Am vazut de trei ori filmul - foarte tare sa poti face asa ceva.
Opel Astra 1.9 CD<!--coloro:#ff0000--><span style="color:#ff0000"><!--/coloro-->TI<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> 200 de cai by<a href="" target="_blank"> <!--coloro:#cc0000--><span style="color:#cc0000"><!--/coloro-->Flash-tuning<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--></a>
Super tipu. Tare'as fi fost curios sa vad concursul integral, sa fi vazut si ce concurenti a avut. Desi nu cred ca mai conta.
Nu are interpretarea lui Boceli, dar cu putina pregatire, nu ar fi departe.
Cat despre "Continuare (deja ma ia cu frig...)" ... si la mine a fost aceeasi reactie. Oare daca'mi pun in masina la casetofon melodii d'astea, as putea merge fara A/C?
PS: o daduse gata pe tipa din juriu
Aceasta postare a fost editata de andrei041: 19 iunie 2007 - 05:19
Omue inainte de toate Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
foarte tari astia de la Holograf. daca stiam mai devreme de concert mergeam si eu. Singura trupa din tara pe care tot timpul am auzit-o LIVE cantand.
oho. mai exista trupe ca Celelalte Cuvinte, Vita de Vie, Iris (desi in cadere de forma) si inca cateva care mi se par mai valoroase decat Holograf, care ataca o partitura comercialo-siropoasa care cel putin la mine, nu prinde...
asta nu inseamna ca baietii n-ar fi niste profesionsti.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de oaspetele: 20 iunie 2007 - 05:51
Daca te trezesti dimineata si nu vezi soarele, inseamna ca esti mort sau esti soarele.
Ieri am frustrat si io pe unu in trafic... Da' nu am vrut, chiar deloc, io imi vedeam de treaba mea... Scena: intersectie, io primu la semafor pe banda mea. El, cu un Matiz, dupa trecerea de pietoni (deh, el era mai jmeker, se bagase de pe alta banda in fata tuturor, nu?). Verde. Pornesc normal spre incet (dimineata chiar nu am chef sa alerg). El, mai lent asa, spre nesimtire... Io picior, 1-a, picior, 2-a si trec pe langa el si ma asez la urmatorul stop. El, frustrat dar si excitat, ii da in gura cat poate si se opreste langa mine in scartzait de frane... Mai incolo, cand ajunge in dreptul meu, mai si zice vreo 2 la modul "ce, ba, esti jmeker?"... Si culmea, era om la peste 40 de ani, cu par grizonat... Normal, l-am ignorat... Ideea insa ramane: am frustrat si io in trafic :party1:
Video Games Live. Un proiect interesant care aduna muzica de calitate din jocurile video si o transpune intr-un concert pe scena. Lista de jocuri "cantate" in concert cuprinde:
Mario�, Zelda�, Halo�, Metal Gear Solid�, Warcraft�, Myst�, Final Fantasy�, God of War�, Kingdom Hearts, Castlevania�, Medal of Honor�, Sonic�, Tron, Tomb Raider�, Advent Rising, Headhunter, Beyond Good & Evil�, Splinter Cell�, Ghost Recon�, Rainbow Six�, EverQuest� II and a special retro Classic Arcade Medley featuring over 20+ games from Pong� to Donkey Kong� including such classics as Dragon's Lair, Tetris, Frogger, Gauntlet, Space Invaders & Outrun!
Va aparea pe CD si DVD in toamna lui 2007. Un mic preview:
Apropo de muzica ... cine a ascultat ultima melodie de azi de la Carcotasi exact de la ora 10 (cea care ziceau ca e de vacanta)... care suna ceva de genul "Do it like a train" or something like that ... mi se pare geniala melodia ... dar nu am retinut nici numele si cine o canta . Spuneti-mi ca cineva o stie !
Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination. Albert Einstein
Romania is a world with absolutely no speed limits. It's a country full of Michael Schumachers Valentino Rossis, and Tudor Fils. The only rule is: there are no rules and only the best survives. Romanian drivers are not superstitious, they don't believe in signs (road-signs), or working brakes, so you better not be a pedestrian (they're not superstitious either, but i never heard of a pedestrian smashing into a vehicle, only the opposite). If you try to switch lanes don't EVER give a signal, you will only let the others know what you want to do so they can block you. Just switch the lane and give the signal after (so the Garcea officer can see you tried at least). It is because of this wreckless driving that many of them find jobs as pizza-delivery guys in North America, as they are most efficient in following the "30-minutes or it's free" policy. When Romanian drivers immigrate to North America, their favourite car is a white mid-90's Ford Taurus. Romanian drivers have the unusual habit of slowing down when they see a white vehicle parked on the roadside (even more so if the words "ECILOP"/"AITILOP" are written on it). If you see a driver with his neck on the steering wheel... well... it's not HIS neck, it's HER neck. Watch out... women don't switch lanes, they just drive on both of them at the same time... to make sure they don't hit something on the roadside (which they do anyway, cuz they will have to park the car eventualy). If you see a car parked by an angle of more than 30` to the sidewalk, you can be sure SHE did it. Don't try to tell someone (driver or pedestrian) he's wrong. You'll get to hear a lot of words referring to reproductive organs and close relatives or even get a physical correction! Another Romanian driving habbit is to listen to a loud and distorded form of music called manele. It is said to endow the driver with ultra-high reflexes and a loose mouth(slobod la gura). Another form of enlightement is talking on the cell phone while driving. This helps the driver concentrate on the road. The cell phone is usualy accompanied by a cigarette bought from the "bisnitari" (a form of highly sophisticated tradesmen), though nobody knows how the steering of the car actualy takes place in this condition. Romania is also the only country in the world where you can see a horse or donkey-driven carriage next to a Porsche Cayenne. If you think that carriages are ugly, you don't have to worry about seeing them at night, because they have absolutely no lights whatsoever. Some models have sophisticated cabins made of an old car, fitted with a steering wheel, cassette player and even a alarm. (But no lights!) Also here in Romania is very TARANESC - "Tzaranesc - Something really cool, but pretty basic, in order to be understandable by the peasants." to put neon lights under your car, even if by that you double the value of the car. Also you can meet various forms of home made aillerons - even made from wood and painted in a different colour than the car - that should improve handling performances of the car (even if the car would reach 70 km/h only down the hill), and they are usualy combined with that strange form of music combined with very much noise and special distortion from car speakers - very low price combined with "good quality" - MANELE. Nowadays is a must to have a sticker on your car as a proof of your tuning ... RIEGER, ZENDER are very common... and some white stripes (Viper Style stripes). If u have all the above and you don't have some extra lights on your car than all your work has been in vain. For that purpose you can use lighbulbs designed for home use, leftover Xmas lights etc. The heigh of elegance for a car is to have curtains and a dog in the rear window bouncing his head. Also if you don't wear a couple of big fake-gols bracelets on both hands, and very big rings - "GHIULURI" (also something TARANESC; they are hand made by nomad gypsies from at least half a kilo of gold, in unique models that look very shitty), there's a great chance that a guy with a strange looking uniform, driving the car marked with ECILOP/AITILOP on the hood, will stop you and ask you for SHPAGA. And you should know that GHIULURI must be combined with at least two golden teeth - fitted in a very very visible place in your mouth so everybody can see how rich you are.
Driving In Bucharest
easy steps :
- if the street is full, drive on sidewalk
- if the sidewalk is full,go on the local river(Dambovitza),it has 3 speed lines
- if u`re lost,ask a local make [romanian : machedon aka tzantzar (mosquito)] to show u the way.hint : always take the opposite dirrection.
- if you are getting stopped by street police due to traffic misconduct, tell them your uncle is a senator or bribe them (from 20 PULA to 150 PULA, don't give them coaie, depends on what rule u broke)
- if you are waiting for some pedestrians to cross the street at the street crossing, it is polite to start a conversation (as you'll have plenty of time) - for example:
* if one of the pedestrians is a man and he has burried his hands inside his jeans pockets, you could say something like "Bai, scoate mainile din buzunar ca-ti mananca pula unghiile." which means "Yes sir, you can never be too careful around this neighborhood - a lot of thieves are after your "pula" (money)." * if one of the pedestrians is a woman, you can start a conversation by saying something like "Fa, misca-te mai repede ca masina asta calca nu fute!" which means "Hi! I'll be glad to give you a lift!".
- the only rules of driving in Bucharest are the above rules. However, if you're not careful while driving in Bucuresti, you might get a mooje muie.
- and last but certainly not least, you can't be a propper romanian driver if you can't swear propperly. and you definitely can't be a bucharest driver without being able to swear for 30 minutes without repeating yourself.
p.s :no drivers in bucharest are locals,all locals drive in the Danube Delta,proud home of Bird Flu (romanian : gripa aviara manca`tzas coaele)