telefoane mobile
Scris 10 ianuarie 2007 - 05:08
<a href="http://www.*.com" target="_blank">www.*.com</a>
<!--coloro:#4169E1--><span style="color:#4169E1"><!--/coloro-->SCANDALAGIU SECUND<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
Scris 10 ianuarie 2007 - 05:59
Scris 10 ianuarie 2007 - 07:54
Scris 10 ianuarie 2007 - 08:12
Merita citit ... Chiar daca este de anul trecut.
Scris 10 ianuarie 2007 - 09:59

Pardon. My next phones:
SonyEricsson W880 (spy pics only)

Sony Ericsson finally made a step to clarify the speculations around their highly-anticipated Walkman handset, the Sony Ericsson W880. It turned out it won't be a clamshell that we are so eagerly awaiting, but an ultra thin bar-shaped handset. So far specifications are not available, but let us present you with the first official photos of Sony Ericsson W880. Official announcement and launching of the W880 is expected in the first half of 2007.

Nokia N76
The Nokia N76 is the truly new addition to the N-series. It's a stylish ultra slim clamshell, running on the Symbian 9.1 S60UI. The Nokia N76 would be a music-oriented device which is clearly stated through the presence of dedicated music keys on the handset cover. It would also sport a 2.4" 16M colors TFT display, a 2 megapixel camera, a secondary QVGA camera for video calls, and a FM radio. The connectivity features of the new slim Nokia would include quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE support plus UMTS, Bluetooth 2.0 and USB. The new Nokia N76 would come in an elegant design with a thickness of 13.7 mm which would make it a tad slimmer than the once famous Motorola RAZR. The Nokia N76 is expected to start shipping in the first quarter of 2007 with an estimated sales price of approximately 390 EUR.

The Nokia N93i is the Nokia's answer to all the criticism that the original N93 received due to its hefty size and weight. The updated camcorder, as we like to call it, due to its unique video capturing capabilities, has obviously been on a strict diet since now it comes a whole 10 mm shorter, 3 mm thinner and weighs 17 g less. Furthermore, the retail package of the Nokia N93i would now include 1GB miniSD card instead of the original 128MB one. The difference in size was in fact achieved by using a smaller capacity battery which is not that good idea since the N93 didn't score well in that department even with the original 1100mAh. The new Nokia N93i battery life would possibly be even worse thanks to the new power-hungry 16 million colors TFT display it would be equipped with. The Nokia N93 would be the first of the Nokia mobiles that would come preconfigured for use with the new direct image & video uploading service Vox. The Nokia N93i is expected to start shipping in the first quarter of 2007 with an estimated sales price of approximately 600EUR.

Aceasta postare a fost editata de the1: 10 ianuarie 2007 - 10:21

''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

Scris 10 ianuarie 2007 - 11:42
si i-am luat si logodnicei mele 3G normal, ea a vrut Samsung Z400V - si ala e misto, mai finut, mai de fete, ei ii place f. mult.
merg apelurile video relativ ok.
Acuma cu Nokia N80 si Mio A701 mi se pare ca am o combinatie f. buna.
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."
Scris 11 ianuarie 2007 - 01:09

''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

Scris 11 ianuarie 2007 - 02:37
Doar ca nu prea sunt eu fan Nokia.
[Ca sa-ti explic: cred ca sunt 10% sanse sa-mi iau vreodata VW 1.9 TDI de exemplu. Acelasi feeling il am si fata de Nokia. E super ok, dar nu ma atrage. Recunosc, n-am argumente, e doar o pata pe creier

Poate Sony Ericsson, Siemens (ma rog.. nu mai e), Samsung, poate si altlele, dar Nokia e la capat de lista pt mine.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Extremero: 11 ianuarie 2007 - 02:39
Mitsubishi Outlander | 2.2 Instyle Navi | 2008 | JEEP Cherokee [KJ] | 2.8CRD | 2004 | Renault Super 5 | 1.4i | 1988
Scris 11 ianuarie 2007 - 02:42

''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

Scris 11 ianuarie 2007 - 02:49
K800i e un telefon super ok.
Past: SE T68i, T610i, P800i, K750i; Present: SE P990i; Future: SE K800i
Scris 11 ianuarie 2007 - 02:49
K800 imi place.

