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megane 3

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#76 AlexC

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Inregistrat: 05-aprilie 06
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Renault
  • Model:Laguna III 2009
  • Motorizare:2.0dci - 150CP

Scris 06 iulie 2008 - 10:32

Din pacate alea sunt motorizarile pentru Vest. La noi, tampitii de la Renault Romania vor face ei calculele si vor decide ca in Romania nu merita decat unele motoare:
1.6 16V 110 CP - cea mai vanduta motorizare a Megane benzina de 6 ani incoace...
1.4 16V TCE 130 CP - sper, pare cea mai potrivita motorizare pentru Megane.
2.0 16V 140 CP - doar pentru unele dotari superioare...
1.5 dCi 70 CP - mi se pare o tampenie sa pui 70CP in clasa compacta, insa RRO sigur o va aduce la noi
1.5 dCi 90 CP - va fi cred cea mai bine vanduta varianta diesel.
1.5 dCi 110 CP - daca va avea 6 viteze va fi un diesel fain, cel care e si pe Laguna.
1.9 dCi 130 CP - doar pentru unele dotari superioare...
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Renault Laguna III.1 - 2.0dci 150CP

#77 cata69

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Scris 06 iulie 2008 - 10:38

poate sa aduca ce vor, nu ma intereseaza :)
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tu nebuno tu, zapacito, te sparg, te-ndoi ... m-am sucit ... si tot sugi si tot bagi si tot sugi ... daca nu e tare, cred ca o frec degeaba ... de meserie sunt frumoasa. si sunt modesta, dar vreau sa se stie .. înaltă, blondă și cu sânii mari ... sunt cu mașina la spălătorie.
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#78 masterblaster


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  • Marca:Hyundai / Dacia
  • Model:Accent / 1310
  • Motorizare:1.5 CRDI / 1.4

Scris 06 iulie 2008 - 10:42

pot pune unul de pe X-Trail modificat :)
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He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!

#79 Frank SF

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  • Model:Focus 1.5 Ecoboost
  • Motorizare:Logan 1310

Scris 07 iulie 2008 - 09:21

nu va avea AWD, dar dupa cum se discuta pe alt topic, daca Focus RS poate pune fara probleme 300 CP la sol doar pe puntea fata, s-o descurca si R28 cu 260 CP. De altfel sunt oameni cu R26 urcat din chip tuning la 265 CP si se pare ca e OK, face fata trenul de rulare.

In Franta preturile nu vor fi mai mari decit cele ale generatiei actuale.

Se pare ca si cutiile de viteza automate se vor converti la 6 trepte. Exceptind primele 2 versiuni de 1.5 dCi care au 5 trepte, in rest toate motoarele vor fi cuplate cu cutii de 6 trepte.

S-au strecurat niste greseli in lista de motoare postata de mine (nu aveam revista si postam din memorie)

1.5 dCi de baza are 85 CP si e fara FAP, nu 70 CP cum am scris gresit.
1.5 dCi versiunea noua de 90 CP are FAP standard.
1.5 dCi de 105 CP e disponibil si cu manuala, nu doar cu automata, si nu are FAP, comparativ cu 1.5 dCi de 110 CP care are FAP standard.
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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."

#80 neron

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  • Motorizare:1.6HDI 110cp

Scris 07 iulie 2008 - 10:53

Frumoasa in toate variantele.
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#81 cata69

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Scris 07 iulie 2008 - 11:53

si GTI-uri de 310 exista, fara LSD si merg, nu cred ca asta e problema, daca merge, ci cat, cum etc. interesant e cum pui jos puterea pe ud sau cat de solicitate vor fi piesele in curbe cu 300 de cai pe fata. trebuie o masina foarte teapana.
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tu nebuno tu, zapacito, te sparg, te-ndoi ... m-am sucit ... si tot sugi si tot bagi si tot sugi ... daca nu e tare, cred ca o frec degeaba ... de meserie sunt frumoasa. si sunt modesta, dar vreau sa se stie .. înaltă, blondă și cu sânii mari ... sunt cu mașina la spălătorie.
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#82 andrei041

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Scris 07 iulie 2008 - 12:20

interesanta paleta de motorizari, de toate pentru toti. daca nu majoreaza preturile va fi un hit garantat :lol:

Megane'ul acum are reduceri, deci noul Megane sigur va veni la preturi mai mari ... sa vedem cu cat :)
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Omue inainte de toate ;)
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?

