Jocuri Cu Tema Auto 2
Scris 19 august 2007 - 12:44
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 19 august 2007 - 12:48
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
Scris 19 august 2007 - 02:00
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 19 august 2007 - 02:13
CMR2005 nu e simulator? Nu mi se pare Dirt'ul mult superior
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
Scris 19 august 2007 - 02:31
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 19 august 2007 - 05:01
Vedem ... dupa ce'l gasesc
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
Scris 19 august 2007 - 08:27
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 22 august 2007 - 08:54
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 22 august 2007 - 09:58
E un cerc vicios .. vrei sa te joci ultimul joc iti cumperi ultima tehnologie .. TCO-ul depasind cu mult pretul initial al jocului
Life must be taken one disaster at a time
Scris 22 august 2007 - 10:50
La "asa nu" e Colin McRae DIRT. Pe un Core2Duo E4300 [email protected] cu 2x1024/800@1040 si cu 7900GTX (toate pe un MB cu 680SLi) nu a vrut neam sa miste normal la 1280x1024 cu setarile Ultra... Apoi am incercat cu un 8600GT, la fel... Ca sa pot folosi setarile Ultra am pus un 8800Ultra... Nu bun... Cu celelalte placi video abia -am miscat la 1024x768 cu High...
La "asa da" am luat aseara demo-ul la BIOSHOCK. Ei bine, shock total! Dupa ce am vizionat filmuletul de prezentare am tot asteptat continuarea lui ca sa incep jocul. Ei bine, la un moment dat imi zice "use WSAD to move"!!! Adica... Eram deja in joc! Grafica e fenomenala, interactiunea cu obiectele din jur e aproape reala (cu toate obiectele). Cerintele de sistem sunt foarte OK. Io am jucat pe 512MB RAM pe Athlon 64 3000+, asa ca... Doar placa video trebuie sa stie Pixel Shader 3.
Operating Systems: Windows XP (with Service Pack 2) or Windows Vista
Minimum System Requirements:
CPU: Pentium 4 2.4GHz Single Core processor
System RAM: 1GB
Video Card: Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 128MB RAM (NVIDIA 6600 or better/ATI X1300 or better, excluding ATI X1550).
Sound Card: 100% direct X 9.0c compatible sound card
Hard disc space: 8GB free space
Recommended System Requirements:
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo processor
System RAM: 2GB
Video card: DX9: Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 512MB RAM (NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GT or better) / DX10: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 or better
Sound Card: Sound Blaster� X-Fi� series (Optimized for use with Creative Labs EAX ADVANCED HD 4.0 or EAX ADVANCED HD 5.0 compatible sound cards)
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 22 august 2007 - 02:46
LE: hehe bioshock, m-au uimit filmuletele cu el. dar nu o sa-mi mearga nici asta ca placa mea are pixel shader 1.1, defapt e cumva intre 1.1 si 2 e 1.1+ sau ceva de genu, asa mi-a aparut cand am dat un scan cu un program, imi scapa numele acum, parca everest.
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 22 august 2007 - 03:17
M-a prins foarte tare in ultima perioada NFS - HP2 si TDU.
Fata de pc, unde acceleratia este on/off, la controleru de consola imi place ca acceleratia este progresiva, daca vrei sa tii masina la 3k rpm, nici o problema.
Si alta e cand bag o cursa pe un ecran de 110cm in diagonala, fata de un 19".
Scris 22 august 2007 - 08:12
o sa faci trecerea la PS3 sau treci la XBox 360 ?
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 22 august 2007 - 09:01
Scris 23 august 2007 - 08:33
Sa revin vag on-topic: am reusit sa fac D.I.R.T. sa mearga perfect la 1280x1024 (atat duce monitorul...) cu absolut totul la maxim si cu un framerate super. Dupa aia am calculat costul pieselor. Nu merita...
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 08 septembrie 2007 - 09:32
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 09 septembrie 2007 - 12:08
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 09 septembrie 2007 - 09:52
Imagini: http://www.gamespot....ame/images.html
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 09 septembrie 2007 - 11:23
u il ai full?
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 09 septembrie 2007 - 12:16
Am impresia ca daca vine cu steam nu prea ai cum sa-l joci fara cont.
Life must be taken one disaster at a time
Scris 09 septembrie 2007 - 12:54
Nu il am full ca nu se stie nici cand o sa apara...
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 09 septembrie 2007 - 02:55
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 09 septembrie 2007 - 02:56
LE: am bagat Steam ... am facut cont ... insa nu cere key sau chestii de genu. Cel putin, nu deocamdata (acum downloadez Race'ul)
Aceasta postare a fost editata de andrei041: 09 septembrie 2007 - 03:03
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
Scris 09 septembrie 2007 - 03:23
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 09 septembrie 2007 - 04:13
L'am incercat si eu jocul, insa cred ca mai trebe niste RAM sistemului meu pentru a rula cum trebe. Are blocaje destul de dese pentru a ma putea bucura de joc (care pare destul de realist in ceea ce priveste controlul masinii )
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
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