Accidentele, mai aproape decat crezi - partea a 2-a
Scris 14 decembrie 2006 - 11:51
Sa va zic continuarea? (Mi se mai limpezeste mintea si imi tot vin detalii noi...). Abia ce am trecut de intersectia cu pricina... Apoi vine o trecere de pietoni, alta, semaforizata si ea. Bineinteles, pietoni inconstienti pe trecere, pe rosu. Eu prima masina... Din stanga tramvai... Adica i-ar fi strivit intre mine si tramvai... Am pus frana, m-am oprit, s-au oprit toti (toti mergeau incet dupa ce treceau de accidentul respectiv) si idiotii au trecut zambind...
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 14 decembrie 2006 - 11:54
Poate ar trebuie sa modifice zona, nu pare sigura de fel.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de lexus: 14 decembrie 2006 - 11:57
Scris 14 decembrie 2006 - 11:58
dar nu la ciupeala ca la noi (sa stea pe o alee goala sa vada ca treci pe unde nu tb, sa nu fim absurzi) stea acolo unde e pericol, imbracat in civil, sa te traga deoparte si sa iti lasi jumatate de pensie daca esti tampit.
Scris 14 decembrie 2006 - 01:51
Scris 14 decembrie 2006 - 01:53
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry FordMondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele
Scris 14 decembrie 2006 - 02:00
Poate nu vedeti ca mine copii tinuti de parinti in brate, pe "locul mortului", si parintele nu are nici macar centura pusa.. la o frana mai brusca, nu neaparat accident copilul poate fi strivit de bord.. si cand te uiti la fata parintilor.. asa de bucurosi de progenitura...
Sa revenim la aacident, Viper, ca si majoritatea soferilor, si pietonii se ghideaza dupa principiul "nu mi se intampla mie".. La fel, ambii nu respecta semaforul, incalca reguli.. cei din masina, mai au sansa unei "armuri" de tabla, ce nu face minuni..
Ajungem la viteza si alre alea.. multi zic ca au masina puternica si nu pot merge cu x km/h, ca masina vrea mai mult si poate, el este foarte atent si nu i se intampla nimic.. si cei care au murit in accidente gandeau la fel.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de aztec: 14 decembrie 2006 - 02:02
Scris 14 decembrie 2006 - 08:02
Scris 15 decembrie 2006 - 09:17
Scris 15 decembrie 2006 - 01:01
ex-car: '96 Opel Astra Caravan Sport: SKN Chip - 115CP, 160Nm.
ex-car: '07 Honda Accord Executive 2.0 155CP.
Scris 17 decembrie 2006 - 10:00
La dus toate bune si frumoase putin aglomerat nicio problema,la intoarcere insa,eu din Sinaia am plecat cam pe la 7 aglomeratie mare toata lumea se intoarcea din weekend insa s-a mers ok pana in apropiere de Ploiesti unde se facuse o coloana imensa si toti stateau pe loc,se pare ca un Opel Astra Caravan lovise un pieton din plin,era si o televiziune acolo mare lucru insa nu am reusit sa vad(si sincer nici nu vroiam).
Dupa care pe la vreo 40 de km inainte de Bucuresti,am vazut ca cineva din fata semnaliza cu farurile intr-una initial am zis ca nu are ce face vrea sa dea pe cineva la o parte insa mi-am dat seama ca vroia sa atentioneze traficul sa o ia incet de tot,in fata accident urat rau,un camion sau maxi taxi rasturnat nu mi-am dat seama exact ce e, cred ca a vrut sa faca o depasire pe contrasens cert este ca am vazut camionul rasturnat si o Dacie in sant facuta praf,mai incolo in drum spre Bucuresti deja am vazut doua salvari care se grabeau sa ajunga la accident si un echipaj de descarcerare cred.Ce senzatie oribila poate sa fie sa fie sa franezi de la 140 la 0 ca la viteza nu iti dai seama ca cei din fata sunt opriti.
Drive safe.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Maxy: 17 decembrie 2006 - 10:02
Scris 17 decembrie 2006 - 11:39
Plina autostrada, multe masini, si foooarte multi dobitoci si imbecili..
Aceleasi masinifara nici o lumina in spate, aceasi soferi care intrend de pe lateral ajung pe banda a 2-a pe care circulam eu .. si inca o masina in spate..
In 2 cazuri mai aveam putin si o pateam.. in ambele cazuri, suspect, fiind vorba de Dacia SuperNova..