#83 Artanis

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  • Motorizare:1.4 TSI

Scris 07 iulie 2008 - 01:34

Nu-mi spune absolut nimic Meganul asta nou, dar in fine...french cars... :tomato:
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#84 neron

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  • Marca:Citroen
  • Model:C4
  • Motorizare:1.6HDI 110cp

Scris 07 iulie 2008 - 02:13

Dar daca era, sa zicem (exemplu random :lol:) nemteasca, iti placea mai mult?
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#85 adrian_r5


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Scris 07 iulie 2008 - 03:44

Nu pare urita masina ... da' nici nu aduce nimic deosebit ca design, asa cum a facut-o Megane 2 ("parerea mea")
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Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)

#86 MikeTekRacing

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Scris 07 iulie 2008 - 03:50

imi place 3, dar ii dau dreptate lui adrian....2-ul mi-a lasat o impresie mai mie chiar imi place 2 bicorp
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Felipe trebuie sa castigi cea mai importanta batalie a ta de pana acum!

#87 Frank SF

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  • Marca:Tiguan BiTDI
  • Model:Focus 1.5 Ecoboost
  • Motorizare:Logan 1310

Scris 07 iulie 2008 - 04:22

cred ca tendinta de la Ghosn citire e sa nu mai faca design-uri ciudate ci sa intre in mainstream cu design-ul punind accent pe alte aspecte (calitatea fabricatiei, fiabilitate etc.)

Cit despre preturi - Laguna 3 a bagat reduceri la 3 luni dupa lansare, so...
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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."

#88 scaevola


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Scris 08 iulie 2008 - 08:57

Un design Reusit ! Cu R mare. Pentru toate variantele, mai ales coupe-ul in 3 usi.
O transmisie robotizata gen dsg pt 1.4 130 cp ar fi cea mai potrivita, dar cred ca Renault nu are asa ceva in portofoliu si nici nu va avea.
La automate are doar clasice hidraulice, nu-i asa !?
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... looking for a Journey

#89 Artanis

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  • Model:Leon
  • Motorizare:1.4 TSI

Scris 25 iulie 2008 - 01:11

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#90 andrei041

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Scris 25 iulie 2008 - 01:36

Pacat ca nu au nici o poza si din spate. Din fata arata destul de bine, insa ma intreb daca varianta in 5 usi va avea un design un pic diferit ... Ma astept ca partea frontala sa fie intr'o singura culoare ...
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#91 adrian_r5


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Scris 02 septembrie 2008 - 08:24

Iata noul Renault Megane!

Renault a anuntat ca va lansa la Salonul Auto de la Paris noua geeratiea modelului Megane. Gratie publicatiei spaniole, care a publicat un set de fotografii oficiale cu noul hatchback francez, putem admira modelul Renault inca dinaintea momentului oficializarii acestuia.

Din imagini observam ca noul Megane a imprumutat liniile de design existente pe conceptul Megane Coupe, prezentat in acest an la Geneva, precum si elemente existente pe noua generatie a modelului Laguna. Desi nu exista informatii oficiale privind gama de motorizari pregatita pentru modelul Renault, zvonurile dau ca sigur motorizari de 1.2 litri, 1.6 litri si 2.0 litri pe benzina si propulsoare de 1.5 si 1.9 litri pentru fanii diesel-ului.

De asemenea, se asteapta ca versiunea de top a noii generatii Megane sa beneficieze de o motorizare cu 225 CP. Pe de alta parte, versiunea entry level a noului Megane va beneficia de noul motor de 1.2 litri TCE, lansat de Renault pe modelul Clio.

Preturile noului model vor fi anuntate de francezii de la Renault odata cu prezentarea oficiala de la Paris.

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Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)

#92 Artanis

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  • Model:Leon
  • Motorizare:1.4 TSI

Scris 02 septembrie 2008 - 09:29

Just ugly, imo...
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#93 andrei041

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Scris 02 septembrie 2008 - 02:27

Poate'ar fi fost mai bine daca nu'i urcau stopurile alea asa sus, insa, per total, mie mi se pare ok. Parca mai interesanta a fost insa Megane'ul anterior, versiunea hatchback ...
Din profil aduce un pic cu Signum

Aceasta postare a fost editata de andrei041: 02 septembrie 2008 - 02:27

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Omue inainte de toate ;)
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?

