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#1426 adrian_r5


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Inregistrat: 10-mai 02
  • Location:Timisoara

Scris 12 martie 2010 - 07:59

Peugeot va lansa anul acesta un pick-up derivat din modelul 206
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Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)

#1427 Forester


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Inregistrat: 30-iulie 09
  • Location:Noitacol
  • Marca:Subaru
  • Model:Păduraru
  • Motorizare:2457

Scris 12 martie 2010 - 02:35

Mi se pare mie sau seamana mai mult cu 207?
In plus, mi se pare aproape la fel de stupid ca si "vestitele" pick-up facute pe baza lui Oltcit, daca vi le aduceti aminte.. :lol:
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În dictatură, cineva te foloseşte cum vrea.
În democraţie, ai dreptul să-l alegi pe cel care o să te folosească aşa cum vrea el.

#1428 adrian_r5


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  • Location:Timisoara

Scris 13 martie 2010 - 12:09

Oficial, B-MAX va fi produs la Craiova
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Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)

#1429 ska


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  • 17.724 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 22-iunie 04
  • Location:Oradea
  • Marca:Opel
  • Model:Astra J
  • Motorizare:2.0CDTI 165cp

Scris 02 aprilie 2010 - 10:26

Volkswagen Polo Wins 2010 World Car of the Year Award

The Volkswagen Polo has been named the 2010 World Car of the Year at the New York International Auto Show. VW's car beat out two other finalists, the Mercedes-Benz E-Class and Toyota Prius, to win the award.

30 vehicles had originally been nominated for the prize, a list that was whittled down until the three finalists were announced last month. To be considered for the award, a vehicle had to be in production and sold on at least two different continents in 2009. At least 500 units of each nominated vehicle had to be produced in 2009 to qualify.

“Holding its own in the most competitive market segment, the all-new Polo MkV is one of VW’s star performers," a representitive of the jury said in a press release. "Draped in head-turning stylish curves, the Polo is certainly one of the classiest small VWs ever built. It’s also safe; generating a maximum five-star Euro NCAP crash-test rating. Behind the wheel, the Polo demonstrates mature manners and boasts a superb driving position that’s adjustable and, in common with the latest Golf, all the controls are well weighted and precise."

"The Polo is just one brilliant supermini.”

The award is voted on by a jury of 59 automotive experts from around the world, though only one juror was from Africa or South America. Collectively, they narrowed the field from 30 to ten in January, before choosing the finalists a month later. Previous award winners include the VW Golf, Mazda2/Demio, Lexus LS460, BMW 3-Series, and Audi A6.

Separately, the jury awarded the Chevrolet Camaro with the World Car Design of the Year prize, and the entire Volkswagen BlueMotion lineup as World Green Car of the Year. The jury did not disclose why they picked the BlueMotion Golf, Passat, and Polo collectively, instead of choosing a single vehicle.

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happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.

#1430 Aer Curat


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  • 5.115 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 09-martie 05
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Ideal
  • Model:Hillmaster SE
  • Motorizare:27 spd

Scris 08 aprilie 2010 - 08:50

Ia de vezi:
Dacia ar putea furniza cutii de viteze pentru Daimler

Oricum toata treaba asta cu alianta Mercedes - Renault, pt mine, e cam ciudatica; e clar ca Mercedes-ul nu mai are fiabilitatea de pe vremuri (si acum mai oftez dupa Cobra), de altfel nicio marca nu o mai are (asta daca a avut-o vreodata), dar sa faca alianta cu un producator care e codas in diferite topuri de fiabilitate, sau hai sa spunem cel putin controversat dpdv al fiabilitatii ?
Ce poate castiga Mercedes din aceasta alianta ?
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Gloria este de scurta durata, dar obscuritatea este pentru totdeauna. - Napoleon Bonaparte

#1431 Relu


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Inregistrat: 17-septembrie 03
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:For-ash ...
  • Model:MUV-FUV
  • Motorizare:Serioasa

Scris 08 aprilie 2010 - 08:57

Cum ce ? Evident ca pret de fabricatie mai mic.
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#1432 Aer Curat


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Inregistrat: 09-martie 05
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Ideal
  • Model:Hillmaster SE
  • Motorizare:27 spd

Scris 08 aprilie 2010 - 09:01

Nu prea cred treaba asta; Mercedes are destule fabrici prin lume si inclin sa cred ca mai mult know how decat are Renault.
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Gloria este de scurta durata, dar obscuritatea este pentru totdeauna. - Napoleon Bonaparte

#1433 Relu


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  • 29.133 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 17-septembrie 03
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:For-ash ...
  • Model:MUV-FUV
  • Motorizare:Serioasa

