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#126 the1


  • Moderators
  • 16.118 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 26-iunie 05
  • Location:Bucharest, Romania
  • Marca:MITSU
  • Model:COLT
  • Motorizare:1.3 95hp

Scris 29 ianuarie 2007 - 06:47

Din cauza LaBe1 de pe scaun?

Mie mi se pare un exercitiu inutil de design sau... whatever.
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''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

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#127 the1


  • Moderators
  • 16.118 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 26-iunie 05
  • Location:Bucharest, Romania
  • Marca:MITSU
  • Model:COLT
  • Motorizare:1.3 95hp

Scris 30 ianuarie 2007 - 04:17

The future of one of the most prestigious brands in car-making will be decided within hours, when the bidding process for Aston Martin closes. UBS, the investment bank managing the sale of the marque on behalf of Ford, has asked for final offers for the Gaydon-based outfit to be submitted today. The next owner of the company should therefore be announced within days.

The race to buy Aston Martin originally involved more than 30 bidders. It is now reported to have been whittled down to a well-financed consortium led by Australia's richest man James Packer, one led by current Aston boss Ulrich Bez, and a bid led by Syrian-born billionaire Simon Halabi. Various equity groups from the UK and elsewhere are also said to be interested, as is Canadian component manufacturer Magna.

The winning bidder is expected to have to pay at least �550 million � that's a nice round billion US dollars � for the company.
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''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

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#128 the1


  • Moderators
  • 16.118 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 26-iunie 05
  • Location:Bucharest, Romania
  • Marca:MITSU
  • Model:COLT
  • Motorizare:1.3 95hp

Scris 30 ianuarie 2007 - 04:32

Volkswagen is supporting mass biofuel production, as well as developing a zero-emissions combustion engine, to ensure sustainable, environmentally friendly mobility in the future.

At a biofuels seminar in London Dr Wolfgang Steiger, Volkswagen Group�s head of powertrain development, said that aside from the tangible benefits of improving local air quality and reducing global carbon dioxide emissions, VW also wanted to reduce its vehicles� dependency on crude oil. The German firm predicts oil prices will become unstable as early as 2020.

Second-generation biofuel, or �SunFuel� as VW calls it, produces a closed carbon dioxide cycle - ie it absorbs as much CO2 as it creates - and could be operational on a large scale within 10 years. VW says that the yield from today�s existing biofuel acreage in Germany would be enough to power 25 per cent of the country�s cars.

However, Aaron Berry of the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs argues that there is broad uncertainty about the levels of CO2 produced from the differing crops used in biofuel production, which puts into question the environmental benefits. It also makes it incredibly difficult for the government to levy an appropriate level of tax, especially knowing that this fuel costs more per litre to manufacture than regular petrol.

But according to Dr Steiger �the goal is not just to produce a biofuel, it is to reduce CO2 production�.

Volkswagen�s new engine technology, Combined Combustion System, would help achieve this. It applies the same principles of combustion as conventional engines, but biofuel combustion takes place at a lower temperature, thus preventing the production of noxous emissions such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
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''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

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#129 the1


  • Moderators
  • 16.118 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 26-iunie 05
  • Location:Bucharest, Romania
  • Marca:MITSU
  • Model:COLT
  • Motorizare:1.3 95hp

Scris 30 ianuarie 2007 - 08:36


Goodwood, 29 January 2007

The first Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coup� destined for the USA has been bought at a charity auction held during the annual Naples Winter Wine festival in Florida for $2million. More than $1.6 million will go to the Naples Children and Education Foundation, which supports charitable and educational programmes to improve the physical, emotional and educational lives of underprivileged or at-risk children.

The car was bought by a resident of Naples, who will take delivery of the car later this year. The winning bid of $2 million is the single highest price paid for any lot in the event�s seven-year history and, it is believed, makes this Phantom Drophead Coup� the most expensive new car ever sold in the USA.

The auction, which took place on 27 January, was staged at the Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort in Naples. It was attended by many of the world�s finest vintners, chefs, television and film personalities, as well as wine lovers and culinary enthusiasts from all over the USA. Naples� families who share a passion for great wine, excellent food, and supporting their community established the Festival in 2000.

Rolls-Royce launched the new Phantom Drophead Coup� at the Detroit Motor Show earlier in January 2007. The two-door, four-seat convertible is hand made at the company�s headquarters in Goodwood, England. It combines the latest in lightweight aluminium technology, elegant design and the very best hand-crafted materials. The result is a car that many have already hailed as the ultimate in open top motoring. An extensive order bank already exists, with all of the 2007 cars allocated. Full production starts in the summer.

Speaking at the event, Graeme Grieve, Sales and Marketing Director, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, said, �This was a unique opportunity for someone to secure the first US car ahead of the current waiting list for the Drophead Coup�, and make a very generous donation to an important charity in the process. Everybody at Rolls-Royce is delighted with the result.�

This is the third year that Rolls-Royce Motor Cars has worked with the Naples Winter Wine Festival, raising many hundreds of thousands of dollars for good causes.
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''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

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#130 masterblaster


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  • 6.376 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 30-octombrie 05
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Hyundai / Dacia
  • Model:Accent / 1310
  • Motorizare:1.5 CRDI / 1.4

Scris 31 ianuarie 2007 - 04:13

Saturn Astra and Pontiac G8 at Chicago Auto Show
Imagine amplasata

General Motors will introduce the all-new 2008 Saturn Astra and 2008 Pontiac G8 at the Chicago Auto Show next week, building on the momentum of the North American International Auto Show in Detroit � where the Saturn Aura captured the North American Car of the Year award and the Chevrolet Silverado claimed the North American Truck of the Year award.

Saturn continues its product revitalization with the new Astra compact car, along with the 2008 Vue Red Line and Vue Green Line hybrid. The Astra marks the fifth all-new vehicle in Saturn�s lineup, and is the last step in a complete reinvention of the brand�s showroom in less than 20 months.

