Stiri si zvonuri din industria auto
Scris 09 ianuarie 2007 - 09:12
Scris 10 ianuarie 2007 - 07:19
Dupa ce anul trecut pozitia General Motors a oscilat intre a achizitiona sau nu fabrica de la Craiova, in acest an oficialii americani spun ca sint decisi sa o cumpere.
Presedintele GM Europa, Carl-Peter Foster, a anuntat la Detroit ca grupul american este interesat de preluarea Companiei Daewoo Automobile Craiova (DWAR).
Potrivit lui Foster, citat de Realitatea TV, in cazul in care GM va cistiga licitatia pentru uzina craioveana, primul autoturism care va iesi de pe linia de productie va fi Chevrolet Spark.
In prezent, modelul Spark este produs doar in Coreea. Eventuala fabricare a lui Spark in Romania va conduce automat si la scutirea de taxele vamale impuse de UE pentru masinile care sint fabricate in afara Uniunii.
Mai mult, Foster pluseaza si nu exclude nici posibilitatea de a fabrica la Craiova modele de clasa mica din gama Opel.
Ford, principalul concurent al GM pe piata americana, este de asemenea unul dintre potentialii viitori proprietari ai DWAR.
Ford ar putea fi interesat de Romania pentru productia modelului Fiesta, in prezent fabricat in Spania. De altfel, prim-ministrul Calin Popescu Tariceanu a declarat, in cadrul unei intilniri de anul trecut cu oficialii Ford, ca e dispus sa acorde viitorului proprietar �facilitati in conformitate cu normele concurentiale europene�.
Problemele americanilor
Ambii producatori insa se confrunta cu probleme financiare puternice. Atit GM, care domina piata auto mondiala de 80 de ani, cit si Ford inregistreaza scaderi de vinzari si au trecut la planuri de restructurare. Numai in 2005, GM a raportat pierderi de 10,6 miliarde de dolari, a inchis 12 fabrici si a acordat compensatii pentru 34.000 de salariati disponibilizati.
Presedintele Ford, Bill Ford, a anuntat la sfirsitul lui 2006 ca ia in calcul posibilitatea vinzarii brandurilor de lux Aston Martin si chiar a Jaguar pentru a reinvesti in alte marci din cadrul grupului.
Loganul ramine la Mioveni
Alianta Renault-Nissan, inclusa in prima faza pe lista cumparatorilor, s-a retras din cursa pentru privatizarea DWAR inca de anul trecut. Analistii au speculat atunci ca Renault ar putea depune o oferta de cumparare a fabricii de la Craiova, unde ar fi intentionat sa dezvolte capacitatile de productie a modelului Logan. Ulterior, reprezentantii Renault si Automobile Dacia au infirmat ca ar fi interesati de DWAR, argumentind ca uzina de la Mioveni are, deocamdata, destule capacitati de productie pentru gama Logan. Un al patrulea potential proprietar, Chery Automobile din China, este inclus pe lista celor care ar putea depune oferte de cumparare.
In stand-by
Statul roman a preluat in septembrie anul trecut, prin Automobile Craiova, 51% din DWAR de la partea coreeana reprezentata de Daewoo Motor contra 60 de milioane de dolari. Statul detine 72,4% din Automobile Craiova. Cumparatorul DWAR va fi anuntat in acest an.
Scris 12 ianuarie 2007 - 12:12
Wolfgang Bernhard has announced his departure as CEO of Volkswagen effective from the end of this month. The move, largely expected following recent board room upheavals at Europe�s number one car maker, appears to leave the steely German with an uncertain future.
However, rumours in the German automotive industry suggest Bernhard may not be cooling his heels for long. Suggestions are that he is strongly considering a return to his former employer DaimlerChrysler to head the Chrysler Group�s operations in North America.
Together with DaimlerChrysler chairman, Dieter Zetsche, Bernhard was one of the main architects of Chrysler�s financial turn-around during the early part of this decade, and he remains highly regarded by many of its top managers. Contractual obligations are said to prohibit Bernhard from working for a rival car maker for up to two years following his brief stint in Wolfsburg. Still, insiders suggest he has negotiated a deal with incoming VW chairman, Martin Winterkorn, that will allow him to do so.