Scris 08 aprilie 2010 - 09:04

Nu pricep ... :rolleyes:
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#1434 Aer Curat


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Inregistrat: 09-martie 05
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Ideal
  • Model:Hillmaster SE
  • Motorizare:27 spd

Scris 08 aprilie 2010 - 09:07

Tu ai zis (2 posturi mai sus) ca Mercedes ar avea de castigat din aceasta alianta costuri de fabricatie mai mici; iar eu am spus ca nu cred ca asta e principalul lor scop (sau unul dintre obiectivele lor) pt ca Mercedes are si know how (adica stie de unde ar putea reduce costurile si cum), plus fabrici prin diverse tari (adica omana de lucru mai ieftina decat in Germania).
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Gloria este de scurta durata, dar obscuritatea este pentru totdeauna. - Napoleon Bonaparte

#1435 Relu


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Inregistrat: 17-septembrie 03
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:For-ash ...
  • Model:MUV-FUV
  • Motorizare:Serioasa

Scris 08 aprilie 2010 - 09:23

Fabricile care le are prin lume monteaza piese facute prin tarile alea. Probabil ca reno face cutii mai ieftine decit cei care le furnizau pina acum cutii, si i-au ales pe ei.
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#1436 ska


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  • 17.724 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 22-iunie 04
  • Location:Oradea
  • Marca:Opel
  • Model:Astra J
  • Motorizare:2.0CDTI 165cp

Scris 08 aprilie 2010 - 10:38

apropo de chestia asta.
citeam in autobild, sau AMS, nu mai retin exact in care, cum ca franele ceramice de pe Merc SLS AMG sunt facute in Romania :P
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happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.

#1437 Relu


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Inregistrat: 17-septembrie 03
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:For-ash ...
  • Model:MUV-FUV
  • Motorizare:Serioasa

Scris 08 aprilie 2010 - 10:50

In Romania se fac multe componente pentru brandurile "premium". Uite ce scrie pe o "componenta" dintr-un Cayenne. Nu e Romania, dar tot in zona ...
Foto facuta de mine acum 2-3 zile

Fisier atasat  ruf-czech.JPG   232,07KB   24 downloads

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Relu: 08 aprilie 2010 - 10:51

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#1438 adrian_r5


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Scris 08 aprilie 2010 - 11:00

franele ceramice de pe Merc SLS AMG sunt facute in Romania :P

... da, la astia ... discurile sint varianta mai plata de la acest ciorbalâc (adica daca reusesc sa-l faca adinc atunci iasa ciorbalâc, daca nu reusesc atunci iasa disc de frina)

Si despre ceva piese de pe la cutia de viteze de la A classe (sau cum draq se scrie ...) se spune ca sint facute pe la Cugir (da' desi este cu gir ... nimeni nu garanteaza ca piesele n-ar fi compatibile cu anumite componente de la AKM47)

Aceasta postare a fost editata de adrian_r5: 08 aprilie 2010 - 11:01

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Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)

#1439 Aer Curat


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  • 5.115 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 09-martie 05
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Ideal
  • Model:Hillmaster SE
  • Motorizare:27 spd

Scris 13 aprilie 2010 - 05:44

Apropos si de ce spuneam in topicul Logan vs..., avem niste date interesante:

Piata romaneasca a masinilor noi s-a diminuat cu 70% in primul trimestru
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Gloria este de scurta durata, dar obscuritatea este pentru totdeauna. - Napoleon Bonaparte

#1440 ska


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  • 17.724 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 22-iunie 04
  • Location:Oradea
  • Marca:Opel
  • Model:Astra J
  • Motorizare:2.0CDTI 165cp

Scris 13 aprilie 2010 - 06:15

apropo de chestia asta.
citeam in autobild, sau AMS, nu mai retin exact in care, cum ca franele ceramice de pe Merc SLS AMG sunt facute in Romania :D

de astia e vorba

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happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.

#1441 Aer Curat


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Inregistrat: 09-martie 05
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Ideal
  • Model:Hillmaster SE
  • Motorizare:27 spd

Scris 11 mai 2010 - 10:16

Renault va creste masiv livrarile de piese din India catre uzinele din Romania, Turcia si Africa de Sud pentru a reduce costurile
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Gloria este de scurta durata, dar obscuritatea este pentru totdeauna. - Napoleon Bonaparte

#1442 ska


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  • 17.724 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 22-iunie 04
  • Location:Oradea
  • Marca:Opel
  • Model:Astra J
  • Motorizare:2.0CDTI 165cp

Scris 19 mai 2010 - 10:22

Gemballa HQ closes its doors, founder still missing

Tuning firm Gemballa has closed, following the disappearance of its founder Uwe Gemballa.