The G8 sedan represents Pontiac 's continuing commitment to rear-wheel-drive performance, and adds to the G6 GXP and Torrent GXP recently introduced in Detroit. Additionally, a pair of special-edition Chevrolet Corvettes will debut.

The Chicago Auto Show is open to the public Feb. 9-18 at McCormick Place.

GM also will bring the cars that caused a stir in Detroit : the Chevrolet Volt electric car concept, the Chevrolet Camaro convertible concept, the 2008 Chevrolet Malibu and the 2008 Cadillac CTS.

�It is truly an exciting time at GM, because every few weeks, we get to show off all-new models that reinforce the fact that we�re not only back in the car market, we�re back with the intention to lead it,� said GM North America president Troy Clarke. �The common thread linking all of these great new products is our renewed commitment to design excellence and technological innovation.�

Complementing GM�s new vehicles at the Chicago Auto Show is an all-new exhibit that is the auto show equivalent of an art gallery. It features a distinctive, more intuitive layout that allows visitors to experience GM�s eight individual brands in gallery-type settings.
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He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!

#131 the1


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  • 16.118 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 26-iunie 05
  • Location:Bucharest, Romania
  • Marca:MITSU
  • Model:COLT
  • Motorizare:1.3 95hp

Scris 01 februarie 2007 - 12:39

Programul rabla se reia in 2007


Guvernul a decis sa continue si in anul 2007 programul de stimulare a innoirii Parcului auto national, a anuntat miercuri Oana Marinescu, purtatorul de cuvant al Executivului. Ministerului Mediului a propus ca in acest an sa se aloce suma de 49,5 milioane lei, pentru scoaterea din uz a 16.500 de autoturisme uzate.

�Nu este aprobat inca un act normativ. Astazi a fost luata decizia de principiu. Propunerea Ministerului Mediului este ca in anul 2007 sa se aloce suma de 49,5 milioane lei, suma care poate fi folosita pentru scoaterea din uz a 16.500 de autoturisme uzate�, a declarat Oana Marinescu.

Potrivit purtatorului de cuvant al Guvernului, in anul 2005 programul a fost finantat cu suma de 43,8 milioane de lei, iar in 2006 cu 45,33 milioane de lei, calitatea aerului imbunatatindu-se in aceasta perioada.

In cadrul acestui program, proprietarii masinilor mai vechi de 12 ani le vor putea preda la centrele de colectare in schimbul unui bon valoric de 3.000 de lei, pe care il vor putea utiliza ca avans la cumpararea unui autoturism nou., Dragos Comache, 31 ian 2007


Cu cit urca aderarea contractele de leasing

Leasingul isi pierde din avantaje in fata integrarii, dupa introducerea TVA de 19% pe dobinda. Pretul unui contract se majoreaza cu citeva sute de euro.

Inca din prima zi de aderare, domeniul auto a resimtit din plin efectele integrarii. Cumparatorii de masini in leasing vor plati, pe linga dobinda aferenta contractului, si TVA pentru aceasta, precum si taxele locale. Efectul: un plus de citeva sute de euro. Masura este impusa de una dintre directivele UE si se aplica tuturor contractelor de leasing incheiate dupa 1 ianuarie 2007.

Singurii care vor scapa cu aceiasi bani vor fi cei ale caror contracte au fost semnate anul trecut. �In cazul contractelor de leasing incheiate anterior datei de 1 ianuarie 2007 si care se deruleaza dupa data aderarii, dobinzile aferente ratelor scadente nu se cuprind in baza de impozitare a taxei�, a spus Ana Maria Notingher, Senior Manager in cadrul KPMG.

Astfel, spre deosebire de situatia din anii trecuti, cota de 19% a TVA se va aplica si pe dobinda perceputa in prezent la un contract de leasing. �Din aceasta masura rezulta o scumpire medie de 400 de euro pe an, pentru o masina in valoare de 20.000 de euro, la un contract pe o durata de cinci ani�, a spus Cristian Mateescu, consilier la Asociatia de Leasing Bancar.

In opinia lui Mateescu, societatile de leasing vor trebui sa gaseasca solutii de refacturare care sa compenseze acest efect pentru a preintimpina concurenta facuta de bancile care acorda credite cu aceeasi destinatie.

Scumpiri de la 0,6 la 3%

Noul Cod fiscal, potrivit caruia taxa pe valoarea adaugata va fi aplicata de anul acesta si la dobinda contractelor de leasing, nu doar la principal, va scumpi finantarile cu un minimum de 0,6% si pina la trei puncte procentuale.

�In medie, pentru persoanele fizice este vorba despre o scumpire a finantarii in leasing pe ansamblul contractului de maximum 3%�, a declarat presedintele UniCredit Leasing Corporation, Septimiu Postelnicu.

Clientii platesc impozitele locale

De la 1 ianuarie 2007, potrivit modificarilor aduse de Codul fiscal, la leasingul financiar, impozitul pe proprietate atit in cazul caselor si al terenurilor, cit si al autoturismelor nu se mai plateste de catre societatea de leasing, ci de catre utilizator.

Spre deosebire de case si de terenuri, pentru autoturisme este nevoie de documente suplimentare din care sa reiasa datele tehnice pe baza carora este calculat impozitul.

�Ministerul Finantelor Publice a emis un ordin prin care se stipuleaza ca persoanele fizice trebuie sa plateasca impozitele locale aferente noilor contracte de leasing si sa se prezinte la administratiile financiare teritoriale cu contractul de leasing si copia dupa talonul autoturismului.

Numai in Bucuresti exista circa 600.000 de titulari de contracte de leasing care trebuie sa-si plateasca impozitele respective pina la sfirsitul lunii ianuarie�, a spus Postelnicu.