Aceiasi soferi grabiti care te flasuiesc.. cu toate ca in fata ta mai sunt 4-5 masini ce merg si ele destul de tare.. incercand toate sa depaseasca coloana de pe banda 1 ce este plina..cred ca aia gandesc ca flashurile lor evaporeaza masina din fata..
Scris 18 decembrie 2006 - 01:07
iar de pietoni mi-e frica de mor! credeam ca dupa ce a iesit legea noua o sa fiu mai relaxat dar... cred ca orice om responsabil nu se gandeste neaarat la culpa legala ci la faptul in sine, groaznic ca si consecinte de orice fel.
Scris 07 ianuarie 2007 - 10:41
Why safer cars are killing more people
By James Mills, contributor
January 04 2007
Government proposals for a tougher driving test have �leaked� out of Westminster. Concerned at alarmingly high death and injury rates among young, newly qualified drivers, the Driving Standards Agency is looking at ways of better educating new motorists before they are given their wings and set free on the road to ruin.
Young drivers need tougher testsIt�s a sound idea. After all, it�s not so much your driving skill as your mental attitude that determines any likelihood of falling off the road. Hopefully any changes to existing policy � such as lowering the minimum driving age to give more experience before taking the test - will be based upon sound sense and thorough studies of young driver behaviour, rather than conjecture and headline-friendly changes favoured by spin-doctors. Sadly, it�s not just the young and inexperienced, and their friends and families, who are having to come to terms with the reality that driving is fraught with danger. Drivers of all ages and backgrounds face a new hazard: being driven to distraction.
Eye opening
Pay attention to avoid accidents like thisHere�s a shocking statistic for you. America�s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 30% of all US car accidents are caused by driver distraction. If you were to apply a similar level to the UK�s 2005 death toll of 3,201 people, a staggering 960 fatalities are occurring simply because of our obsession for the latest gadgets and gizmos. Some people are more fortunate. They escape with their lives, but will be left with permanent scars in all too many senses. Serious injuries totalled 28,954 in 2005, while casualties hit 271,017. So that�s 8,686 serious and 81,305 minor injuries � all because we aren�t paying attention. The paradox is this: as cars get safer, they are killing more people.
Think of it like this. Common sense would suggest that if the car�s safety had taken the same great strides forward that it has over the past 15 years, but manufacturers had steered clear of kitting out cars like a mobile office and home rolled into one, accident, death and injury rates could be a whole lot lower. Ouch. Before pointing the finger, it wouldn�t be fair to hold the car companies accountable for this death and destruction. After all, they�re simply adhering to the age old adage �what the customer wants, the customer gets�. The big question is, who�s keeping check on all that gets packed into today�s modern motor car?
Too many systems
Cars these days have too many distracting systemsThe answer to that is worrying, to say the least: The United Nations. If its world-peace-keeping track record is anything to go by, things aren�t going to get any better, anytime soon. The truth of the matter is that manufacturers are left to their own devices (no pun intended) when it comes to installing telematics. The relentless onward march of onboard telematics in cars is to blame. You know the sort of stuff I mean. Touch-screen communications systems, BMW iDrive-style multimedia systems, satellite navigation systems, head-up display systems, voice-command systems, on-board phone systems, Bluetooth-phone compatible systems, speed limiter systems, trip computer systems, email and internet access systems, seat massaging and heating systems, audio systems � in short, more �systems� than the USS Enterprise.
It�s all terribly nice and convenient to be able to unwind and communicate with the outside world while we drive around in our little cocoons. But aren�t we all forgetting something? The minor matter of driving? Of paying attention to the road? Keeping check on our fellow road users? BMW has even developed a Blackberry-friendly Bluetooth system for its car range. It�s hard to imagine a more lethal combination: a BMW driver hooked up to their office via Blackberry.
In the good old days, back in the �80s, the buzz-word was �ergonomics�. That was all about how people reacted with their environment � in the driver�s case it looked at the positioning of the controls in relation to the driver, the packaging, visibility, comfort and suchlike. Motoring journalists would wheel out lazy clich�s such as �everything falls neatly to hand�, prompting letters from more observant car magazine readers of how only the other day, the heater control switch from their Citroen ZX literally fell into their hand. Motoring journalists felt it their duty to alert the car buying public to the perils of things like low-set radio and cassette players, which would drag your eyes from the road to the centre console.
