auto recalls (probleme si chemari la service)
Scris 05 februarie 2010 - 09:51
Cand mi-a venit Outback-ul in 2004 (deci japoneza), bineinteles ca nu a avut presuri originale. Ei bine, in podeaua locului de la sofer (aproape in mijloc) Ouback-ul avea un cui! De care trebuiea agatat presul sa nu fuga! Ei bine, dupa ce mi-am agatat de doua ori manseta pantalonului de el incercand sa pun frana, pur si simplu l-am scos de acolo! Nu am facut scandal la CNN, nu am asteptat sa mor!
ex Subaru Impreza 2008
ex Subaru Outback 2005
Scris 05 februarie 2010 - 09:53
Scris 05 februarie 2010 - 10:11
Si cum faci asta cu pedala de acceleratie ??
simplu: o scoti o pui in portbagaj, si pe urma iti predai permisul la politie.
ex Subaru Impreza 2008
ex Subaru Outback 2005
Scris 05 februarie 2010 - 11:39
Sa mor daca inteleg ce vrei defapt. In ultima perioada ai o mare problema cu toyota ! Stim cu totii ca nu exista masini perfecte, dar tu ai o obsesie cu marca asta. Sa nu-mi zici ca suferi ca se intepeneste pedala la toyote, sau ca nus ce furtun atinge nu stiu unde. Orezarii astia macar recunosc cind gresesc, si -spre nefericirea multora- fac inca masini extrem de fiabile.
Cit aveai XT-ul, era o masina de vis. Acum ai trecut pe bmw, si gata, japonezele sunt muci, benzinarele sunt de kakao, fumigenele fac legea, autonomia e de baza, BMW ....., nemtestile rullz, etc, etc, etc...
Serios acum, ce ti-au facut japonezii astia de ai asa boala pe ei ?
Pe cuvint daca te mai recunosc. Te rog, incearca sa ramii "cata" pe care-l stiam eu .....
Ai dreptate Relu, are Cata69 ceva....cand aude de japoneze ia foc la propriu.
Scris 05 februarie 2010 - 01:04
Criticism has been growing that Toyoda, grandson of the company's founder, has largely been invisible amid the automaker's worst crisis since it was founded.
Toyota Motor Corp. said Toyoda and Shinichi Sasaki, the executive overseeing quality, will speak to reporters at the automaker's Nagoya office Friday evening. Other details were not immediately available.
The only media comment so far from Toyoda was a brief, impromptu interview last week with Japanese broadcaster NHK on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. He said he was sorry for the worries he had caused customers and insisted that Toyota cars were safe.
Toyota said this week it is considering a recall in the U.S. and Japan for its Prius gas-electric hybrid, which has been plagued with braking problems.
Nearly 200 complaints have been reported in the U.S. and Japan over such problems. Toyota said on Thursday it was a flaw in the computerized antilock brake system.
The problems with the Prius, Toyota's flagship model and symbol of its technological prowess and green car ambitions, follow a global recall announced Jan. 21 for 4.5 million vehicles with gas pedals that stick and can cause sudden acceleration.
A less-than-perfect Prius, the vehicle of choice for Hollywood movie stars like Leonardo Dicaprio, threatens to be an even more serious blow for Toyota's image than the gas pedal recall.
The brake problem has been fixed with a software programming change for Prius vehicles sold in Japan and overseas since late January but not for vehicles sold before then, according to Toyota.
The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said it would assess the scope of the problem in the Prius and the safety risk to about 37,000 cars that could be affected. Toyota, however, has said it sold 103,000 of the new Prius in the U.S. since May last year.
The quality failures are drawing intense media scrutiny in the U.S. where Toyota is more used to winning plaudits for consumer satisfaction. But the coverage in Japan has been calmer.
The biggest story splashed across front pages of major dailies and on TV news Friday was the retirement of a well-known sumo wrestler, forced to step down for drunken behavior. Toyota news was relegated far below that.
U.S. officials have blessed Toyota's solution to the gas pedal problem, a small piece of steel designed to eliminate excess friction in the pedal mechanism, but have criticized Toyota for being too slow in responding to customer complaints.
Still, concern is bubbling among the Japanese who take pride in Toyota as an icon of the country's advanced manufacturing and see the fuel-efficient Prius as a symbol of the company's commitment to green, low-pollution vehicles.
