Stiri si zvonuri din industria auto
Scris 14 august 2009 - 01:30
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."
Scris 14 august 2009 - 01:38
Scris 14 august 2009 - 01:51
Scris 14 august 2009 - 01:51
Scris 14 august 2009 - 03:07
Porsche Holding Austria care importa la noi marcile VAG este un business de distributie apartinind unei ramuri a familiei Porsche.
Anul trecut toata lumea era extaziata cum Porsche cumpara pe Volkswagen... ei bine, miscarea aia se facea cu bani imprumutati, si Porsche s-a vazut deodata supraindatorata, si roata s-a intors....
Dupa cum am aflat de la Vlad, un cititor de pe, pe langa Porsche AG, VW va cumpara si Porsche Holding GmbH Salzburg care este distribuitorul exclusiv al marcilor grupului VW plus Porsche in 18 tari din Europa, suma totala pa care VW o va plati pentru Porsche AG si Porsche Holding GmbH fiind de 12.4 miliarde euro . Cei mai castigati in acesta afacere sunt familiile Porsche si Piech care vor detine 51 % din concernul VW-Porsche avand toate datoriile platite odata cu vanzarea catre VW a Porsche AG si Porsche Holding GmbH . Ferdinand Piech are cale libera pentru integrarea totala a MAN SE (VW detine deja 29.99 % din actiuni) si pentru materializarea aliantei cu Suzuki Motor care se va realiza in viitorul apropiat.
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."
Scris 14 august 2009 - 04:26
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 14 august 2009 - 05:01
Evident ca e o gluma.Ce are sula cu prefectura ?
Dar e si un sambure de adevar : eu zic ca VW-ul a dat lovitura cu ...TDI-urile, pe la inceputul anilor 90. Si si-au intartit pozitia prin intermediul unor masini ca Golf IV si Passatu cromatu.
Scris 14 august 2009 - 05:38
Dar e si un sambure de adevar : eu zic ca VW-ul a dat lovitura cu ...TDI-urile, pe la inceputul anilor 90. Si si-au intartit pozitia prin intermediul unor masini ca Golf IV si Passatu cromatu.
Normal ! Pentru ca vinzarile de fumigene VAG au explodat in ro, si au coincis cu manelizarea romaniei si cu dezvoltarea agriculturii din sectorul privat ......
Scris 14 august 2009 - 06:42
Scris 14 august 2009 - 07:04
Scris 14 august 2009 - 07:12
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 14 august 2009 - 07:14
relu, de ce esti mah invidios?
Scris 14 august 2009 - 10:22
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."
Scris 07 septembrie 2009 - 02:14
Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)
Scris 08 septembrie 2009 - 01:39
* First early production example of the Ford Transit Connect "Made in Romania" rolls off the assembly line
* Ford confirms it will also build a second product � a new, small vehicle � at Craiova in the near future
* A small displacement, advanced petrol engine from Ford's EcoBoost global engine family will also go into production at Craiova
* Once fully operational, Craiova will have a production capacity of up to 300,000 vehicles and 300,000 engines a year
CRAIOVA, Romania, September 8, 2009 � The first production Transit Connect light commercial vehicle came off the assembly line today at the new Ford manufacturing plant in Craiova, Romania.
"Today marks another step in the evolution of the Craiova Plant, and demonstrates that we are keeping our promise to transform Craiova into a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility," said John Fleming, Chairman and CEO, Ford of Europe.
Mr. Fleming also confirmed that the second vehicle to be produced in Craiova after the Transit Connect will be a small car. The new small car � which is not the Fiesta or the Ka � is scheduled to go into production in the near future. As announced earlier this year, Craiova also will build a small displacement, advanced EcoBoost petrol engine. The exact timing for the start of production for both products will be announced at a later date.
At full capacity, Craiova will be able to produce up to 300,000 vehicles and 300,000 engines annually and provide employment for approximately 7,000 people.
The first Transit Connect off the line was donated to Craiova Municipal Hospital for use in its work with the local community. The first commercial shipment of newly-assembled Transit Connects from Craiova is destined for Ford dealers in Romania. Mid-term, Ford expects to export the majority of Craiova Transit Connect production, primarily to Central and Eastern Europe.