#94 Dee

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  • Marca:OPEL
  • Model:ASTRA H
  • Motorizare:1.6 105CP

Scris 02 septembrie 2008 - 08:35

really i-au urcat stopurile ca si la Laguna...vreau s-o vad pe strada sa ma decid ca din poze e ciudatica. Parca Meganul anterior desi socant de nou iti inspira ori dragoste ori ura...asta te nedumereste..
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On a self-imposed forum break...

#95 Frank SF

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  • Model:Focus 1.5 Ecoboost
  • Motorizare:Logan 1310

Scris 02 septembrie 2008 - 10:24

my significant other a exclamat din prima: seamana cu Astra... :D
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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."

#96 scaevola


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  • Marca:Dodge
  • Model:Nitro SXT - silver
  • Motorizare:2.8 CRD

Scris 03 septembrie 2008 - 11:01

Imi place cum le-a iesit ! Pare mare si frumos !
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... looking for a Journey

#97 Frank SF

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  • Marca:Tiguan BiTDI
  • Model:Focus 1.5 Ecoboost
  • Motorizare:Logan 1310

Scris 10 septembrie 2008 - 10:29

FRANCE: Renault reveals new C-segment challenger
9 September 2008 | Source: editorial team

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Renault's redesigned Megane, details of which were announced on Tuesday, is a more conservative design than its 'shakin yer ass' predecessor but there are enough curves and metalwork flourishes to distinguish it from the very conservative new Golf, one of many against which it competes in the hard-fought European C-sector. Sales start in November.

A new interior follows the lines established by the redesigned Clio and Laguna but adds combined analogue/digital instruments incorporating a new, easier to read colour-coded cruise control/speed limiter interface.

Available equipment includes hands-free entry and ignition, automatic locking as the driver walks away from the car, a Carminat Bluetooth DVD navigation system, a custom-developed audio system by Arkamys and electric park brake.

A broad, extensively revised range of 'dCi' and 'TCe' engines includes four diesels with CO2 emissions of 120g/km or less.

Safety equipment includes double side impact sensors and dual-chamber airbags, first seen on the latest Laguna, aimed at minimising the effects of a side-on collision.

"With market share of more than a third, the [C-] segment has long been the biggest in western Europe and makes a significant contribution to Renault's performance in terms of both volume and profitability," the automaker said, promising, by 2010, six different models, "each of which will have its own distinct and assertive personality".

These six models have been designed mainly for customers in Europe and will be manufactured in Palencia (Spain) and Douai (France).

Other models will be sold outside Europe modified to suit local demands.

The previous dCi 85 and dCi 105 diesel engines have been joined by the dCi 90, the particulate filter-equipped dCi 110 - all with CO2 emissions under 120g - and there is also a new dCi with emissions of 135g/km.

Coming later is a dCi 160 with manual gearbox and dCi 150 with automatic transmission.

Depending on market, the petrol range will comprise the 1.6 16V 100hp and 110hp engines, as well as the 2.0 16V 140hp and the TCe 180. The 2.0 16V will be available from launch with a six-speed manual gearbox, while continuously variable transmission (now a staple of Alliance partner Nissan) will be introduced later date.
A new TCe 130 petrol engine will be added next spring. This was developed by the Alliance and is a new, fuel-efficient 1,397cc unit said to have the power of a 1.8-litre engine (130hp) and the torque of a two-litre (190Nm) with CO2 emissions less than those of a 1.6.

Depending on version, these engines can be mated to five- or six-speed manual or automatic transmissions.

Biofuel-compatible engines (bioethanol and biodiesel) will also be offered.

Despite being bigger and roomier, the new M�gane is an average 8kg lighter than its predecessor.

The third generation Megane comes after worldwide sales of the first two of almost 8.5m units since launch in 1995. The outgoing model is made on three continents (Europe, South America and Asia) in nine factories, and sold in more than 75 countries outside western Europe.

With almost 5.2m cars registered in 2007 in western Europe, the medium-sized family car segment accounts for more than one-third of the European market and remains western Europe's biggest segment by volume.

Following the MPV revolution during the early part of this decade, the segment saw a huge influx of compact SUVs whose sales increased seven-fold over a period of 10 years and the C-segment rose 1.4% in 2007.

Today's sector is ultra-competitive, with more than 100 models available in Europe, produced by brands ranging from the world's major carmakers to European specialists. There are no fewer than 10 distinct body-types: three- and five-door two-box hatchbacks, coup�s, three-box saloons, estates, coup�-cabriolets, short and long MPVs, SUVs and two-seat vans.

Two- and three-box saloons continued to account for more than half of all vehicle sales in 2007, and remain the traditional C-segment body type. They have finally succeeded in resisting the shift away from this type of car noted 10 years ago and sales volumes have now stabilised.