"Trouble with the Prius means real trouble for the Toyota brand," said Ryoichi Shinozaki, a crisis management expert at Kyodo Public Relations Co.
"It is a symbol of its commitment to ecology. It lies at the heart of Toyota's new successful business that was defined differently from its past success," he said.
Shinozaki believes Toyota has yet to fully recognize the magnitude of the crisis that has hit.
In Japan, protocol requires an executive to bow deeply and hold that position for at least five seconds to apologize for causing a ruckus, even if a company has done nothing wrong, he said. Toyota executives who explained the quality problems this week in Japan held their heads up high.
Toyota then played down the fix on Prius cars carried out since last month as merely part of a routine improvement program, raising questions about its commitment to the company motto of putting customers first.
Toyota is also investigating possible brake problems with its luxury Lexus hybrid and the Sai compact sedan, both of which use the same brake system as the Prius. Toyota has not received any complaints about the Lexus HS250h and the probe is to ensure safety, she said. The Sai is not sold outside Japan.
Koji Endo, managing director of equity research firm Advanced Research Japan Co. in Tokyo, said Prius is so integral to Toyota's identity that even if financial damage from the latest woes turns out to be small, brand damage would be devastating.
"For Toyota's long-term strategy in the green car field, this is a symbol," said Endo. "This symbol car, one of its best selling models, is defective. That's obviously going to raise big questions among the public."
Congressional investigators expanded their review of Toyota to include the Prius as California Rep. Darrell Issa, the ranking Republican on the House Oversight Committee, asked Toyota for records on its Prius brakes.
The committee plans a hearing next week on Toyota's recalls, the first of two in Congress this month. Issa said he would focus on whether Toyota or NHTSA failed to properly deal with safety complaints or address them quickly enough.
"We think they should have acted more aggressively or quickly," said Issa, who owns four Priuses, none of which fall under the investigation.
Some drivers remained loyal.
Toshimitsu Tanimura, a cab driver whose company's fleet includes 94 Priuses, vows by the hybrid and has never heard of the brakes failing.
"The engine is so quiet without any strange shaking," he said.
Toyota said some Prius drivers have complained of an inconsistent feel during slow and steady application of brakes on rough or slick roads when the antilock brakes engage. Normally, the brakes grab and release rapidly in reaction to slipping tires.
Paul Nolasco, a Toyota spokesman in Japan, said the time lag drivers feel before brakes kick in stems from the two systems in a gas-electric hybrid — the gas-engine and the electric motor. The brakes work if the driver keeps pushing the pedal, he said.
NHTSA said some Prius owners reported a "brief lag" or "brief surge" when they used the brakes. The agency did not specify how long those lags were. At highway speeds, a car can travel nearly 100 feet (30 meters) in just one second. The problem is suspected in four crashes resulting in two minor injuries, according to a preliminary NHTSA safety report.
Prius is not Toyota's biggest seller — the company sold 140,000 in the U.S. last year, far less than the 357,000 Camrys — but holds a cherished spot in its lineup.
The complexity of the Prius, a highly computerized car, has led to problems in the past. In 2005, the company repaired 75,000 of them to fix software glitches that caused the engine to stall. It has also had trouble with headlights going out.
Glitches ordinarily don't prove to be public relations disasters for Toyota. But analysts said Toyota may be forced to take decisive action like issuing a recall because of the intense scrutiny it now faces from regulators and customers.
"People are hypersensitive right now," said Erich Merkle, president of U.S. consulting company "I don't know how they will be able to work around this without doing a recall."
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
Scris 05 februarie 2010 - 03:17
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 05 februarie 2010 - 03:28
Cata nu are nimic, cel putin mie mi-a dovedit ca este una dintre persoanele cu cel mai mare grad de impartialitate, de pe acest forum; cel putin cand discutam de masini.Ai dreptate Relu, are Cata69 ceva....cand aude de japoneze ia foc la propriu.
Am mai spus-o de nu stiu cate ori, diferentele care erau acum x ani intre marci, calitatile care au consacrat o marca sau alta, toate astea tind sa se egalizeze, sau ma rog sa fie f apropiate. DAR din pacate pt noi, clientii, in JOS.
