion.”

On Sunday morning, the convoy re-convened at Prodrive’s headquarters before being led up the M40 by Colin McRae’s original 1996 Impreza rally car. In a fitting finale to the event, a sign almost half a mile long and made up of 1086 Subaru's spelled out COLIN MCRAE along with the Scottish Saltire in a new official Guinness World Record – smashing the previous record by more than 800 cars. The cars then broke a second Guinness World Record, previously held by the Mitsubishi Lancer Register, by creating the largest parade of cars as they left the Prodrive test track.

It is estimated that the event has raised nearly �40,000 for the McRae charities.

pozele sunt absolut superbe

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Cristian: 02 septembrie 2008 - 10:39

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Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination. Albert Einstein

#13 adytzu

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  • Motorizare:2.0l, 147CP

Scris 02 septembrie 2008 - 10:49

WOW! SUperb gest...superba realizare! :thumb:
Mi-ar fi placut sa fiu si eu acolo... ;)
  • 0
"Mazda 6 TE Plus, 4 usi, MZR 2.0i 147cp, alb perlat, praf maro, cu 3 pedale: pedala pentru zgomot, pedala pentru apropiat parbrizul, si pedala pentru dezmortit piciorul stang."

#14 Mugur_Cosma

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Scris 02 septembrie 2008 - 11:18

Extraordinar omagiu !
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#15 andrei041

    ing - 2/E

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Scris 02 septembrie 2008 - 02:33

Poza aia mi'a ridicat tot parul de pe mine ... intr'adevar, superb!
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Omue inainte de toate ;)
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?

#16 ska


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  • Location:Oradea
  • Marca:Opel
  • Model:Astra J
  • Motorizare:2.0CDTI 165cp

Scris 02 septembrie 2008 - 04:17

no comment ! ;)
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happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.

#17 Spining


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  • Location:bucuresti / berceni
  • Marca:Volkswagen
  • Model:T4
  • Motorizare:1,9L

Scris 03 septembrie 2008 - 03:46

o sa spuneti ca e doar o vorba-n vant... ma uitam azi la retrospectiva WRC, la triumful Citroen si al lui Loeb (ce bafta are individu' asta!) si ma gandeam la McRae...
Cand am vazut topicul asta adus din nou in fata mi s-a ridicat parul pe mine.
Si cand am vazut si stirea asta... s-a sfarsit!

Incredibil omagiu...
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<!--sizeo:2--><!--/sizeo-->Daca te trezesti dimineata si nu vezi soarele... trage draperia!<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->

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