Mitsubishi Outlander | 2.2 Instyle Navi | 2008 | JEEP Cherokee [KJ] | 2.8CRD | 2004 | Renault Super 5 | 1.4i | 1988
Scris 11 ianuarie 2007 - 01:30

''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

Scris 11 ianuarie 2007 - 06:47
A physics truck just turned over outside! There's physics everywhere!
Scris 11 ianuarie 2007 - 07:45
Recomandare calduroasa, il am de mai bine de trei luni. Super Ok, dupa upgrade-ul de soft (update online). Cu primul firmware facea cateva figuri. Pana la vara nici nu ma gandesc sa-l schimb. Apoi voi trece la ceva mai mic si usor, K800 nu e telefon de vara.
Scris 11 ianuarie 2007 - 09:22
Scris 11 ianuarie 2007 - 11:37
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 12 ianuarie 2007 - 12:23
Cand ma uit la N93i ma minunez ce a ajuns un telefon. Sunt chiar curios cum va filma.
iti zic eu, bine 640X480 30 fps aproape dvd quality. am si un film cu el. un prieten e maniac. are N90 si N93.
la fel o sa filmeze si N95 iar cu asta sunt eu maniac.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de CrisArkgoth: 12 ianuarie 2007 - 12:24
Scris 15 ianuarie 2007 - 11:56
Am luat un K800i, desi w850i arata mai bine.
Asta sincer nu ma da pe spate la look si nu prevad viata lunga nici joystickului si nici cover-ului de la lentila.
Dar am hotatat ca am mai mare nevoie de un aparat foto cu telefon, decat de un mp3 player cu telefon http://www.garajul.r...tyle_emoticons/default/010.gif
Am reusit sa-mi transfer toate numerele din celalalt telefon. Problema (pe langa viteza melcului turbat) era ca trebuia apasat 'yes' dupa fiecare contact primit prin BT sau irda. Deci in total de 493 de ori.
In fine, bine ca a functionat si s-au impacat intre ele s55 si k800

Am instalat si o parte din aplicatiile cu care a venit. Unele utile, altele nu.
Problema mare ca nu am o aplicatie de control a telefonului pe/prin PC. Ma intereseaza in principal editarea contactelor si managementul sms-urilor.
El stie sa se sincronizeze cu addressbook-ul din Outlook, dar eu nu folosesc outlook si nici daca reusesc sa-l fac sa mearga cu Thunderbird nu fac mare lucru, ca acolo tin doar adrese de mail.
Asa arata "centrul de comanda":

Exista vreo aplicatie care sa stie sa comande un k800?
Mitsubishi Outlander | 2.2 Instyle Navi | 2008 | JEEP Cherokee [KJ] | 2.8CRD | 2004 | Renault Super 5 | 1.4i | 1988
Scris 16 ianuarie 2007 - 12:24

''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

Scris 16 ianuarie 2007 - 01:25

Am rezolvat cu softul pt telefon: http://www.fjsoft.at/en/
Comanda cam tot ce trebuie si e free.
Mitsubishi Outlander | 2.2 Instyle Navi | 2008 | JEEP Cherokee [KJ] | 2.8CRD | 2004 | Renault Super 5 | 1.4i | 1988
Scris 16 ianuarie 2007 - 02:02

''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

Scris 16 ianuarie 2007 - 02:36
685076 Downloads - last: 16.01.07 - 13:34 Uhr
Simply explore your SonyEricsson phone !
Connect your phone via cable, bluetooth or infrared and you'll be surprised how easy and efficient you can manage your phone with this compact software.
� Adressbook - with direct sync to Outlook, Outlook Express and Thunderbird
� Organizer with calendarview and direct sync to Outlook, Sunbird (up to Version 0.2), Rainlendar and net shared calendars (WebDAV, FTP)
� SMS - archive, export, import, excessive messages,...
� Filebrowser with cachesystem to minimize datatransfer...
� Set phoneclock based on atomtime
� Handle your calls via PC
� and much more. f.e.: calllists, edit profiles, phonemonitor,...
MyPhoneExplorer is designed for SonyEricsson K700,K750,K800 - but it works with every SonyEricsson-phone exept the symbian-based phones (P-series, M600, W950)
Mitsubishi Outlander | 2.2 Instyle Navi | 2008 | JEEP Cherokee [KJ] | 2.8CRD | 2004 | Renault Super 5 | 1.4i | 1988
Scris 18 ianuarie 2007 - 06:56
Scris 18 ianuarie 2007 - 07:13

aici gasesti multe si marunte, exista si softul de care zici tu, si multe altele.
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