Taxa pentru non-UE

Potrivit presedintelui UniCredit Leasing Corporation, o data cu alinierea legislatiei vamale la cerintele europene, taxa vamala pentru autovehiculele din spatiul noneuropean nu se mai aplica la valoarea reziduala a masinii, ci la valoarea integrala. �Spre exemplu, pentru o masina din spatiul asiatic, taxa vamala este de 10%, care se va aplica la pretul de intrare a autovehiculului.

Or, aceasta prevedere din Codul vamal diminueaza avantajele leasingului ca produs de finantare�, a spus Postelnicu.

�Companiile de leasing vor accepta pe viitor doar bunuri indigenizate pentru finantare si vor achizitiona in principal masini pe plan local�, a adaugat oficialul UniCredit.

El a precizat ca leasingul cross-border va disparea din portofoliul companiilor, pentru ca acest produs isi pierde din importanta o data cu aderarea Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana.

Contractele de leasing cross-border incheiate de societatile de leasing se pastreaza pina la finalizarea acestora, insa regimul vamal se va aplica conform legislatiei in vigoare la momentul incheierii contractului.

Exemple de oferte

Pentru un Renault Clio de 1,4 litri si 90 de cai-putere, al carui pret CIP este de 11.980 de euro, Renault Credit International percepe o dobinda de 10,9% pe an.

Inainte de 1 ianuarie, in exact aceleasi conditii, ratelor anuale li se adauga 220 de euro din dobinda, incepind cu acest an aplicarea TVA de 19% pe 10,9% a condus la majorarea sumei la 260,95 euro pe an. Acest lucru inseamna o crestere de 2,07% a contractului de leasing pe toata perioada de creditare.

Daca luam cazul unui Peugeot 407 de 1,8 litri si 15.817 euro CIP, cu o dobinda de exemplu de 9,94%, atunci rata dobinzii inainte de 2007 se situa la 314,4 euro pe an, in timp ce in prezent se cifreaza la 374,2 euro anual. Astfel, contractul devine in cinci ani mai scump cu aproape 300 de euro, adica cu 1,88% mai mult decit costa inainte.

In cazul unui Volvo V50, de 2,4 litri si 140 de cai-putere, a carui valoare este de 20.000 de euro, inainte de 2007 se platea, in afara ratei lunare, un plus de 400 de euro pe an provenit dintr-o dobinda anuala de 10%, de exemplu.

De la 1 ianuarie insa, suma creste la 476 de euro anual, pentru ca dupa aplicarea TVA pe dobinda de 10% acest indicator a ajuns la 11,9%, ceea ce corespunde unei majorari de 1,9% a contractului de leasing pe ansamblul unei perioade de finantare de cinci ani.


Fiscul ii batjocoreste pe posesorii de masini in leasing

Directiile de Taxe si Impozite s-au umplut in 24 de ore de bani si de contribuabili plini de nervi. Potrivit legii, ieri era ultima zi pentru declararea impozitului pentru masinile luate in leasing. Multi au ales, ca solutie de a scapa de amenzile usturatoare anuntate de Fisc, statul la coada.

Trecerea platii impozitului din sarcina firmelor de leasing in contul titularilor de contracte a dat nastere la un val de nemultumiri.

"Cum poate lua statul un impozit pe un bun pe care, de fapt, nu sunt proprietar? E ca si cum un chirias ar fi obligat sa plateasca impozitul pe casa in locul proprietarului.In mod cert a fost un aranjament intre guvernanti si firmele de leasing", ne-a declarat reprezentantul unei firme de distributie ce pierduse deja o ora la coada de la Directia de Taxe si Impozite locale Sectorul 1.

Altii se plangeau de faptul ca, practic, prin noua forma de colectare a impozitului, li s-a scumpit rata la leasing: "Inainte, impozitul pe masina era inclus in rata. Or, acum noi platim si impozitul, iar rata a ramas aceeasi. Ganditi-va ce sume sunt in joc.

Si nu toti au numai una, doua masini, si nu toate masinile sunt de cilindree mica", spunea administratora unei agentii de turism, aflata la "coada patronilor" din Piata Amzei.
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''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

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#132 Maxy

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  • 2.002 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 09-mai 02
  • Location:wild wild south
  • Marca:Volvo
  • Model:S40 T5 R
  • Motorizare:2.5T 2XX

Scris 01 februarie 2007 - 10:48

Inteligenta lui Vladescu nu inceteaza sa ma uimeasca,cum a fost pus un asemenea dobitoc la conducere nu imi pot imagina,auzi tu sa platesti impozit la o masina luata pe leasing...este absolut incredibil.

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Maxy: 01 februarie 2007 - 10:49

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#133 the1


  • Moderators
  • 16.118 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 26-iunie 05
  • Location:Bucharest, Romania
  • Marca:MITSU
  • Model:COLT
  • Motorizare:1.3 95hp

Scris 02 februarie 2007 - 11:18

Scoop: Louis Vuitton buys Aston Martin

All the bids are in and the winning bidder has been revealed: Aston Martin is being bought by LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA, the French luxury goods consortium that produces upper-crust products ranging from leather trunks and wallets to champagne and cognac...and now exotic luxury sports cars, too.

In placing the highest bid, Louis Vuitton beat out some serious contenders, including consortia led by Aston's current boss, billionaire moguls and numerous heavy-hitting investment firms.

Ford Motor Company will reportedly retain 15% interest in Aston Martin when Louis Vuitton takes over. Although both Ford PAG and Louis Vuitton declined to comment to DowJones MarketWatch, the media outlet that broke the story, German car mag Autobild will be running the story tomorrow (Friday).

While there has been a history of fashion labels and automakers collaborating on special editions � including Aston Martin and Dunhill � the purchase of a stoic marque like Aston Martin is pioneering new ground, although Louis Vuitton does have an established history in sponsoring concours d'elegance.

Gold and brown DB9, anyone?