Bernhard joined Volkswagen on 1 May 2005 after he was overlooked as chairman of Mercedes-Benz. As head of the VW brand, he instigated sweeping efficiency measures at the German car maker�s Wolfsburg headquarters and other European production plants in a bid to improve its sagging profitability. He also set about diversifying VW�s line-up with the addition of new models, including the upcoming Scirocco, Tiguan and a four-door coupe based on the Passat.
VW may sell Bugatti, Lambo
Volkswagen Group could dispose of its high-end supercar brands Bugatti and Lamborghini, according Porsche boss and VW supervisory board member Wendelin Wiedeking.
When asked about the fate of the two brands in an interview with an industry newspaper, Wiedeking is quoted as saying �no toys anymore�.
The move, which was flagged up as a possibility in an Autocar Analysis (3 January 2007), would help VW restructure its sprawling business and concentrate on reviving the VW brand as a true global player.
Wiedeking is also reportedly unhappy that Porsche is not the flagship brand in the group and has allegedly commissioned an ultra-high-performance Porsche supercar to break the top speed record set by the Bugatti Veyron.
Industry rumours suggest Bugatti could be downgraded to an ultra-exclusive coachbuilding operation once Veyron production is wound up.
Lamborghini, which sold over 2000 cars last year, could be sold off in the same way that Ford is currently disposing of Aston Martin.
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 12 ianuarie 2007 - 01:00
Inspectorii RAR au controlat anul trecut in municipiul Bucuresti si judetul Ilfov un total de 5.897 de autovehicule, iar la 86,7% dintre ele (5.113 masini) au descoperit diferite neconformitati tehnice.
La 3.134 dintre acestea s-au descoperit probleme legate se securitatea rutiera, si anume proasta functionare a dispozitivelor de iluminare si semnalizare, starea necorespunzatoare a sasiului, caroseriei sau pneurilor, jocuri anormale in mecanismul de directie sau in articulatiile puntilor fata si spate, sau defectiuni ale sistemului de franare.
La 937 de autovehicule problemele au fost mai grave, cu risc mare de accident. La acestea s-au constatat probleme la sistemul de franare si la cel de directie, precizeaza comunicatul Registrului Auto Roman.
Peste 1.800 dintre masinile verificate au depasit normele maxime legale de poluare. Aceste depasiri au fost intalnite la 44,3% dintre automobilele pe benzina oprite si la 15,1% dintre cele alimentate cu motorina.
Un numar mai redus de autovehicule, si anume 147, au avut probleme legate de numarul de identificare, alte 277 au avut dovada de efectuare a inspectiei tehnice periodice (ItP) expirata, iar 490 de soferi au prezentat dovezi falsificate de efectuare a inspectiei tehnice periodice.
Registrul Auto Roman a subliniat ca aceste rezultate nu reflecta starea generala a parcului auto din Bucuresti, deoarece inspectorii sai opresc pentru verificari in trafic doar acele vehicule care sunt susceptibile de a prezenta defectiuni.
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 12 ianuarie 2007 - 04:38
Surse din interiorul Guvernului polonez au dezvaluit in urma cu o saptamana ca Ford intentioneaza sa construiasca o fabrica auto in aceasta tara. Mai mult, un cotidian polonez Puls Biznesu a intrat in posesia informatiilor cu privire la sumele pe care americanii le-ar fi propus pentru investitie. Ford ar urma sa construiasca in Polonia, cea mai mare fabrica auto din tara, dar si din Estul Europei, cheltuind astfel aproximatriv 250 de milioane de euro. Surpriva vine insa de la reprezentantii Ford in Polonia.
Purtatorul de cuvant al americanilor a declarat in urma cu o zi ca neaga in totalitate aceste zvonuri, inclusiv ca ar exista in planul Ford vreo suma de bani pentru investitii viitoare. Exista totusi o intelegere a celor de la Ford cu grupul FIAT pentru producerea unei masini de clasa mica in Polonia.