Vwag, Mercedes, BMW, japonezele, etc. NU mai sunt ce erau candva. In ziua de astazi este din ce in ce mai greu sa alegi o masina noua fiabila; insusi termenul de fiabilitate a capatat conotatii peiorative, iar asta in principal datorita incercarilor producatorilor auto (indiferent care) de a masca anumite probleme ca fiind normale, plus faptul ca au cam transformat masinile in bunuri de unica folosinta (sunt convins ca se va intelege cum trebuie chestiunea asta).
Dar deja ne indreptam spre chestiuni care ar fi mult mai potrivite pe topicul privind fiabilitatea.
Scris 05 februarie 2010 - 03:49
ca s-a scris foarte mult pe tema asta, dar nimic concret.
adica masina x, fabricata intre y si z
sau inca nu stiu nici ei exact?
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 05 februarie 2010 - 03:54
Cum mah, nu stii ?deci, pana la urma, care toyote sunt cu probleme?
Niciuna nu are vreo problema, e doar presa negativa impotriva japonezelor, orchestrata de aia raii si invidiosii.
Scris 05 februarie 2010 - 03:58
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 05 februarie 2010 - 04:30
nu, nu stiuCum mah, nu stii ?
Niciuna nu are vreo problema, e doar presa negativa impotriva japonezelor, orchestrata de aia raii si invidiosii.
daca stau sa ma iau dupa presa,televiziune,etc care stim cu totii cum umfla,exagereaza si disporportioneaza aproape orice...
Aceasta postare a fost editata de ska: 05 februarie 2010 - 04:30
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 09 februarie 2010 - 02:45
Scris 09 februarie 2010 - 02:53
Apropo, cite chiusapte au fost rechemate ca le zburau rotile ???
Scris 09 februarie 2010 - 03:03
e ocazia buna sa faca din tantar armasar.
bravo lor, sa ramana cu pocnitorilor lor americane pe altfel iar tb sa pompeze statul american bani in GM si mai tipareste niste dolari adancind si mai mult rahatul in care se afla economia globala
Scris 09 februarie 2010 - 03:07
Actuala rechemare se adreseaza preponderent japonezilor.
Nu vad cu ce ar scuza Toyota faptul ca la chiu 7 ii zboara rotile.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de oaspetele: 09 februarie 2010 - 03:08
Scris 09 februarie 2010 - 03:11
Problemele la toyota sunt minore.
Se face un tamtam formidabil pe tema asta. Adica toyota !
Masini cu probleme MARI SI REALE sunt foarte multe, non japoneze !!
Acu pricepi ??
E evident ca toyota le sta in GIT multora !
Scris 09 februarie 2010 - 03:19
Acest caz e cu atat mai special, intrucat se adreseaza preponderent japonezilor si nu americanilor.
Vorbim de niste evenimente reale, asa ca nu vad cu ce gresesc aducandu-le in atentie. Mai ales ca nu aveti Toyota.
Scris 09 februarie 2010 - 03:27
fara suparare , dar in cazul toyota e tocmai invers. Nu prea recunosc cand masinile lor au probleme. Cel putin nu oficial. Toate recall-urile nu au fost pornite voluntar de toyota ci la presiunea guvrnului prin nhtsa. Si la toyota sunt o gramada de cazuri, in care au preferat sa cumpere tacerea celor care au avut belele cu toyotele,decat sa faca recall-uri.Sa mor daca inteleg ce vrei defapt. In ultima perioada ai o mare problema cu toyota ! Stim cu totii ca nu exista masini perfecte, dar tu ai o obsesie cu marca asta. Sa nu-mi zici ca suferi ca se intepeneste pedala la toyote, sau ca nus ce furtun atinge nu stiu unde. Orezarii astia macar recunosc cind gresesc, si -spre nefericirea multora- fac inca masini extrem de fiabile.
Cit aveai XT-ul, era o masina de vis. Acum ai trecut pe bmw, si gata, japonezele sunt muci, benzinarele sunt de kakao, fumigenele fac legea, autonomia e de baza, BMW ....., nemtestile rullz, etc, etc, etc...
Serios acum, ce ti-au facut japonezii astia de ai asa boala pe ei ?
Pe cuvint daca te mai recunosc. Te rog, incearca sa ramii "cata" pe care-l stiam eu .....
Scris 09 februarie 2010 - 03:28
poate chiar o TOYOTA.
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 09 februarie 2010 - 03:29
Ca idee, japonezii chiar daca au problema minora de fabricatie, o recunosc si o rezolva. Asa au ei "matritzele", de indivizi bolnavi de corectitudine. Lucru care acum se intoarce impotriva lor. E drept pe termen scurt.