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''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

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#134 the1


  • Moderators
  • 16.118 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 26-iunie 05
  • Location:Bucharest, Romania
  • Marca:MITSU
  • Model:COLT
  • Motorizare:1.3 95hp

Scris 06 februarie 2007 - 11:53

Justitia sud-coreeana l-a condamnat ieri pe patronul Hyundai Motor, la trei ani inchisoare, pentru deturnare de fonduri si abuz de incredere

Patronul principalului producator de masini din Coreea de Sud si al saselea grup pe plan mondial, Chung Mong-koo, de 68 de ani, a fost gasit vinovat de deturnarea a 63 miliarde won (67 milioane dolari), prin intermediul unor falsi contabili. Suma a fost folosita pentru a mitui politicieni si alti responsabili. "Comportamentul sau constituie in mod clar o incalcarea legii, tribunalul nu are alta alternativa in afara verdictului de vinovatie", a declarat, potrivit NewsIn, presedintele tribunalului, Kim Dong-oh.

Procurorii au cerut o pedeapsa de sase ani de incarcerare, insa avocatii lui au pledat pentru reducerea pedepsei, argumentand ca o astfel de condamnare ar putea afecta viitorului unuia dintre pilonii de sustinere a economiei sud-coreene.

Un analist al industriei automobilistice la Institutului coreean al economiei si comertului, Cho Chul, a estimat ca "verdictul va avea repercusiuni negative asupra vointei grupului de a-si ameliora imaginea si calitatea produselor". Expertul a subliniat ca M Chung "continua sa joace un rol important in cadrul companiei".

Problemele judiciare ale patronului au intarziat deja exitenderea grupului in Europa si Statele Unite ale Americii. Planurile companiei au mai fost afectate de poblemele fiului directorului Hyundai, M. Chung, sef al filialei Kia Motors Corp.

Obiectivul asumat de Chung la preluarea Hyundai in 1999 a fost ridicarea grupului sud-coreean pana pe pozitia a cincea pe plan mondial in clasamentul constructorilor de automobile, prin ameliorarea calitatii produselor. Hyundai este a saselea producator mondial de automobile si controleaza aproximativ 70% din piata nationala de automobile.


Situatia la Daewoo este incalcita si complicata

Ministrul Transporturilor, Constructiilor si Turismului, Radu Berceanu, sustine ca situatia de la Daewoo este "incalcita" si complicata si, desi sunt investitori interesati de fabrica de automobile, aceasta nu trebuie vanduta cu "incurcaturi".

Ministrul democrat sustine ca la fabrica de automobile din Craiova sunt probleme cu actionariatul si datoriile pe care le are Daewoo.

"Comisia din care fac si eu parte pana la urma a avut o prima intalnire la mijlocul saptamanii. Situatia de acolo este foarte incalcita si complicata. Fabrica exista, functioneaza si toata lumea o cunoaste. Exista si interesul investitorilor pentru ea, sunt unele probleme cu modul de distributie al actiunilor, au aparut si problemele datoriilor", a declarat Berceanu.

Acesta sustine ca uzina de la Craiova trebuie sa-si rezolve problemele inainte de a fi scoasa la privatizare.

"Trebuie gasite solutii de a aseza fabrica intr-o pozitie in care sa fie cu sanse de succes in fata investitorilor. Ei vin, viziteaza fabrica si, cand e sa vindem, vindem si incurcaturile", a mai spus Berceanu.

Referindu-se la privatizarea Electroputere Craiova, demnitarul este de parere ca ar trebui infiintata o comisie ministeriala, la fel ca in cazul Daewoo.

"AVAS incearca sa refaca un program pe care incearca sa-l definitiveze si sa ni-l prezinte in Guvern. Eu cred ca merita acelasi tratament privind infiintarea unei comisii ministeriale de privatizare", a mai spus Berceanu.

Democratul Marian Jean Marinescu sustine ca viitorul fabricii de la Craiova este strans legat de modul in care va fi privatizata.

"Cred ca Electro are o sansa daca o vindem ca un intreg. Daca o vindem pe bucati, nu are niciun viitor", a declarat Marian Jean Marinescu.

Compania Automobile Craiova, detinuta de stat, a cumparat actiunile detinute de compania coreeana Daewoo Motor la uzina de Automobile Daewoo Craiova, pentru 60 milioane dolari. Contractul de transfer al participatiei de 51% si tranzactia creantelor, intre Daewoo Motor Co si Daewoo Automobile Romania, a fost semnat la sfarsitul lunii august.

In urma tranzactiei, Automobile Craiova si-a majorat participatia la Daewoo Romania la 100%. Statul este actionarul majoritar al Automobile Craiova, cu 72,4% din actiuni, iar SIF Oltenia detine 22%.

Autoritatile romane au anuntat ca General Motors (GM) si Ford - SUA, Tata - India si Chery Automobile (China) sunt interesate de preluarea Daewoo Automobile Romania.

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''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

Imagine amplasata

#135 LaScurt

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  • 2.828 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 15-martie 04
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Hyundai
  • Model:Sonata
  • Motorizare:2.4 165 CP

Scris 06 februarie 2007 - 12:49

Referitor la condamnarea CEO-ului de la Hyundai, ca posesor am studiat fenomenul mai in detaliu si am ramas placut surprins de o anumita reactie. Vreau sa vad si io un bogatan/politician roman prins cu mata in sac care sa procedeze asa.

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Aceasta postare a fost editata de LaScurt: 06 februarie 2007 - 12:50

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#136 masterblaster


  • Moderators
  • 6.376 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 30-octombrie 05
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Hyundai / Dacia
  • Model:Accent / 1310
  • Motorizare:1.5 CRDI / 1.4

Scris 06 februarie 2007 - 12:53

asa ceva n-o sa vedem la noi.....admirabil gestul
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He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!