Analistii pietei auto speculeaza ca Ford asteapta ca guvernul Romaniei sa se decida cui va vinde fabrica de la Craiova, in prealabil detinuta de grupul coreean Daewoo. In intentia de a cumpara fabrica romaneasca, Ford a mai ramas in cursa doar alaturi de GM, alti concurenti cum ar fi Renault sau chineziide la Cherry Motors renuntand la intentiile lor.
Guvernul Romaniei a anuntat ca doreste sa vanda cat mai repede fabrica craioveana, termenul limita fiind luna martie a acestui an. Ford a anuntat deja ca odata ce va cumpara fabrica romaneasca vor demara productia unei masini ce clasa mica si cu pret reduc, care sa concureze modelul Logan.
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 15 ianuarie 2007 - 06:14
Mazda l-a numit pe Cristian Rigu, fost director de marketing si vanzari la Daewoo Automobile, in functia de country manager pentru Mazda Romania. Principala atributie a lui Cristian Rigu este aceea de a asigura o legatura directa intre compania-mama si partenerii romani, informeaza Newsin.
Rigu va avea ca sarcina dezvoltarea retelei de dealeri ai acestei marci, care va functiona sub coordonarea Mazda Central and South Europe (Mazda CSEE), cu sediul la Klagenfurt Austria, arata aceeasi sursa. Cristian Rigu, in varsta de 33 de ani, a ocupat in ultimii noua ani functia de director general de marketing si vanzari la Daewoo Automobile Romania.
In 2006, cota de piata a marcii a fost de 0,3%, iar numarul autoturismelor vandute a fost de 376 unitati.
In urma unei restructurari operate in septembrie, Romania se numara printre cele 13 piete coordonate de Mazda CSEE: Austria, Romania, Ungaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Republica Ceha, Slovacia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Moldova si Albania.
Poate se mai ieftinesc Mazdele.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de the1: 15 ianuarie 2007 - 06:15
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 17 ianuarie 2007 - 01:13
Revista germana AutoBild este una dintre cele mai apreciate, pe plan continental, in presa de specialitate. Mare parte din notorietatea acesteia se datoreaza concursului Volanul de Aur, organizat anual, pentru a rasplati cele mai bune modele aparute pe piata. AutoBild organizeaza insa, de cativa ani, si un top al celor mai... enervante automobile, pe baza semnalelor transmise de catre cititori.
Este vorba de Morcovul de aur, top realizat pe baza defectiunilor reclamate de cititori (prin e-mail, telefon, fax, etc). Anul trecut, topul a numarat circa 10.000 de astfel de semnale, iar trofeul a fost adjudecat de catre Peugeot 307. Urmatoarele modele �votate� in 2006 au fost, in aceasta ordine, Mazda 6 si Volkswagen Touran.
Mazda 6 se defecteaza des? LOL!
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 19 ianuarie 2007 - 11:07
Sunteti nerabdatori sa aflati ce au baietii de la Dacia in plan pentru urmatorii ani? AutoMarket va prezinta astazi cateva informatii neoficiale si chiar o imagine prelucrata cu un model pe care constructorul roman il va lansa sub marca proprie cel mai devreme in 2009.
Daca planurile concrete actuale ale Dacia inseamna, pe langa Logan, Logan MCV si Logan utilitara (acesta din urma urmand sa apara peste cateva zile), o versiune hatchback, este foarte posibil ca din uzinele de la Mioveni sa iasa un model 4x4 in cel mai pur sens al cuvantului.
Se pare chiar ca noul model nu va avea legatura cu gama Logan si ca acesta va fi comercializat complet independent, devenind al doilea model scos de Dacia in era Renault.
O versiune low-cost de teren se justifica perfect pe pietele vizate in principal de Dacia si Renault iar francezii de la Caradisiac au reusit chiar sa creeze o imagine in care au combinat - stralucit spunem noi - un Logan si un Renault Koleos Concept.
