Scris 18 august 2011 - 02:38
vine ghiolbanul , ii zice masina schimba, el schimba si da blana ... ce se intampla oare ?
Scris 18 august 2011 - 02:40
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 18 august 2011 - 02:44
la Outback, daca mergeai pe manual, avea sageati indicatoare identice. numai ca iti spunea ca poti sa schimbi, nu ca trebuie. Evident ca in unele situatii erau ambele sageti prezente. De unde se deduce clar afirmatia ca poti nu ca trebuie.
ex Subaru Impreza 2008
ex Subaru Outback 2005
Scris 18 august 2011 - 02:50
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 18 august 2011 - 02:53
Scris 18 august 2011 - 02:55
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 18 august 2011 - 02:55
Scris 18 august 2011 - 02:59
Si ce, fazani nu E multi ?Nu e unu, e mai multe Trebe mult pipi
Daca voi sustineti ca indicatorul ala zice bine ( apropo, chiar nu pot crede sa indice necesitatea schimbarii treptei ), chiar nu avem niciun motiv sa ne numim "garajisti" ...
Unii se "prind" ...
Pai cretinu' ala de computer zicea ca sunt supraturat, cica sa schimb intr-o treapta superioara...
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Relu: 18 august 2011 - 03:04
Scris 18 august 2011 - 03:08
Ca idee, daca din treapta 4 incercai a ajungi repede in 1 nu te lasa. La treapta 2 sageata nu mai arata decat in sus si fizic nu putei decat sa rupi maneta.
Este de fapt un dispozitiv antiprostie, si nu se vrea altceva. cel putin la orezarele mele.
ex Subaru Impreza 2008
ex Subaru Outback 2005
Scris 18 august 2011 - 03:09
If you're driving reasonably sedately the gear change indicator likes to tell you to shift up early. If you've put your foot down it realises that you're not pootling about so it doesn't recommend short shifting. If you feel that changing up too early will make the engine labour then just don't bother - the indicator is fairly simple, it's not perfect (it can't tell if you're going uphill for example) and it's not supposed to replace your own common sense and driving experience.
With regard to the mpg reading, I assume you're looking at the instantaneous mpg readout rather than the average mpg readout. If you're on a very light throttle, or no throttle at all you will be using very little fuel hence the high readouts. Put your foot down and those high readings will plummet. It all averages itself out, and that's what you'll see on the average mpg readout.
I realise that common sense and driving experience, of which I have 40 years are, are useful but as the car was new I was inclined to do as I was indicated to rather than drive my own way. Thanks for the explanation anyway , shame that the service technician could`nt explain it so simply instead of blaming the way I drive. Bristol VR3 is a name that I have used for a long time,I used to work at Bristol Commercial Vehicles Ltd., when they were making Lodekkas,RE`s and VR`s.
Scris 18 august 2011 - 03:21
Scris 18 august 2011 - 03:28
Daca as avea o masina cu asa ceva, ar fi una din chestiile pe care as tine neaparat sa le dezactivez.Nenea, un "sistem" care-ti zice sa schimbi in "superioara" cand ai 1500 ture...
Imi amintesc cu placere ca exista la un moment dat pe o anumita masina o cutie de viteze care "invata" stilul de condus al soferului. Mai exista asa ceva ?
Scris 18 august 2011 - 03:43
Aceasta postare a fost editata de alias: 18 august 2011 - 03:44
ex Subaru Impreza 2008
ex Subaru Outback 2005
Scris 18 august 2011 - 03:52
Scris 18 august 2011 - 03:57
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 18 august 2011 - 03:59
DSG-urile parca "citesc" stilul de condus al soferului.... sau nu?
Aceasta postare a fost editata de bleunightdanger: 18 august 2011 - 04:00
Scris 18 august 2011 - 04:09
du-te ma ... pe bunesau si mai simplu: il IGNORI
DSG-urile parca "citesc" stilul de condus al soferului.... sau nu?
toate cutiile automate mai noi si mai dejtepte se muleaza . unele mai bine , unele mai prost. dintre toate cutiile conduse 7g tronicul mi s-a parut cel mai dejtept.
Scris 18 august 2011 - 04:12
Din soft ?Sunt afisate pe ecrane LCD, nu ai ce sa scoti acolo...
Scris 18 august 2011 - 04:38
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 18 august 2011 - 04:45
Scris 19 august 2011 - 10:07
ex Subaru Impreza 2008
ex Subaru Outback 2005
Scris 19 august 2011 - 02:55
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 19 august 2011 - 02:57
Aceasta postare a fost editata de VIPER: 19 august 2011 - 03:00
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 19 august 2011 - 05:55
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