While details remain scarce, Gemballa went from earning €16.2m in 2007 to €8m in 2009. While this is understandable, given the global economic recession, it appears "dubious" transactions put added strain on the company. By January 2010, fearing collapse was imminent, Uwe decided to seek out investors in Dubai and South Africa.

On February 8th, Uwe arrived in Johannesburg for a two-day business trip. On the evening of February 9th, Uwe called his son and told him he had an accident and desperately needed one million dollars. It was the last time he was heard from.

So what happened to Uwe Gemballa? No one really knows. Speculation is rampant, citing everything from a planned disappearance to a ransom plot gone awry, but police believe Uwe fell victim to a crime.

Uwe's mysterious disappearance and the subsequent closing of his company, has left a large hole in the tuning world. Gemballa was best known for producing over-the-top supercars like the €300,000+ Mirage GT Matt Edition which we affectionately called a stealth bomber with a Porsche logo (it was based on the Carrera GT).

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happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.

#1443 the1


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  • 16.118 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 26-iunie 05
  • Location:Bucharest, Romania
  • Marca:MITSU
  • Model:COLT
  • Motorizare:1.3 95hp

Scris 22 mai 2010 - 08:10

In dreapta e cine cred eu ca e??

Fisier atasat  cab.jpg   105,52KB   27 downloads

Aceasta postare a fost editata de the1: 22 mai 2010 - 08:11

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Imagine amplasata

''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

Imagine amplasata

#1444 Relu


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  • 29.133 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 17-septembrie 03
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:For-ash ...
  • Model:MUV-FUV
  • Motorizare:Serioasa

Scris 22 mai 2010 - 08:43

O sa sun la stomatologul lui sa-mi confirme ....
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#1445 MMM

    Membru scriitor

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  • 2.359 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 08-noiembrie 09
  • Marca:Volkswagen
  • Model:A3 8L 1999
  • Motorizare:1.9TDi 110CP

Scris 22 mai 2010 - 08:47

Dupa nori si dupa zambet, da. :P

Poate ne impartaseste :P senzatiile.
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#1446 ska


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  • 17.724 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 22-iunie 04
  • Location:Oradea
  • Marca:Opel
  • Model:Astra J
  • Motorizare:2.0CDTI 165cp

Scris 26 mai 2010 - 06:52

Infiniti may also be coming out with a performance model this summer

Infiniti has filed papers with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to trademark both the "IPL" and "Infiniti Performance Line" names.

Infiniti, the premium marque of Japanese automaker Nissan, wants to use the IPL designation to create a sub-brand for performance-oriented cars to compete against the likes of BMW's M division and the Mercedes-Benz AMG brand - the performance divisions of those German automakers.

The trademark is said to also cover performance parts such as turbochargers and superchargers, as well as items like suspension and exhaust components, brakes and sports seats.

Ben Poore, vice president for the Infiniti Business Unit, recently said that Infiniti would be bringing out a performance model sometime this summer but did not offer any further details. Nissan also said at the same time that it was looking to develop more small but high-performing engines through the use of turbochargers.

Infiniti is playing catch-up with its more established competitors - premium brands such as Lexus, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi who have a longer history and offer a larger range of products.

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happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.

#1447 oaspetele


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  • 12.955 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 04-iunie 02
  • Location:Bistrita
  • Marca:VW
  • Model:Golf 6
  • Motorizare:1.6

Scris 27 mai 2010 - 06:14


Volkswagen, cel mai mare producator auto din Europa, a achizitionat 90,1 la suta din compania italiana de design Italdesign - Giugiaro SpA, pentru a imbunatati activitatea de design a grupului auto german, transmite Bloomberg.
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Daca te trezesti dimineata si nu vezi soarele, inseamna ca esti mort sau esti soarele.

#1448 greierasul

    Membru senior

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Scris 27 mai 2010 - 09:38

Oaspetele asta da stire, poate scapam de designul tern de la "VW & company" , pacat de tehnica si confortul din ele.
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#1449 MikeTekRacing

    tifoso Ferrari

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  • 8.314 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 22-august 03
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Subaru
  • Model:Impreza WRX Sport Wagon
  • Motorizare:2.5 T >260cp

Scris 27 mai 2010 - 10:25

da, poate o sa imi placa si mie ce fac ei :lol:
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Felipe trebuie sa castigi cea mai importanta batalie a ta de pana acum!

#1450 pejte


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  • 10.368 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 11-februarie 08
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Opel
  • Model:Astra H
  • Motorizare:1.6 115CP

Scris 27 mai 2010 - 10:27

VW-uri si hAudi-uri cu design emotional? Ar fi ceva :lol:
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