#137 CrisArkgoth

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Scris 06 februarie 2007 - 01:43

fac si la noi asa daca arunci 500 eur pe jos.
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#138 the1


  • Moderators
  • 16.118 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 26-iunie 05
  • Location:Bucharest, Romania
  • Marca:MITSU
  • Model:COLT
  • Motorizare:1.3 95hp

Scris 07 februarie 2007 - 01:55

A new owner for the beleaguered TVR sports car company - a successor to 'baby oligarch' Nikolai Smolenski, who acquired the company for �15 million in 2001 but appears to have lost his trademark rights in a series of financial machinations - is due to be revealed in less than a fortnight.

The administrator of Blackpool Automotive, the company created last year by Smolenski to contain TVR's Blackpool assets, will announce the successful new owner on February 23, from a field of around half a dozen serious bidders, all of whom were required to provide proof of �2 million funding to be considered. It is possible, though observers say increasingly unlikely, that Smolenski will bid again for the company. He is believed to retain ownership of Coventry-based TVR Power, the company which built engines and supplied spares for the cars until production ceased last autumn.

Another prominent bidder is the Rochdale millionaire and engine designer Al Melling, already in the news after recently showing a full-size concept model of his own-brand super-performance sports car, the �185,000 Melling Hellcat, powered by a 1200 bhp, quad-turbo V10 engine of 6.3 litres. Melling designed TVR V8 and in-line six-cylinder engines, and has already hot-housed plans to revive the company, which would continue to be based in Blackpool.

"I'd need the old workforce," he said, "and if we could extend the lease on the existing Bristol Avenue premises, we�d stay there. It would take between six and 12 months to get the place back in full production, but I'd never expect to make more than 10-15 cars a week, two-thirds of which would be sold in the US. We'd major on the Sagaris and we'd revive the Griffith, which would be powered in updated form by an AJP8 engine. That car should never have been dropped."
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''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

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#139 maximus

    BattleStar Galactica

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Scris 08 februarie 2007 - 10:46

Eu atata sunt curios. Era o investitie programata sau au deviat vre-o investitie care trebuia facuta in romania?

In order to reinforce its presence in the Russian market, Renault is to invest USD150 million to increase the production capacity of its Avtoframos factory in Moscow

• Luc Alexandre M�nard, Renault's Senior Vice-President, Public Affairs and Euromed* Regional Leader, and Youri Loujkov, the Mayor of Moscow, represented by his First Deputy Vladimir Resin, today signed a heads of agreement of intention to increase the production capacity of the Avtoframos factory, Moscow, from 80,000 to 160,000 vehicles per annum.
• According to the terms of the agreement, Renault will invest USD150 million, while the City of Moscow will provide land and buildings with a planned mid-2009 production start-up date.
• In addition to Logan Sedan, new Logan Programme models will be produced at the Avtoframos factory.

In light of Logan's success in Russia and given the strong potential of this market, Renault has decided to increase the production capacity of its Avtoframos factory to 160,000 vehicles per annum from mid-2009, and also to extend production to include new models of the Logan Programme. This decision marks a new phase in Renault's development in Russia following the creation of a manufacturing and sales subsidiary in 1998, the launch of Logan production in April 2005 and the model's sale from July 2005.
Since July 2005, more than 56,000 Logans have been sold in Russia. Designed to meet to the needs of customers looking for a spacious, strong, reliable and inexpensive car, it has appealed particularly to Russian customers who are keenly aware of criteria such as quality, price and running costs. Today's announcement that production capacity will be doubled, which itself follows the decision to step up from 60,000 to 80,000 vehicles per annum from mid-2007, will enable Renault to meet to the demand of a market that has recorded two-figure annual growth rates for the past five years.
* Bulgaria, Moldavia, Romania, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Cyprus, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia.
Inaugurated in April 2005, the Avtoframos plant will be extended to take in the neighbouring land of the former OAO Moskvitch factory. Within the framework of the cooperation between Renault and the City of Moscow, it is planned that the City of Moscow will contribute the land and buildings and that Renault will invest USD150 million in the renovation of the site and the establishment of new facilities. This investment comes on top of the USD250 million initially committed to the construction of the Avtoframos factory.
Parallel discussions are also continuing with a view to a future cooperation with Avtovaz.

Renault, the leading European carmaker in Russia
With a 7.7 per cent share of total foreign brand sales, Renault is currently the sixth best-selling foreign carmaker. It is also the leading European carmaker in Russia. In 2006, Renault sold 72,484 cars in Russia, an increase of 148 per cent over 2005. Logan, the sales of which amounted to 49,323 cars in 2006, accounts for 68 per cent of the Renault Group's sales and has emerged as the second best-selling foreign model in Russia. With a score of 17 and 7.8 per cent respectively, M�gane and Clio Symbol are the other cornerstones of the brand's success. Renault has developed a distribution network that today includes 71 dealerships and a total of 91 points of sale in 55 cities. This network covers practically all Russian cities with a polulation of more than 300,000. Inaugurated in 1999, the staff training centre for technical coordinators – the people behind the after-sales service's quality – has to date trained more than 2,000 staff, while a central spares warehouse enables dealers to take delivery of parts within 48 hours of
their order. Last but not least, Renault Assistance, which provides a technical assistance service to motorists, has been operating in Russia since 2001 to ensure that Russian customers can count on the best after-sales service quality possible.