Un astfel de model ar putea sa faca uitat semisesecul modelelor 4x4 Renault iar alianta Renault-Nissan s-ar folosi de experienta japonezilor, al caror succes in acest domeniu este cunoscut. In aceste conditii, o reutilizare a platformelor unor modele Nissan, cum este cea a lui X-Trail de exemplu, pare foarte probabila.
Oricum ar fi, modelul 4x4 al constructorului de la Mioveni nu va putea fi vazut pe piata inainte de 2009, un eventual concept urmand sa fie prezentat anul viitor.
Vom reveni cu informatii legate de acest subiect imediat ce acestea vor fi disponibile.
Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)
Scris 19 ianuarie 2007 - 03:14
Scris 23 ianuarie 2007 - 04:30
Volvo is considering a flagship model to sit above the XC90 off-roader, senior sources have told Autocar.
The company is keen to expand sales in the US and the Far East and reckons that it needs a bigger car in the mould of the VCC concept, shown at the 2003 Geneva motor show.
According to Lex Kerssemakers, the company�s product strategy boss, a flagship model would definitely not be a big saloon. �We don�t want to make a five-metre car. It�s irresponsible� he said. �There is a market for that sort of thing but we just don�t want to be in it. We�d rather concentrate on more estate and SUV models.�
So any flagship will major on cabin space while minimising the space it takes up on the road. Rumours are that a model in the same vein as the Mercedes R-class is on the drawing board.
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 23 ianuarie 2007 - 09:25
Chrysler will probably stop building its Jeep Commander SUV after the 2009 model year, according to UAW and supplier sources cited by the Detroit News. Launched in 2006, the Commander was met with poor reviews and weak sales.
Jeep sold 88,000 Commanders in 2006 thanks to heavy discounts, averaging between $6,000 and $8,000. Analysts suspect the Commander mostly cannibalized sales of the slightly smaller Grand Cherokee, rather than bringing in new customers. The company sold 139,000 Grand Cherokees last year, down 75,000 from the previous year.
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 24 ianuarie 2007 - 01:02
Automotive News reports that Bertone would contribute industrial assets as well as actual staff to the new company with Fiat footing the bill. Officials from both companies have confirmed that talks are in progress but nothing has been finalized yet. The new model is due in 2009 with production levels expected to range between 15,000 and 20,000 units.
The outlook for niche car builders is looking grim. Bertone was forced to shed 1,400 of its 1,500 workers when its last major contract building Astra convertibles for Opel ended in September 2005. Rival Italian coachbuilder Pininfarina is laying off close to 220 employees, or roughly 10% of its staff, in an effort to return to profitability this year, while German outfit Karmann was also forced to cut 1,000 jobs last year.
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 24 ianuarie 2007 - 01:14
Berceanu spune ca taxa se va plati doar pe autostrazile noi
Ministrul Transporturilor, Radu Berceanu, a explicat la "100%" (Realitatea TV) ca acuzele aduse de premierul Tariceanu presedintelui Basescu privitoare la o interventie a acestuia pentru modificarea caietului de sarcini la licitatia pentru construirea autostrazii Bucuresti-Pitesti sunt complet false.
In speta amintita de premier nu a avut loc o modificare a caietului de sarcini in favoare firmei Euroconstruct (firma la care este actionar majoritar si patronul restaurantului Golden Blitz) ci s-a facut doar o "precizare" ceea ce o practica uzuala la licitatii si nu modifica natura acesteia.
Caietul de sarcini cuprindea o prevedere care cerea ca firma participanta la licitatie sa fi construit minimum 45 de km de autostrada. ori aceasta prevedere defavoriza clar firmele romanesti care nu aveau cum sa indeplineasca aceasta cerinta, Romania avand cu putin peste 200 de km de autostrada, a declarat Radu Berceanu.
Astfel, prin precizarea adusa caietului de sarcini s-a specificat ca firma trebuie sa aiba un numar de km de sosea realizati si nu de autostrada.
