Jocuri Cu Tema Auto 2
Scris 02 septembrie 2006 - 08:19
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 02 septembrie 2006 - 08:32
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 02 septembrie 2006 - 11:12
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 03 septembrie 2006 - 12:10
Scris 03 septembrie 2006 - 08:41
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 04 septembrie 2006 - 08:12
da acuma dupa ce am jucat si altele mai "realiste" pare cam freek jocu... da m-am acomodat lejer. it's all coming back to me
pacata nu am prea mult timp ptr joaca
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 04 septembrie 2006 - 11:43
Scris 07 septembrie 2006 - 01:24
PS:Alte infos jocuri are si cateva chestii foarte misto,bordul masini e functional in sensul ca poti sa schimbi muzica de la bord sa aprinzi farurile cu 2 poziti poti ridica/lasa geamurile foarte multe chestii de genul asta.
Scris 07 septembrie 2006 - 04:12
Aceasta postare a fost editata de andrei041: 07 septembrie 2006 - 04:13
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
Scris 07 septembrie 2006 - 04:34
@andrei nu stiu ce cerinte va avea, dar sper sa mearga si pe sisteme low-end
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 07 septembrie 2006 - 04:38
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 07 septembrie 2006 - 05:17
Este un filmulet in linkul ala cu un F430 care pleaca de pe loc,Doamne cum au facut nebunii V8 ala sa sune.....
Dar EA vine cu Need for Speed Carbon http://www.garajul.r...tyle_emoticons/default/010.gif mie mi-ar fi rusine in locul lor...
Scris 07 septembrie 2006 - 05:20
oricum deabia astept sa se lanseze pe PC
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 07 septembrie 2006 - 05:25
Scris 07 septembrie 2006 - 07:34
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 08 septembrie 2006 - 03:19
@Viper ... cand ai timp ... poate pui si tu aici o lectie-doua despre cum se fac Stunt'urile la FlatOut2, ca nu le dau de cap de nici o culoare
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
Scris 08 septembrie 2006 - 11:07
un super volan:
Logitech G25 Racing Wheel
Simulator-grade racing realism.
The Logitech� G25 Racing Wheel offers incredibly precise driving control with dual-motor force feedback, 900-degree steering and a six-speed gated shifter. Premium materials are used throughout: stainless steel paddle shifters and pedals, soft leather grip surfaces, and brushed metal wheel spoke accents. The 11-inch wheel, dual force-feedback motors and metal-framed pedal assembly provide solid road feel where you want it, and the 14 programmable buttons and sequential shifting option provide flexibility when you need it.
The limited-edition Logitech G25 Racing Wheel will be available in the U.S. and Europe beginning in October.
pret $299 in SUA
http://www.garajul.r...tyle_emoticons/default/crazysanta.gif super...e un must have
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 08 septembrie 2006 - 11:21
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 09 septembrie 2006 - 12:14
Scris 13 septembrie 2006 - 10:05
Scris 13 septembrie 2006 - 10:15
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 13 septembrie 2006 - 10:24
asa ceva DA!
hau match?
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
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