De schimbat nu-i va schimba nimeni, si pe termen lung nu va avea nimeni ce sa le faca.
Scris 09 februarie 2010 - 03:35
Scris 09 februarie 2010 - 03:41
Tu ce te bagi ca musca stii tu unde ? Mesajul ala la care raspunzi, iti era cumva adresat ???
bai recunosc mi-ar place un WRX din asta nou sau vechi ,un Type R vechi dar sa am ceva cu japonezele?tot cazane sunt da-le dracu pana la urma
Sa fie foarte clar pentru toti: EU nu mi-am laudat NICIODATA masina ! Aprecierile la adresa japonezelor ( in general ) le fac pentru ca toata viata mi-am trait-o intre fiare cu roti, si cunosc al naibii de bine cum lucreaza japonezii, nemtii, etc ...
Oricine imi zice ca japonezele facute pe insula ( din componente exclusiv japoneze ) sunt proaste, pentru mine nu poate fi decit un tastaturist habarnist.
Sorry pentru cei care "se simt" ...
Scris 09 februarie 2010 - 03:48
Lucruri clare:
1. Toiota a dat cu oistea-n gard cu pedala aia de 3 lei. Prea complexa pentru ce trebuie sa faca, mult plastic etc. Ei minimizea problema, nu e clar ca e pedala (amarita de dacie mi se pare ca taie injectia daca apesi frina) etc.
2. Americanii trag la maxim pe marginea acestei probleme, incercind sa recupereze cote de piata si sa le dea la gioale la JPN. Daca nu stiati, mi se pare ca se ofera discount daca renunti la Toiota si iei nu stiu ce pickup americanesc. Avocati, procese si alte alea, actiuni tipice rednecilor de dincolo de ocean, "m-ai lovit cu o frimitura, iti iau si pielea de pe tine" etc.
Unii au comis-o usor si cam neaga, altii au pus masinaria de marketing in miscare ca sa ii doboare pe ailalti, toate pentru $$$$$. Asa ca nu va mai agitati.
Ca o paralela: ACLass s-a dat de-a berbeleacu, scandal, isterie, mercedes au negat, scandalu s-a marit, pina la urma au modificat pe lovelele lor si masina aia si acum poarta blestemul de atunci. Pajero scurt de acu 1 generatie, si el s-a dat de-a berbeleacu, nobody gave a flying f..., oamenii s-au sesizat, au schimbat una alta pe acolo si treaba e uitata.
ACrew style
Scris 09 februarie 2010 - 03:57
si atunci de ce au facut recall-urile la nivel mondial? In europa, asia, japonia, africa, america de sud? Tot americanii is de vina? Tu ziceai ca e fiabila pt ca asa spun statisticile. Care ? jd powers?Numai un copil poate crede ca japonezii fac masini proaste. Cum am mai spus, perfectiune nu exista nicaieri. Insa trebuie sa nu vrei ca sa nu-ti dai seama ca dedesubturile scandalului stau defapt in disperarea americanilor ca vor muri de foame !
Bai maximus,
Tu ce te bagi ca musca stii tu unde ? Mesajul ala la care raspunzi, iti era cumva adresat ???
infirmam o afirmatie falsa. Cum ca vezi doamne ce buna e toyota ca in marinimia ei, a facut recall-urile alea. Cand de fapt adevarul e altul. Ca au fost obligati de nhtsa, ca urmare a plangerilor facute de clientii toyota.
Scris 09 februarie 2010 - 04:00
Nu exista nimic perfect facut de mina omului. Ca tu nu ti-ai lua japoneza, sau ca altii nu si-ar lua frantuzoaica, etc .... tine de gusturile fiecaruia, si trebuiesc respectate.
Dar nu-mi aduc aminte sa fi fost vreodata vreo problema cu adevarat grava la japoneze. Apropo, aia cu gipu dat peste cap mi se pare total aiurea. Incearca sa ocolesti o groapa cu macaraua, sau defenderul, etc ... sa fim seriosi.
Si asa cum spui, la mijloc acum e banu si foamea americanilor in primul rind. Dupa care vor mai fi si altii care vor da binisor din coada.
Scandaluri vor mai fi, msini cu probleme sunt TOATE, si viata merge inainte
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Relu: 09 februarie 2010 - 04:01
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