Taxa de autostrada de 5 euro/100 km
Radu Berceanu a declarat in finalul emisiunii ca circulatia pe autostrada s-ar putea face in viitor contra unei sume de 5 euro platita la fiecare suta de km. Ministrul spune ca va fi insa vorba doar de autostrazile care se construiesc in acest moment fiind foarte probabil ca autostrada Bucuresti-Pitesti sau Bucuresti-Constanta sa fie excluse de la aceasta taxa.
Berceanu a precizat insa ca pana sa se ajunga la impunerea taxei va mai dura, iar taxa va trebui coroborata impreuna cu alte atxe suportate de soferi in acest moment astfel incat sa nu fie o impunere prea mare.
"Daca o sa fie taxe de autostrada va fi un alt sistem in legatura cu circulatia pe drumurile nationale in sensul ca nu o sa mai fie neaparat rovigneta si taxele de acum si taxele de autostrada. Pana la urma, atunci cand mergi pe autostrada 100 de km consumi combustibil mai putin cu 1,5 euro, ai o uzura mai mica de 1 euro, eviti accidente si ajungi mai repede.
Avem nevoie de un circuit financiar ca sa terminam mai repede autostrazile pe care ni le-am propus sa le construim", si-a incheiat argumentatia Radu Berceanu.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de the1: 24 ianuarie 2007 - 01:27
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 24 ianuarie 2007 - 01:27
The idea behind the slogan is to create cars that will appeal to both American and European consumers, by utilizing a common design theme that would move beyond the three-bar infatuation of the U.S. and Ford of Europe's kinetic design language (which we don't want to see go anytime soon). It's safe to say that GM's recent rebadging of Europe's Opel lineup as Saturns may have inspired such a move.
Thankfully for Ford, one of the biggest hurdles to a global design � size � is becoming less of an issue, as European consumers are increasingly purchasing larger vehicles, once a mainstay of only American buyers.
However, certain challenges remain. One concern is that during the development of a global design language, there will be race to the middle; satisfying no one and everyone at the same time. North American design chief Peter Horbury, who's always good for a quote, said in Automotive News that, "The critical thing is to not design a car that would only sell in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean."
Certain regional tuning will still take place, with different suspension settings as well as slightly redesigned front fascias. But no matter where you are in the world, Ford wants you to be able to recognize a Blue Oval product from 50 yards out.
[Source: Automotive News � Sub. Req.]
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 24 ianuarie 2007 - 02:09
An announcement to such effect is being prepared by the German car maker and will be made official within the next few days, according to high-ranking Volkswagen officials, who have told Autocar the 55-year-old Italian will retain responsibility for Audi design.
De Silva, whose credits include today�s entire Audi line-up bar the soon-to-be-renewed A4, is to replace Murat Gunak, who is set to leave the Volkswagen Group after a four-year spell as a result of the shake-up. Together with Volkswagen and Audi, De Silva will also oversee design activities at Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Seat and Skoda.
The appointment of de Silva marks yet another personnel coup for new Volkswagen Group chairman, Martin Winterkorn, who has managed to surround himself with a number of former Audi managers since he took the reins of Europe�s leading car maker from former boss Bernd Pischetsrieder on January 1.
Together with de Silva, Winterkorn has also brought in Ulrich Hackenberg from Audi to head up Volkswagen�s R&D activities. Also making the trip from Ingolstadt to Wolfsburg as head of production is Jochem Heizmann.
Murat Gunak�s future remains unclear. The talented Turkish-born designer, who set about transforming the Volkswagen line-up with cars such as the Scirocco and Tiguan, has previously worked for Mercedes-Benz and Peugeot.
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 24 ianuarie 2007 - 04:59
Francezii de la PSA Peugeot Citroen demareaza in 2007 doua directii de dezvoltare care se pot dovedi benefice pentru grup. Prima consta in prelungirea unui acord de colaborare cu germanii de la BMW, demarat in 2004, care consta in producerea unui motor de 1.6 litri. Acum cele doua companii isi propun constructia unui motor de 1.4 litri si nu oricum, ci in peste 1 milion de unitati. Propulsorul de 1.6 litri s-a dovedit o idee buna si este folosit in prezent pentru modelele Peugeot 207 si Mini Cooper si Cooper s.