If only life was so straightforward today. Back in the �80s, you could see out of cars. I mean actually see around the thinner roof-pillars, see where all four corners ended and see the kerb�s edge from your window. Today, the strides forward in safety standards mean we�re all driving the equivalent of Marjorie Dawes from Fat Fighters, and just like Marjorie, manufacturers are unable to turn back the clock. More than ever, T-Junctions, roundabouts and slip roads are an accident waiting to happen.
Technology makes us complacent. Have you got parking aids on your car? You know, the beep-beep-beep-beeeeeeeeeeep fail-safe parking device? If so, answer this � when was the last time you looked over your shoulder. And in all three of your rear view mirrors when parking? Because next time, the beep-beep-beep-beeeeeeeep could be a young child steeping out behind you.
Hands-free phones
Hands-free phone kits can still be distractingWe all know the dangers of using a mobile phone while driving. But don�t think a hand-free set-up excuses you. It doesn�t. The law may say it�s alright, but research says the law is an ass. Studies have found that use of hands-free phone technology makes you four times more likely to crash. What would you rather � a rest and phone call in a layby, or blood on your hands. And lap, chest, head� Because the technology is advancing so rapidly, we don�t even know what the side-effects of most of the latest gadgets are. How many rear-end impacts and side-swipes result from drivers fiddling with the sat nav, shuffling songs on iPods or changing the comfort settings on their car�s suspension?
Cars like the BMW M5 are too complicated to set upBMW�s latest V10-engined M5 has you spending more time fine-tuning parameters for things like gearshift speed, suspension settings, throttle response and the leeway allowed by ESP, than you spend with your eyes fixed on the road and your senses fully armed for safe exploitation of every one of its 500 horsepower. Then there are all the driver aids. Yes, they mean we can have more power and can travel faster, but we�re not in control � the computers are.
The Ferrari F430 might have clever electronics but you still need skill to drive cars like theseAnd no matter how quick-witted an ESP stability systems is, nor how powerful carbon-ceramic brakes are, or what setting you have your Ferrari F430�s E-Diff clicked to, you aren�t invincible. Contrary to polular belief, Newton�s laws of motion still apply. Go too fast and you�ll still fall off the road. Only the �too fast� these days is a life-ending speed when it all goes Pete Tong.Car companies talk about how touch-screen technology helps reduce driver distraction. They say voice-activated command systems go one step further still. Oh yeah? Try not having it at all and you�d be making a much more valuable contribution. After all, it�s not just a case of your eyes leaving the road. It�s your mind wandering off it too.
Safety in acronyms
Then there�s the Invincibility Factor. It�s not some X-Factor fight-club spin-off. Rather, the unmeasured comfort blanket than is ABS, ESP, emergency brake assist, Pre-Safe, seat belt pre-tensioners, crumple zones, airbags � the list is endless. Sure, we need all of it. We�re better off for it. But how many driver�s assume they�re invincible with it all? How many leave good old-fashioned common sense at home before starting their commute? Most of them, if the gaps between cars on the M25 are anything to judge by�.
So what�s the answer? We live in the information age, after all, so no one�s going to give it up. And grumpy old men�s answer of sticking a spike on the steering wheel might produce a more considered driving style, but I can�t see it proving a polular tick-box on the options list. Car companies like Mercedes and Lexus have developed Pre-Safe systems which are aimed at avoiding accidents before they happen, alerting the driver and taking preventative measures if he or she fails to respond. Lexus� system goes one step further, monitoring the driver�s face and increasing margins for error if it decides he or she is otherwise distracted. In other words, Lexus admits it has a problem on its hands.
Independent transport research institute, TRL (Transport Research Laboratory) believes the myriad systems need one simple switch made to the software: limited or no access on the move. Punters may not like it, but sometimes you have to tell the customer what�s best for them.
Yep, there�s no doubt about it. The car has come a hell of a long way but we�re parked at a crossroads in its development. Driving for driving�s sake is a thing of the past. A to B is the be all and end all. Which means we�ll only see more gadgets and creature comforts cluttering up our memory space, invading our thought processes and clouding our judgement. If you thought we were already being driven to distraction, you haven�t seen anything yet�
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."
Scris 07 ianuarie 2007 - 11:32
Scris 07 ianuarie 2007 - 12:05
nu era o alternativa pe undeva pe drum unde sa se decida daca folosim sau nu tehnologie din ce in ce mai multa. Decizia asta nu a luat-o nimeni, e o tendinta naturala si care urmeaza cursul evolutiei noastre.
faptul ca oamenii fac accidente din cauza ca sunt distrasi de diverse dispozitive arata doar ca poate testarea viitorilor soferi trebuie schimbata.
e interesanta abordarea dar nu cred ca ofera informatii noi sau solutii noi. Regresul tehnologic nu e o metoda.