The proportion of diesel models has also been increasing consistently in western Europe and they accounted for 60% of the segment in 2007 (compared with 25% in 1995).

Renault spent EUR1.8bn developing the new Megane though research and development costs were kept to a minimum thanks to the carry over of some technologies developed for the redesigned Laguna.

That significant carry over of components from the Laguna and other Renault models, as well as from the production set-up deployed for the second generation M�gane resulted in a sharp fall in production-related investment which was 30% less than that required for the previous car.

The introduction of the second-generation M�gane family led to significant investment in the factories which have consequently already been extensively modernised, with new body shops in particular.

The platform of the new M�gane is identical to its predecessor and that carry-over - not only platform components, but also the principal mechanical assemblies, parts and technical solutions - proved particularly valuable in curbing production-related investment and ultimately produced few constraints since it gave a free hand to the creativity of the design team.

Renault said the programme's profitability is, to a great extent, ensured by amortisation of the cost of using existing production facilities. To favour optimal use of the capacity of its European production plants (Palencia and Douai), the automaker has divided the production of the six models of the new M�gane between the two sites, with hatchbacks being produced in Spain. This reorganisation, with the different factories specialising in specific body types, has enabled cost savings to be achieved in the production of the platform which has now been amortised. It has also made it possible to optimise the way by which the investment for the production of each body type is targeted.

An EUR810m production-related investment was divided into EUR370m spent with suppliers and EUR440m on the factories, mainly Douai and Palencia.

Work with suppliers on optimising capacity dimensioning and the suppression of doubling up of tooling achieved a saving of EUR125m. The sourcing of some parts in eastern Europe and Asia resulted in lower component purchasing costs though strict quality control has retained a defect rate of 30 parts per million.

Factory-related investment was halved compared with the M�gane II and was split relatively evenly between the two plants, with EUR250m going to Douai and EUR190m to Palencia.

The purchase of tooling for the production of the new components and of new stamping shop robots cost EUR180m across three plants - Palencia and Valladolid (which does 60% of the stamping for the three body types) in Spain, and Douai in France.

The 95%-automated body shops were modified for EUR215m with almost half that spent in Palencia.

The purchase of about 100 robots has produced gains in both perceived quality and durability over the previous generation range. This tooling concluded the fitting out of the body shops which were set up five years ago.

The highly robotised paint shops had EUR7m spent on them to adapt existing equipment - Palencia's paint shop was extensively updated in 2002.

EUR32m went into assembly lines, again essentially adapting them for the new models.

Working conditions in Palencia were improved with the introduction of variable-height skids which are more ergonomically efficient. The introduction of strip and build procedures as used by Nissan during the start-up phase enabled operators to maintain a high level of precision when working on early runs of new models.

A car is set aside to be repeatedly built and stripped, enabling operators to keep their eye in at start-up production levels.

Start-up costs were EUR67m, an due to the harmonisation of procedures and methodologies from one factory to another.

The production launch of the different new M�gane body-types is programmed over a shorter period of time and Renault is poised to renew its line-up in the segment in western Europe in the space of less than two years.

A concept coupe has already been shown at European motor shows. The current Megane line includes three-and five-door hatchbacks, sedan, wagon, coupe-cabriolet and short and long Scenic MPVs.


poze oficiale
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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."

#98 andrei041

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Scris 10 septembrie 2008 - 03:46

Parca tot mai frumos ar fi fost un vitezometru analog si asta digital doar sa fi fost un adaos la versiunile superioare de dotare.
Ecranul ala de pe mijloc o fi in standard?
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Omue inainte de toate ;)
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?

#99 Frank SF

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  • Marca:Tiguan BiTDI
  • Model:Focus 1.5 Ecoboost
  • Motorizare:Logan 1310

Scris 10 septembrie 2008 - 07:20

cel mai probabil ecranul central e pentru versiunile cu navigatie, care e iarasi probabil sa nu fie oferite in Romania ca nu e harta, ca nu se cer, ca de ce sa ne obosim...
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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."

#100 andrei041

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  • Motorizare:2.5XT

Scris 10 septembrie 2008 - 09:38

Asta cu "nu e harta ptr Romania" chiar nu reusesc s'o inteleg. Mai ziceam ca da, pe nici un fel de sistem de navigatie nu exista harta ptr Romania, dar nu e cazul ...
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Omue inainte de toate ;)
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?

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