Ca si fratele sau mai mare, propulsorul de 1.4 litri beneficiara de cele mai noi tehnologii din industria auto. Motorul este unul dotat cu injectie directa de amestec combustibil in cilindru, fapt ce ii creste randamentul. Cele doua companii nu au declarat inca pentru ce modele vor folosi noul motor, insa BMW-ul il poate folosi in mod cert pentru modelele Mini.
A doua directie gandita de PSA reprezinta punerea in practica a unei idei la care marii producatori de masini nu au apelat inca. Francezii vor incerca sa vanda prin intermediul internetului masini la mana a doua. Situatia este delicata avand in vedere ca prin aceasta miscare si-ar putea supara dealerii care fac profituri serioase din vanzarea masnilor rulate.
PSA si-a propus, in prima faza, sa scape de o parte din numarul mare de unitati Peugeot 1007, masina care a fost lansata pe piata in 2004. Modelul de dimensiuni mici cu usa laterala glisanta nu a avut deloc succes, iar rezultatele din 2006 nu sunt deloc incurajante. Internetul poate fi un mediu important pentru businessul cu masini in viitor, cred oficialii francezi.
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 26 ianuarie 2007 - 01:09
"We have definitely fixed our problems, thanks to a new development strategy and a completely new mindset. We have never had such an intensive development programme. I am confident that from 'job one', we will be able to deliver premium quality�.
Speaking at the Stuttgart unveiling of the new Mercedes C-class, Weber revealed that the car's test programme had covered some 24-million kilometers in around 200 prototypes. By contrast, the development of the S-class saw just eight million kilometers being covered.
The C-class Is the company�s first model to be designed and engineered under a new strategy that sees a complete digital �prototype� of the car generated ahead of the construction of real vehicles. Weber said this allowed new features to be tested much earlier in the engineering timetable. Mercedes also instigated an intensive bench test programme of the C-class� components and sub-components with component suppliers, in order to eliminate potential compatibility problems at an early stage.
For the last few months Mercedes has even given pre-production cars to employees to further de-bug them before full-scale production begins.
The current E-class was riddled with electrical glitches from launch, including problems with the brake-by-wire system serious enough that the Sensotronic Bosch brakes were removed when it was recently facelifted. Mercedes also suffered significant problems with its Command combined audio, sat-nav and telephone system.
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 28 ianuarie 2007 - 01:21
Proton (and Lotus) to be sold to VW
26 January 2007
A majority stake in Proton is to be sold to Volkswagen, according to Asian business reports, passing control not only of the Malaysian state-owned car-maker to VW, but also of British sports car-maker Lotus.
Autocar's sources suggest that VW is to take a 51 per cent stake in Proton, which it will confirm in an announcement to the press on February 8. Proton, in turn, has owned an 80 per cent stake of Group Lotus, the company within which Lotus Cars operates, since 1996. The sale would therefore leave Hethel's best-known brand firmly under the control of Wolfsburg from now on.
The sale of Proton has been mooted since the middle of last year. Various bidders have been linked with its acquisition, including General Motors and PSA Peugeot-Citroen.
The implications that the sale might have for Lotus will remain unclear until the sale is made public.
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."
Scris 29 ianuarie 2007 - 10:00
Dacia-Renault a incheiat contracte cu firma germana Soltz si cu alte mari retele de dezmembrari auto din tara, pentru reciclarea tuturor modelelor de autovehicule Dacia care ies din uz, a declarat, in exlusivitate pentru Gandul, Constantin Stroe, vicepresedinte al C.A. al companiei franceze. �Orice ultim posesor al unei Dacii pe care vrea sa o caseze se poate duce la un astfel de centru de
dezmembrare-dezafectare-reciclare, cu care avem contract�, spune Stroe. Costul reciclarii, de 80-100 de euro/masina, este suportat, in comun, de producator si de firma de dezmembrari. �Masina nu este presata din prima, facuta pachet. Este dezmembrata, iar unele din partile componente se vand, ca piese second hand utilizabile. Astfel, dezmembratorii isi recupereaza costurile. In ce ne priveste, costurile le caracterizez drept modice�, a mai precizat Stroe.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de adrian_r5: 29 ianuarie 2007 - 10:02
Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)
Scris 29 ianuarie 2007 - 03:03
At a press conference in the Max Schmeling Halle in Berlin, SEAT and Shakira presented the prize in the fundraising campaign for Shakira�s charity foundation, Pies Descalzos (Bare Feet), a unique SEAT Le�n appropriately called Le�n Pies Descalzos.
