BMW Seria 3 FL
Scris 04 iulie 2008 - 01:33
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 04 iulie 2008 - 04:05
Scris 04 iulie 2008 - 04:06
Renault Laguna III.1 - 2.0dci 150CP
Scris 04 iulie 2008 - 04:15
Scris 04 iulie 2008 - 05:03
Scris 04 iulie 2008 - 06:20
Scris 04 iulie 2008 - 06:51
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 05 iulie 2008 - 11:32
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 11 iulie 2008 - 03:00
Hot on the heels of the all new 7-series and following the initial leaked brochure scans, we can now bring you the 2009 BMW 3-Series in full with 43 high resolution photos. The Paris Motor Show which commences this September will have the honour of housing its world debut.
Despite the excellent stance of the 3-series, BMW clearly felt it necessary to give the styling a heavy makeover. The front fascia has received a heavily profiled bumper, newly contoured hood and reworked headlamps with altered graphics, all designed to emphasize the width of the model. As we move along the side of the vehicle we see the redesigned side mirror casings � although contrary to what we saw on production prototypes spied in the past, they do not feature the indicator lights.
Moving on to the rear of the vehicle reveals the modified taillights, the fender section of the taillight has been left untouched but the section built into the trunk lid has been redesigned to give it a more striking look. Additionally the rear has received a redesigned bumper and rear track which further emphasize the model's width.
Not to be left out, the interior also receives a number of minor modifications and enhancements, most striking being the larger 8.8 inch color monitor with four selection buttons, it is aimed at making the difficult-to-use iDrive system easier to use. Other features include a modified arm rest making the electric window buttons easier to access and a new optional 80-gigabyte harddisk.
The engine line-up has been left untouched, but the 3.0-liter twin-turbo, 265-hp, inline-six diesel powered 335d will finally reach American shores.
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 11 iulie 2008 - 06:13
modificari minore:
spoiler fata
capota fata
oglinzi laterale
alte jante
spoiler spate
stopuri si capota portbagaj spate
semnalizatoare fata cu leduri
interiorul practic neschimbat
singura chestie salutara este schimbarea stopurilor de Mitsubishi Carisma pe altceva mai in linia marcii.
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."
Scris 11 iulie 2008 - 06:18
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
Scris 11 iulie 2008 - 06:29
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."
Scris 11 iulie 2008 - 09:46
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 11 iulie 2008 - 11:24
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 11 iulie 2008 - 11:27
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."
Scris 26 august 2008 - 05:13
Cred ca aceasta varianta cu tractiune integrala "mai ieftina" plaseaza BMW-ul cu un avantaj seminficativ fata de concurenta premium, coroborat cu structura noii oferte de la Audi A4 (quattro numai pe versiunile puternice si scumpe) si cea ce la Merc C-Class, BMW are cea mai ieftina varianta cu tractiune integrala dintre cei 3 competitori premium, putin mai ieftina chiar decit A4 2.0 TDI quattro 170 CP...
Alt lucru important este ca noua cutie cu dublu ambreiaj DKG de pe noul M3 este disponibila si la 335i Sedan si Coupe....
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."
Scris 27 august 2008 - 09:37
Aceasta postare a fost editata de the1: 27 august 2008 - 09:37
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 27 august 2008 - 10:14
320xd e un compromis ideal as putea zice.
la ce pret va fi oferit?
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 27 august 2008 - 10:27
Aceasta postare a fost editata de alex230ro: 27 august 2008 - 10:28
Scris 27 august 2008 - 11:33
Daca ar pune un DKG si pe 320xd ar fi probabil una dintre cele mai interesante variante pt Romania.
Si daca ar pune si un motor mai mare pe 320xd, da sa'l dea la acelasi pret ...
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
Scris 28 august 2008 - 10:37
ar trebui sa fie undeva prin 29,000-29,500 EUR CIP, semnificativ mai putin decit cea mai ieftina varianta anterioara cu X-Drive, 325xi, care e 33,000 EUR CIP. Noul Audi A4 2.0 TDI quattro cu 170 CP este cam 30,200 EUR CIP.
DKG nu va fi momentan decit pe 335i si pe variantele fara X-Drive (se pare ca e o incompatibilitate tehnica de a il monta pe X-Drive, si inainte SMG era doar pe 330i nu si pe 330xi).
stai linistit ca si ultima varianta Steptronic cu 6 trepte si padele la volan e foarte reusita, schimbari foarte rapide, fara smuceli, pe modul sport-manual nu iti schimba ea decit daca ai ajuns la limitator.... am fost foarte placut impresionat....Daca ar pune un DKG si pe 320xd ar fi probabil una dintre cele mai interesante variante pt Romania.
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."
Scris 15 octombrie 2008 - 06:24
BMW 330 d | Mercedes C 320 CDI
The update of the BMW 3 Series has been achieved. Visually harmonious, in equipment and technology with even greater bandwidth, celebrates the middle-Bayer a successful comeback.
The C-Class from Mercedes acts in a direct comparison one lane complacent, without a significant increase in comfort as an alternative to present. And also on the drive side has the C 320 CDI against the new 330d difficult:
The 3 Series is full of spirited, laufruhiger and clean. We are already looking forward to the first tough test. Then with the third party in the alliance: the Audi A4.
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 04 iulie 2009 - 03:15
Purtand numele intern, V3 sau Progressive Activity Coupe, 335i GT se bazeaza pe noile, usor mai lungi si cost eficiente, platforme modulare, ce vor fi utilizate in noile modele Seria 3, platforme ce pot fi alungite sau micsorate in functie de cerintele masinii. 335i GT va facilitate de o solutionare traditionala a portbagajului, ce prevede o mai mare flexibilitate. Clientul va putea ridica, daca doreste, doar geamul de pe portbagaj, pentru a accesa mai usor zona de depozitare, optiune care se regaseste pe variantele Touring sau SAV.
BMW 335i GT va oferi un lux personalizat marit, la fel cum vedem in prezent pe modelul Seria 5 GT. De asemenea, va oferi locuri spate personalizate, o bancheta optionala sau doua locuri individuale. Seria 3 GT va primi un acoperis panoramic integral, extins de la parbrizul fata pana la cel din sapte, crescand astfel spatiul interior.
Surse aproape de BMW, vorbesc despre 335i GT ca fiind o masina foarte dinamica, ce ar putea fi considerata o alternativa la modelul Touring, dar cu un sentiment atasat mult mai personal.
Vehiculele Seria 3 GT vor fi alimentate de motoare diesel si de premiatul motor benzina de 3.0 litri in sase cilindrii turbo, dar propulsoare suplimentare vor fi oferite in functie de diversele piete auto.
BMW 335i GT va concura cu urmatorul Audi A5 Sportback 2010, un concept in cinci usi mult mai alunecos decat traditionalul Audi Avant.
Primul prototip va incepe testele pe drumurile publice, in septembrie si, chiar daca nu s-a confirmat in acest moment, zvonurile spun ca cei de la BMW ar putea prezenta Seria 3 GT ca un concept la Frankfurt Auto Show.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de andrei041: 04 iulie 2009 - 03:19
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
Scris 04 iulie 2009 - 03:41
tu nebuno tu, zapacito, te sparg, te-ndoi ... m-am sucit ... si tot sugi si tot bagi si tot sugi ... daca nu e tare, cred ca o frec degeaba ... de meserie sunt frumoasa. si sunt modesta, dar vreau sa se stie .. înaltă, blondă și cu sânii mari ... sunt cu mașina la spălătorie.
despre fotografie
Scris 04 iulie 2009 - 04:13
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
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