"Since the first day we became the new owner of the plant in March 2008, our entire team here has been working around the clock to deliver world-class standards of manufacturing quality and efficiency. Once the modernization of the plant is completed and we are running Craiova at full capacity, we will have met our commitment to invest 675 million Euros in this new manufacturing facility," said Mr. Fleming.
Ford continues to encourage its existing suppliers to bring business to Romania, either by using Romanian suppliers or establishing facilities of their own in the country to support Ford's Craiova operations. Ford also wants to establish
co-operation with new Romanian suppliers and would like to use as many local services as possible, provided they meet Ford's corporate standards.
In addition to working with suppliers, installing new production equipment and modernizing the facility's infrastructure, much effort has been invested there in the training of employees. Some Craiova employees have spent time working in other Ford plants to gain more knowledge about the Ford Production System, while a significant number of Ford employees from all over Europe have travelled to Romania to train different groups of Craiova employees. Over 380 different training courses have been implemented for employees to date.
"Ford's history in Romania goes back to the 1930s when we had a sales office and production plant here. Today, 73 years after production began at our first factory in this country, we are here today to open an exciting new chapter in the relationship between Ford and Romania."
"I hope this new relationship between Ford and Romania will endure for many years to come, and benefit Ford, Craiova, Romania and its people," said Mr. Fleming.
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 08 septembrie 2009 - 01:48
Scris 09 septembrie 2009 - 01:43
Scris 17 septembrie 2009 - 08:33
Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)
Scris 21 septembrie 2009 - 12:18
... asta e din categoria "zvonuri"
Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)
Scris 28 septembrie 2009 - 11:16
Firmele vor putea să �şi �nnoiască şi ele parcul auto cu ajutorul programului Rabla. Ministrul Mediului, Nicolae Nemirschi, a anunţat vineri �n cadrul unei conferinţe de presă organizată la sediul PSD Bihor că �n cea de a treia etapă a programului Rabla vor putea beneficia de facilităţile oferite de minister inclusiv persoanele juridice. "Sperăm ca �n această toamnă să dăm drumul la programul Rabla, astfel �nc�t p�nă la sf�rşitul anului să scoatem 38.000 de rable de pe piaţă, din care 10.000 de la persoanele juridice", a declarat Nicolae Neminschi.
Ministrul Mediului a prezentat presei prototipul tichetului care va fi folosit la noua etapă a programului. "Deocamdată este vorba de o primă variantă la care nu i-am dat bun de tipar, dar �n principiu va avea cam aceleaşi fonturi şi măsuri de siguranţă pentru a nu putea fi falsificat", a mai spus acesta.
Deşi autorităţile şi-au propus să scoată din circulaţie �n acest an 60.000 de maşini, �n primele două etape au fost casate puţin peste 21.000 de automobile.
Programul de �nnoire a parcului auto pe anul 2009 prevede predarea spre casare a oricărui tip de autoturism mai vechi de 10 ani (faţă de limita de 12 ani de anul trecut), �n schimbul sumei de 3.800 RON, echivalentul a 38 milioane de lei vechi, constituită ca avans pentru achiziţionarea unei maşini noi.
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 28 septembrie 2009 - 11:33
Firmele vor putea să �şi �nnoiască şi ele parcul auto cu ajutorul programului Rabla.
... ca tot se apropie iarna (banuiesc ca stiti bancu' cu iarna ...) as vrea sa-mi innoiesc si eu parcul de izmene ... oare nu lanseaza astia ai lu' Nemirschi un program pe tema asta, ce va de genu' "zdreanta" ?
Aceasta postare a fost editata de adrian_r5: 28 septembrie 2009 - 11:34
Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)
Scris 02 octombrie 2009 - 08:03
Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)
Scris 02 octombrie 2009 - 08:41
Ma, da ce fac blugii aia de 400 lei?! Hai las-o in spanac...
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 02 octombrie 2009 - 08:52
Scris 02 octombrie 2009 - 08:55
Ma, da ce fac blugii aia de 400 lei?! Hai las-o in spanac...
... cum ce fac ? profit aluia care ii vinde ...
Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)
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