�The support for Pies Descalzos is very welcome�, said Shakira during the press conference. �The need for education and proper nutrition for the children in my home country Colombia is very big and I trust that SEAT�s initiative will aid a lot.�
�By supporting Shakira�s charity foundation, we show our social responsibility�, commented Erich Schmitt, SEAT�s president. �We use our massive advertising campaign in all European countries that will be visited by Shakira to incorporate the possibility to donate money to Pies Descalzos.�
A unique car
The Le�n Pies Descalzos was developed by SEAT in cooperation with Shakira. In the design process Shakira acted as a consultant on colors and materials. The standard SEAT Le�n Cupra is now transformed into a totally unique car that one lucky person will be able to win in the drawing at the end of the fundraising campaign in May.
The fundraising campaign started yesterday in connection with Shakira�s first concert on the European Tour in Hamburg. It will be promoted in all communication channels in the integrated advertising campaign that SEAT has launched benefiting from the Shakira cooperation. It will end on May 15 and the Le�n Pies Descalzos will be handed over to its winner during the Barcelona Motor Show in the beginning of June.
The markets where you can enter in the drawing are: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Win the Le�n Pies Descalzos for 1 Euro
To be able to win the car you have to donate money to Pies Descalzos through SEAT�s campaign. Either by sending an SMS to a dedicated number in each country and donate 1 Euro or by entering the dedicated Shakira/SEAT website � � where you will be able to donate any sum you would like with a credit card.
The Le�n Pies Descalzos that SEAT is donating to the fundraising campaign represents a value of 27.300 Euros in its equivalent version on the Spanish market. During the press conference in Berlin, Erich Schmitt handed over a cheque with the same amount to Shakira to give the fundraising a flying start.
The most powerful road-going SEAT to date
The base for the car is the recently presented SEAT Le�n Cupra. This car has already secured its place in the history books by being the Spanish brand�s most powerful road-going car to date. Developing 240 hp (177 kW) the new Cupra model integrates all of SEAT�s expertise in creating cars with an overtly sporty attitude.
The design alterations in the Le�n Pies Descalzos include the exterior color, which is a unique lilac metallic. This color can also be found on several details in the interior such as the dashboard and the back of the seats. Furthermore, the standard 18-inch wheels are painted black. The Pies Descalzos logotype (a bare foot) is integrated in the seats as well as in several places on the exterior.
Fundaci�n Pies Descalzos
The �Fundaci�n Pies Descalzos� (the Bare Feet Foundation) was founded in Colombia. The organization is devoted to finding and providing opportunities for children in Colombia. It originated in Barranquilla, the hometown of Shakira on the Caribbean coast of Colombia, and is now reaching other parts of the country.
The goal is to improve the education, nutrition, and the lives of the thousands of displaced children who are living in perilous conditions in Colombia.
Shakira, one of the most successful, young and recognized artists has chosen SEAT, the Spanish automotive brand, as the main sponsor of her 2007 Shakira �Oral Fixation� European Tour. The tour started yesterday and will end on March 18, traveling through more than 10 European countries and concerts will be held on the most well known European cities and venues.
He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!
Scris 29 ianuarie 2007 - 03:37
''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU
Scris 29 ianuarie 2007 - 03:41
Scris 29 ianuarie 2007 - 03:45
Scris 29 ianuarie 2007 - 06:15
Scris 29 ianuarie 2007 - 06:18
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