1916 Establishment of Russky Renault, a joint stock company based in Saint Petersburg which was nationalized after the revolution.
1966 A series of agreements signed covering the engineering, supply and production of equipment. The principal agreements signed between 1966 and 1983 included those with Moskvitch (cars), Kamaz (trucks), Kharkov (tractors) and Pskov (sewing machines).
1968 Establishment of a representational office in Moscow.
1998 Establishment of Avtoframos, a Russian-registered company with an initial capital of 124 million roubles (€4.6 million). Renault and the City of Moscow had equal shares in the company, the mission of which was the production and sale of vehicles in Russia.
2000 The capital of Avtoframos increased to €90 million. The City of Moscow's contribution takes the form of land and buildings. Renault's takes the form of cash.
2003 February: Renault announces its decision to invest €230 million in the construction of the Moscow factory (renovation of buildings and installation of production equipment) with a view to producing Logan.
November: Renault and the City of Moscow increase capital by €30.5 million to finance the project.
2004 The Avtoframos factory built.
October: in an auction, Renault acquires the 26 per cent stake in Avtoframos relinquished by the City of Moscow. The transaction takes Renault's share in the capital of Avtoframos to 76 per cent. The City of Moscow holds 24 per cent.
2005 Logan launched. Production at Avtoframos is based on Completely Knocked Down kits (CKDs) using parts produced either by local suppliers in Russia or in Dacia's Pitesti plant, Romania, where they are collected in the central warehouse near the factory before being trucked to Russia. Vehicle production in the Avtoframos factory is divided into three main workshops: the body shop, where the car's body components are welded, the paint shop and final assembly.
2006 Since December 26, 2006, Renault's share in the capital of Avtoframos amounts to 94.1 per cent. The City of Moscow, which remains our partner, holds 5.9 per cent.

Avtoframos production

Manufacturing facilities made up of a body assembly plant
Products: Logan
Number of assembly lines: 1
Factory certification: ISO 9001:2000
Surface area: 31ha
Number of shifts: 3
Production statistics (in number of cars)

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Capul lui Moţoc vrem!

#140 LaScurt

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  • 2.828 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 15-martie 04
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Hyundai
  • Model:Sonata
  • Motorizare:2.4 165 CP

Scris 08 februarie 2007 - 12:57

Era �n plan, la fel cum a fost �n plan şi investiţia de 100 de milioane de $ �n Rom�nia.

Hai să lăsăm paranoia deoparte. Şi să scriem "vre-o" corect :D
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#141 adrian_r5


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  • Location:Timisoara

Scris 08 februarie 2007 - 01:19

Eu atata sunt curios. Era o investitie programata sau au deviat vre-o investitie care trebuia facuta in romania?

"au deviat vre-o investitie care trebuia facuta in romania" cind au aflat ca cei de pe "" (cu mici exceptii) sint impotriva taxei de prima inmatriculare :D
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Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)

#142 masterblaster


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  • 6.376 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 30-octombrie 05
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Hyundai / Dacia
  • Model:Accent / 1310
  • Motorizare:1.5 CRDI / 1.4

Scris 09 februarie 2007 - 12:34

VW Touran gets New 170hp Engine with DSG

The new Touran is now also available with the 125kW/170hp TSI engine. This direct-injection engine equipped with a supercharger and turbocharger comes with the unique DSG direct-shift gearbox and Highline equipment as standard. This impressive combination is unique in the MPV field. Volkswagen engineers have made an innovative concept reality with the TSI technology: A supercharger operates in the lower rev ranges and a turbocharger at higher revs. The success of this combination is clearly noticeable thanks to the generous power (125kW/170hp), constant torque band (240Nm from 1,500rpm to 4,750rpm) and low consumption (7.6 litres/100 km). The technical basis for the Twincharger technology is provided by a 1,390ccm four-cylinder engine that produces the dynamism of a 2.5-litre normally aspirated engine. The TSI supplies its maximum torque from as low as 1,500rpm. The smoothly activated boost that is available at higher revs allows the 170hp Touran to reach a top speed of 212km/h. It speeds to 100km/h in 8.5 seconds. The motto "maximum power � minimum consumption" sums up the advantages of the TSI. TSI technology was already available in the Touran with the 103kW engine and, of course, also in the Golf, Golf Plus and Jetta, but now the 125kW Twincharger has been added to the top of the Touran range. Volkswagen has already received three awards on international level for the TSI engine. For example, in Autumn 2005, the What�s New prize from the American "Polular Science" magazine. In Spring 2006, it then received the Paul Pietsch Prize in Germany. In the UK, the Twincharger was honoured by the jury from the "International Engine of the Year" committee in 2006 winning the "1.0 � 1.4 Litre" category. Furthermore it was voted "Best New Engine of 2006". The Touran Highline TSI delivering 170hp and featuring the Direct Shift Gearbox as standard is priced at �31,006.67. The Touran TSI is particularly attractive for customers looking for financing offers thanks to the mobility packages from Volkswagen Bank. In the current jubilee package, customers receive free car insurance in the first year. Inspections and servicing are even free for four years. The integrated three-way financing comes at an annual percentage rate of 2.9%. The offer is rounded off with a guarantee extension. The package for the Touran TSI is available from a monthly instalment of �290*, for example. The Touran Over 650,000 Tourans have been sold across Europe since its launch in March 2003. The second generation has been on the market since November 2006 and features a range of three petrol engines, four diesels and a natural gas engine plus three gearboxes. * Down payment 20%; contract period 48 months; annual mileage 15,000 kilometres. The monthly instalment is adapted to the individually calculated car insurance premium from the second year. TDI, TSI, DSG and Twincharger are protected Volkswagen AG trademarks or the trademarks of other companies belonging to Volkswagen Group in Germany.


Alfa Romeo Limited Edition 147 Collezione Announced

A small number of desirable Alfa 147 Collezione models have just become available in the UK, with an attractive price that includes metallic paint, leather interior and unique 17 inch spoked alloy wheels.

From just �13,950, this limited edition version of the multi award-winning Alfa 147 (only 500 examples are coming to the UK), offers the discerning mid-size hatchback driver a choice of three distinctive metallic paint and leather colour combinations � red and black, grey and black, or black and beige � on top of a list of high specification comfort and handling features.

On board this eye-catching model, drivers will enjoy the benefits of steering wheel mounted controls for the CD player; and the vehicle is equipped as standard with manual climate control, an alarm system, and six airbags, along with ABS anti-lock brakes with EBD, and ASR traction control.

Available in 3 and 5-door body styles and powered by a choice of two punchy
120 bhp engines � a 1.6TS petrol or 1.9 JTDM diesel unit � the Alfa 147 Collezione delivers an engaging driver�s experience, with acclaimed handling and roadholding credentials and performance figures to match. The petrol and diesel engines will launch the Alfa 147 Collezione from 0-62 mph in 10.6 and 9.6 seconds respectively, and on to top speeds of 120 and 121 mph.
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He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!

