Un Freezone
Scris 12 februarie 2007 - 11:47
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 03:23
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 11:05
Facem o iesire in weekend ?
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 01:15
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 04:06
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 04:16
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 04:49
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 06:40
oricum, baiatul are skills, nu gluma...
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 07:12
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 07:20
si in acelasi ton, suporterii dinamovisti care pleaca la lisabona sint foarte nemultumiti ca sint testati cu etilotestul la urcarea in avion, astfel fiind mai putine sanse sa faca din nou circul de data trecuta.
A physics truck just turned over outside! There's physics everywhere!
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 07:31
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 07:34
A physics truck just turned over outside! There's physics everywhere!
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 07:39
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 07:54
Oricum, BlueAir avea stewardese mai misto decat cele de pe cele 3 avoiane Lufthansa cu care am zburat acum in weekend.
In schimb pe 737 de Lufthansa e mai mult o loc la picioare decat pe 737 BlueAir
Treaba cu stiri "negre" despre WizzAir poate fi si manevra.
Le e frica de ei ca de ciuma. Am vorbit zilele trecute cu o tipa de la o alta companie aeriana "low cost" si zicea ca le va fi cam nasol dupa ce incepe WizzAir sa opereze din Bucuresti. Un amic a zburat cu WizzAir de la TgMures la Budapesta si a fost mai ieftin biletul decat cel de tren. http://www.garajul.r...tyle_emoticons/default/010.gif
Mitsubishi Outlander | 2.2 Instyle Navi | 2008 | JEEP Cherokee [KJ] | 2.8CRD | 2004 | Renault Super 5 | 1.4i | 1988
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 08:00
Sotia mea a fost f receptiva si mi-a preparat momite si maduvioare pane. Garnitura, deja, conta mai putin, desi delicioasa si ea (cartofi taranesti).
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 08:17
si o sa te ingrasi
ar trebui sa vii cu noi la sala http://www.garajul.r...tyle_emoticons/default/cunaooooo.gif
A physics truck just turned over outside! There's physics everywhere!
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 08:20
P.S. WizzAir opereaza deja din Bucuresti-Baneasa, doar ca deocamdata au curse numai spre 4 orase europene.
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 08:23
De ingrasat nu cred sa fie cazul, pt ca desi s-a cumparat cate 1 kg din fiecare nu s-au mancat toate, deocamdata.
Sala nu ma tenteaza, cel putin nu inca. Oricum fara un regim alimentar eficienta salii este mult redusa. Iar regimul alimentar nu intra in planurile mele pt urmatoarea perioada.
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 08:47
momite si maduvioare
daca sunt oo de porc de exemplu yummy yummy face maica-mea din cand asa ceva, impreuna cu foi de dafin, condimente, putin otet, nu stiu ce sos si e innebunitor de bun
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 09:07
Maduvioare, cred ca intelegem fara urma de dubiu ce sunt.
Momitele NU sunt fudulii. Momitele reprezinta o glanda aflata in gusa animalului si pe sub burta, tot din carne.
Fuduliile sunt oo-le. Sunt mai rar disponibile pe piata. Si atunci cele de porc. Am inteles ca cele de cal ar fi mai bune. De cal nu am mancat inca, daca voi avea ocazia nu voi ezita. Cele de porc, preparate corespunzator, sunt delicioase.
Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 10:38
Un deliciu.
Da, stiu ca e tarziu.
Scris 14 februarie 2007 - 12:39
We thought we'd found the filthiest car when we gave away a vacuum last spring, but apparently, Ann Biglan of Massachusetts wasn't going to be passed over again this year. Training hard to win the Dyson, Biglan had crammed her Ford Focus with nearly enough crap to fill a 10-yard dumpster. Perhaps the car was struck by lightning and the decaying organic matter came alive, Johnny Five style. While cruising along in Yarmouth, Massachusetts -- on fairly provincial Cape Cod -- the detritus rebelled. The accelerator and brake pedals were rendered useless as the Focus-turned-refuse-bin rocketed out of a Post Office parking lot, across a freeway careening into a Ford Explorer, backing over a sidewalk and finally coming to rest by smashing a flowerpot in a gas station parking lot. While charged with several violations by the local constabulary, we know that Biglan was just trying to get into top form for this spring's competition. Some athletes are tempted into illegal doping, and true AutoBloggers may also go to extremes, but let this be a lesson to you, dear reader. No Dyson is worth the danger of having your own personal Swamp Thing take over your car and smash it into stuff. Clean that thing up!
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 14 februarie 2007 - 01:26
Cred ca am chef de o sesiune de shopping la BlueWater. 280roni dus-intors pana la Londra cu WizzAir? Not bad.
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
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