auto recalls (probleme si chemari la service)
Scris 03 martie 2010 - 01:26
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
Scris 03 martie 2010 - 01:53
Pai n-o lua
Inca nu m'ai convins
Sa inteleg ca treci pe orezare ??
Scris 03 martie 2010 - 02:07
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
Scris 08 martie 2010 - 07:20
AP IMPACT: Toyota secretive on 'black box' data
SOUTHLAKE, Texas – Toyota has for years blocked access to data stored in devices similar to airline "black boxes" that could explain crashes blamed on sudden unintended acceleration, according to an Associated Press review of lawsuits nationwide and interviews with auto crash experts.
The AP investigation found that Toyota has been inconsistent — and sometimes even contradictory — in revealing exactly what the devices record and don't record, including critical data about whether the brake or accelerator pedals were depressed at the time of a crash.
By contrast, most other automakers routinely allow much more open access to information from their event data recorders, commonly known as EDRs.
AP also found that Toyota:
• Has frequently refused to provide key information sought by crash victims and survivors.
• Uses proprietary software in its EDRs. Until this week, there was only a single laptop in the U.S. containing the software needed to read the data following a crash.
• In some lawsuits, when pressed to provide recorder information Toyota either settled or provided printouts with the key columns blank.
Scris 08 martie 2010 - 04:41
Scris 08 martie 2010 - 05:18
stai sa caut pe net adresa celor de la toyota sa le trimit niste seminte.
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 08 martie 2010 - 09:57
''I want to be sure everyone understands exactly what Dr. Gilbert was telling congress. You can read his statement here:
The thing that really stands out is that he said he shorted the leads for both sensors together and then connected them to one of the 5V reference supply leads and got WOT with no DTC/MIL.
Have a look at the recall procedure here:
Look at the acceptable ranges for WOT at the bottom on page 8/top of page 9. They confirm what Dr. Gilbert is claiming: The Toyota system will accept full reference voltage as a valid input for WOT and it will accept identical or at least very, very closing readings from both sensors at WOT as a valid reading.
That means two things:
-The Toyota system has no way to detect a short.
-The Toyota system has no way to detect a foreign voltage under 5V introduced into the system on both sides at the same or near the same voltage as an invalid reading.
The specs would hint that the condition of 5V on side 1 should cause a code, but Dr. Gilbert’s tests indicate that’s not the case.
Note also he said he couldn’t reproduce this on a GM car. Now, I don’t have access to GM’s service manual to tell you how they prevent this, but I do have access to Hyundai’s and in the Hyundai system, there is resistance built in on both sides, twice as much on side 2 as side one.
This means that the maximum valid reading is 4.35 volts on side 1. On side 2 it’s 2.18. The system constantly compares the two readings and if side 2 isn’t pretty close to 50% of side 1, that’s a diagnostic failure. So for the cost of a couple of resistors and some code, the Hyundai system can detect two serious conditions that Toyota’s system can’t.
While some of Mrs. Smith’s testimony seems on the wild side, the fact remains that Toyota designed a system lacking key diagnostic features we now know other manufacturers have. They have likely avoided spending big money on warranty work because there was never any MIL so they customer couldn’t prove something was amiss. And in all probability many more customers who did NOT experience any UA also didn’t experience MIL illumination either, so they didn’t report what didn’t happen but otherwise might have on surveys, either.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de maximus: 08 martie 2010 - 09:57
Scris 08 martie 2010 - 10:25
The system constantly compares the two readings and if side 2 isn’t pretty close to 50% of side 1, that’s a diagnostic failure.
.. e o prostie. Nivelul logic nu se masoara in functie de comparatia cu alt output ci in functie de niste valori de tensiune stabilite in sistem in prealabil. La o adica pot sa am nivel logic 0 si la 4.5v sau nivel 1 logic la 2v daca asa implementez eu circuitul.
Life must be taken one disaster at a time
Scris 08 martie 2010 - 10:46
Scris 08 martie 2010 - 10:56
Scris 09 martie 2010 - 11:18
La viteze mici sunt aproape sigur ca, calcand concomitent acceleratia si frana, masina se va opri, totusi.
La viteze mari sunt de acord insa ca placutele si discurile se pot incalzi si eficacitatea lor va scadea, deci sa zicem ca acceleratia va invinge la un moment dat.
Dat de scosul pe liber astia n'au auzit? Ca banuiesc ca si la automate o poti scoate pe liber in mers, nu?
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
Scris 09 martie 2010 - 11:47
Life must be taken one disaster at a time
Scris 10 martie 2010 - 08:40
Scris 10 martie 2010 - 09:17
am testat eu.
in R sau P ... daca va riscati ... sunt curios si eu ce se intampla
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 10 martie 2010 - 11:57
Nu incercati decit dupa ce aveti pregatit un faras+maturica sa culegeti bucatile din cutie/pinioane imprastiate pe sosea...
in R sau P ... daca va riscati ... sunt curios si eu ce se intampla
Scris 10 martie 2010 - 12:13
a fost o emisiune la myth busters unde au incercat sa faca asta si nu au reusit sa dea din D in R ... si nici macar din N in R .
Scris 10 martie 2010 - 12:14
Nu incercati decit dupa ce aveti pregatit un faras+maturica sa culegeti bucatile din cutie/pinioane imprastiate pe sosea
Eu zic ca se rezolva mai elegant cu un magnet prins in spate
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
Scris 10 martie 2010 - 12:15
dupa ce aveti pregatit un faras+maturica sa culegeti bucatile din cutie/pinioane imprastiate pe sosea
... cu magnetu' nu merge ???
L.e. ... am intrebat, n-am dat cu paru'
Aceasta postare a fost editata de adrian_r5: 10 martie 2010 - 12:16
Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)
Scris 10 martie 2010 - 12:42
Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)
Scris 16 martie 2010 - 12:34
Scris 16 martie 2010 - 01:08
+ :
500x_american-driver_sheep.jpg 78,9KB 10 downloads
Cum se zice cind "pui botu" ?? Parca ceva cu ...job, nu ?
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Relu: 16 martie 2010 - 01:19
Scris 16 martie 2010 - 11:09
Scris 16 martie 2010 - 11:16
''the Audi 100's predecessor, the Audi 5000, was as deadly as the Audi 100 is safe. It exhibited "sudden acceleration," a fatal propensity to take off at full speed even as the terrified driver rammed the brake pedal to the floor.
CBS's "60 Minutes" ran a devastating expose of the Audi 5000. Audi customers fled. Lawyers cashed in. The American public was saved, yet again, from the perils of technology gone awry. Only one little noticed footnote remains at the end: There was nothing wrong with the car.
The Audi story is by now, dismally familiar. "Sudden acceleration" accidents occurred when the transmission was shifted out of "park." The driver always insisted he was standing on the brake, but after the crash the brakes always worked perfectly. A disproportionate number of accidents involved drivers new to the vehicle. When an idiotproof shift was installed so that a driver could not shift out of park if his foot was on the accelerator, reports of sudden acceleration plummeted.''
Suna familiar?
Restul aici:
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 16 martie 2010 - 01:13
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
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