#143 the1


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  • 16.118 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 26-iunie 05
  • Location:Bucharest, Romania
  • Marca:MITSU
  • Model:COLT
  • Motorizare:1.3 95hp

Scris 10 februarie 2007 - 02:33

The American market is thirsty for diesels and for more fuel-efficient cars altogether. That's why PSA's recently-installed CEO Christian Streiff sees now as the perfect time to bring Peugeot back to the United States. And though he's new on the job, he's planning on pitching just that idea in a three-year plan for the company as early as May.

The last time Peugeot competed in the US market was over fifteen years ago, when the only model it sold was the 405 sedan. Since then, Peugeot's model range has broadened considerably to include even a crossover sport-ute (pictured) through partnership with Mitsubishi. If Peugeot decided to run the 908 LM racing car in the American Le Mans Series (ALMS), it could position itself in the US market as the leader in efficient diesel technology like Audi did with the R10.

Peugeot is also a market leader in hard-top convertibles, a segment which is growing in polularity on American shores. If PSA decides to go ahead with the venture, it could be the best thing France has given America since the Statue of Liberty.
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''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

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#144 masterblaster


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  • 6.376 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 30-octombrie 05
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Hyundai / Dacia
  • Model:Accent / 1310
  • Motorizare:1.5 CRDI / 1.4

Scris 11 februarie 2007 - 03:13

VW developing new ultra compact car to take on Smart

The hits just keep on coming from Ferdinand Piech's new man, Martin Winterkorn. The new Volkswagen CEO has been shaking things up since he took over the reins in Wolfsburg, with 20,000 redundancies and longer working hours for the remaining employees.

Now, in an interview with German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Winterkorn let loose that one his first product moves upon assuming the mantle was to start work on a new micro car slotted below the B-Class Fox. Since the Phaeton was a resounding failure in challenging Mercedes-Benz in the thin-air of the luxury class, it appears that they will instead challenge Stuttgart at the low end of the spectrum. There is no word on when the new model might be available.
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He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!

#145 LaScurt

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  • 2.828 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 15-martie 04
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Hyundai
  • Model:Sonata
  • Motorizare:2.4 165 CP

Scris 12 februarie 2007 - 04:59

Hyundai scoate masina de 4800 USD

Hyundai dezvolta in prezent un model low-cost de clasa mica pentru piata chineza si planuieste lansarea sa cel mai devreme in 2010. Noul model este parte din strategia companiei de a creste vanzarile in toata lumea, China fiind piata cu cea mai mare crestere in acest moment. Nu exista detalii privind comercializarea modelului si pe alte piete dar se asteapta ca modelul sa intre si in tarile din sud-estul Asiei.
Ziarul coreean Yonhap News a anuntat ca masina va fi vanduta cu un pret de pornire de 4800 de dolari si va fi creata pentru a indeplini cerintele clientilor chinezi.
Hyundai se asteapta sa finalizeze anul viitor constructia uzinei sale din China, tocmai pentru ca modelul low-cost sa intre in productie aici. Impreuna cu subsidiarul sau Kia, Hyundai spera ca pana in 2010 sa fie al cincilea producator de pe piata auto mondiala.

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#146 masterblaster


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  • 6.376 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 30-octombrie 05
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Hyundai / Dacia
  • Model:Accent / 1310
  • Motorizare:1.5 CRDI / 1.4

Scris 12 februarie 2007 - 09:05

New Audi A3 TDI e & A4 TFSI e Models Introduced

* Audi A3 1.9 TDI e with fuel consumption below 4.5 l/100km takes CO2 emissions below 120 g/km
* A4 2.0 TFSI e demonstrates the potency of turbocharged petrol engines with direct injection by uniting high engine output and low fuel consumption

Audi is expanding the range of its two highest-volume model series with four new, particularly efficient models. The A3, A3 Sportback 1.9 TDI e and A4 2.0 TFSI e in saloon or Avant guise are especially efficient in the way they transform fuel into propulsive energy. Audi's competence in the field of direct injection technology provides for powerful propulsion and a high degree of efficiency. Advanced engine technology employing direct fuel injection is the basis for a long range on a single tank of fuel, both with petrol engines, for example the A4 2.0 TFSI e, and with diesel engines, for example the A3 1.9 TDI e.

Further special details of these models enable the customer to make even more efficient use of fuel. A common feature of the four new models is the gearshift indicator. Centrally located in the driver's field of view in the instrument cluster, it indicates when the next gear would be a better choice, analysing the situation according to current engine load and speed. When it comes to fuel consumption, it is especially important that the driver makes full use of the vehicle's potential. The new gearshift indicator supplies valuable additional information for a consumption-orientated driving style.

The A3 has been given higher transmission ratios for 3rd and 5th gears. The Audi A4 models are equipped as standard with a manual gearbox with an additional, high-ratio 6th gear. With various weight reduction measures, for example the aluminium bonnet on the A4, 16" size 205/55 low-rolling-resistance tyres, and various aerodynamic measures such as the rear spoiler from the S line range on the A4 saloon, all the new models give the customer a high everyday usage factor and provide especially economical mobility. The engine electronics have also been tuned to give particularly good fuel consumption.

Thanks to the high torque of the TDI and TFSI engines, drivability, elasticity and comfort are all part of the repertoire of these special Audi A3 and A4 models.

The new Audi A4 2.0 TFSI with the multiple award-winning 2.0-litre TFSI engine generating 125 kW (170 bhp) shows its two faces most plainly. On the one hand it offers high performance, with a top speed of 230 km/h and acceleration from 0 � 100 km/h in 8.3 seconds. On the other hand, it has the lowest everyday fuel consumption of the entire range of A4 petrol models: 7.1 litres per 100 km (7.2 for the A4 Avant), making a range of up to 1,000 kilometres possible on a single tank filling.