Scris 07 ianuarie 2007 - 01:01
Scris 07 ianuarie 2007 - 01:15
ti se pare mai sigura masina daca e legat telefonul prin fir la maisna? cred ca ai avea doar un fir in plus in care te poti incurca incercand sa faci ceva util pe acolo
eu cred ca te-ai referit chiar la ideea in sine de a folosi telefonul in masina. nu cred ca sincer ca se poate interzice asta in vreun fel. nu in 2007 si nici dupa asta. pasul s-a facut spre telefonie mobila, invers nu mai e drum
iar ca monitoare...vrem navigatie, trebuie un monitor. normal ca n sunt de acord sa te uiti la televizor in timp ce conduci...
ce vroiam eu sa zic in mesajul de mai sus e ca se schimba "tipologia" soferului
Soferul viitorului nu va ma trebui sa stie sa faca dubla debraiere, nici chiar sa schimbe vitezele, nu va trebui sa stie sa parcheze prea bine si nici sa se orienteze cu o harta. Tot el nu va stii ce e aia roata bloacata sau wheelspin la demaraj. va vea ajutor pentru toate astea. va trebui insa sa stie sa fol sistemele din jur, va trebui sa invete sa fie atent la tot ce "misca" pe la bord. vremurile se schimba, cred ca o sa ne aducem aminte cum era cu ambreiaj, cu abs optional etc....
Scris 07 ianuarie 2007 - 02:03
Scris 07 ianuarie 2007 - 02:10
taicameu deabia stie sa porneasca calculatoru ( sa nu va mai zic de folosirea lui ). cu mobilu le-a mai invatat. da daca-i bagi navi si alte de-alea... it's all gone pete tong
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 07 ianuarie 2007 - 04:34
hai s-o vedeti pe mama cum se duce bombanind la cec sa dea bani... ba ca a luat-o radarul, ba ca au prins-o cu telefonul ra ureche, ba ca...
in sfarsit, articolul spune bine dar uita un sigur lucru: fiecare decida daca sa foloseasca telefonul, navigatia, cuptorul cu microunde sau combina frigorifica in masina (in mers). Liberul arbitru, asta dicteaza. Ca degeaba ii iei si telefonul, si I-pod-ul si I-drive-ul si I-go-ul (ce-au frate astia de le fac pe toate cu "I" inainte?!) ca omul tot o sa gaseasca altceva sa butoneze, daca vrea.
Tehnologia are o singura directie, evolutia. Inapoi nu mai merge benevol.
Traficul se aglomereaza si nu cred nici in sisteme automate de franare, nici in cruisecontrol care se sincronizeaza cu masina din fata si cu releele de pe autostrada. Cred intr-o pregatire mai buna a soferilor si cred in sensibilizarea soferior in directia cunoasterii pericolului.
Scris 22 ianuarie 2007 - 09:10
Agentia News.Bg informeaza insa ca surse din Directia regionala a Politiei Plevna sustin ca Maria n-a decedat in urma impactului cu copacul. Motivul? Se pare ca sportiva ar fi fost lovita de un bagaj greu aflat in partea posterioara a masinii! Octavian Belu, presedintele Agentiei Nationale pentru Sport, a anuntat ca va declansa o ancheta legata de modul in care atleta si stafful sau tehnic au facut aceasta deplasare
Pasagerul de pe "locul mortului" a scăpat doar cu c�teva zg�rieturi, �n schimb Maria a fost făcută zob �ntre airbag (volan) şi "proiectilul" venit de pe bancheta din spate. Heh, ştiam eu de ce fixam inclusiv cutia pisicii cu centurile din spate - deşi eu mă g�ndeam mai degrabă la săracul animal http://www.garajul.r...tyle_emoticons/default/cunaooooo.gif
Scris 22 ianuarie 2007 - 09:25
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Maxy: 22 ianuarie 2007 - 09:25
Scris 22 ianuarie 2007 - 09:48
Aceasta postare a fost editata de canan17ro: 22 ianuarie 2007 - 09:49
Scris 31 ianuarie 2007 - 02:19
Nu-mi explic cum a putut sa ajunga camionul ala pe laterala, pe drum drept si fara sa aiba urme de lovitura...
Mitsubishi Outlander | 2.2 Instyle Navi | 2008 | JEEP Cherokee [KJ] | 2.8CRD | 2004 | Renault Super 5 | 1.4i | 1988
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