The combined fuel consumption for the A3 and the A3 Sportback 1.9 TDI with 77 kW (105 bhp) and diesel particulate filter as standard is an impressive 4.5 litres per 100 km with CO2 emissions below 120 g/km. This not only places it firmly among the best in its segment, but also means the driver doesn't have to worry about finding a filling station for up to 1,200 km.

In Germany, the basic price, including 19 percent VAT, is 22,600 euros for the A3 1.9 TDI e, 23,500 euros for the Sportback, 29,650 euros for the A4 2.0 TFSI e saloon and 31,300 euros for the Avant. The new, particularly low-consumption models will be available to customers from spring 2007.

Besides the technology employed, the driver's ability also plays a decisive role for economical driving. To give its customers detailed information about how to use fuel efficiently, Audi driving experience is, with immediate effect, relaunching its efficiency training courses. Starting at � 100 per participant, an individual proposal is compiled in direct consultation with groups of interested persons. Eight German cities are available as venues. The course is held using the customers' own vehicles. Vehicle can be provided upon request and at added charge.
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He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!

#147 masterblaster


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  • 6.376 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 30-octombrie 05
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Hyundai / Dacia
  • Model:Accent / 1310
  • Motorizare:1.5 CRDI / 1.4

Scris 12 februarie 2007 - 11:30

Land Rover to Introduce Commercial Discovery 3

In response to high customer demand, Land Rover has announced that it is to launch a commercial derivative of the award-winning Discovery 3, which will go on sale on the 19 March 2007.

Since launch in 2004, the Discovery 3 has demonstrated a class-leading breadth of capability and accrued awards from all over the world. Now, it has been engineered with approval from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to gain N1 Light Commercial 4x4 Vehicle status. Business users will therefore be able to take advantage of the Benefit in Kind tax and full VAT reclaim associated with Light Commercial Vehicles.
There will be two derivatives available: the Discovery 3 Commercial and the Discovery 3 XS Commercial. Standard features include 2130 litres of loadspace with a full length phenolic floor, privacy glass, two-piece bulkhead, four corner air suspension and Terrain Response™.

“Since launch, our dealers have received a number of requests from customers for a commercial derivative, many of whom bought standard models and then converted them independently for their own commercial use,” stated John Edwards, Land Rover UK managing director.

“The launch of the Discovery 3 Commercial means that for the first time, customers are now able to purchase a Land Rover approved Discovery 3 commercial vehicle, which benefits from the superior levels of ride, handling, comfort and equipment offered by the standard Discovery 3. We believe the Discovery Commercial will further re-define the 4x4 commercial segment.”

All Land Rover vehicles include a CO2 offset for the first 45,000 miles within the on-the-road price. Administered by Climate Care, an independent CO2 offset provider, the programme ensures that the average amount of CO2 produced by a Land Rover is offset by investments in a mixed portfolio of projects, including renewable energy, technology change and energy efficiency initiatives.
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He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!

#148 LaScurt

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Inregistrat: 15-martie 04
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  • Marca:Hyundai
  • Model:Sonata
  • Motorizare:2.4 165 CP

Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 02:07

Warranty Direct loveste din nou.

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Mazda, Honda, Toyota si Mitsubishi ocupa primele pozitii ale topului fiabilitatii, intocmit de societatea Warranty Direct.

Un studiu care a cuantificat problemele tehnice aparute la peste 450.000 de autoturisme cu varsta intre trei si noua ani arata ca masinile care pun cele mai putine probleme sunt produse in Japonia si Coreea de Sud.

Mazda este brandul cu cele mai fiabile autoturisme, potrivit unui studiu exhaustiv realizat de societatea Warranty Direct pe un lot de peste 450.000 de autoturisme cu vechime intre trei si noua ani din Marea Britanie si Statele Unite.

Cercetarea a luat in calcul defectiunile tehnice raportate la fiecare 100 de polite de garantie vandute proprietarilor cu masini cu varsta cuprinsa intre trei si noua ani.

Duncan McClure Fisher, managing director la Warranty Direct, apreciaza ca acesta este genul de raport pe care producatorii �ar prefera sa nu-l vedem�. Un motiv, spune el, ar fi faptul ca �informatiile prelucrate provin de la masini reale, care au facut kilometri reali�.

Primele marci europene: Mini si Citroen

In urma studiului s-a stabilit ca doar 8,04% din automobilele Mazda luate in evidenta s-au confruntat vreodata cu o problema mecanica. La mica distanta se afla Honda, cu un procent de masini cu probleme apropiat de 9%. Toyota, un al treilea producator nipon, completeaza podiumul cu un numar aproape dublu de defectiuni tehnice identificate.

Producatorii asiatici se evidentiaza aproape la unison, ocupand primele opt locuri ale acestei ierarhii si zece din primele 12.
Dominatia lor este intrerupta de doua marci europene, Mini si Citroen, clasate, in aceasta ordine, pe pozitiile noua si zece.

Autoturismele nemtesti nu au impresionat

Prima marca germana din top este Porsche, dar abia pe locul 16. BMW se plaseaza mediocru, doua locuri mai jos. Mercedes urmeaza la alte doua lungimi. Volkswagen (23) este surclasata de Rover (21), un brand trecut mai degraba in istorie, iar Audi (27) se afunda in periferia clasamentului. Fiat (17) surprinde cu o plasare in prima jumatate a ierarhiei, in fata majoritatii marcilor nemtesti cu o imagine superioara.

SUV-urile, la periferie

Potrivit rezultatelor decelate de Warranty Direct, peste o treime din autoturismele Renault cu varsta cuprinsa intre trei si noua ani au bifat cel putin o defectiune tehnica. Totusi, cel mai slab din acest punct de vedere se prezinta doua marci care au devenit sinonime cu segmentul SUV (4x4), Land Rover si Jeep. Conform studiului realizat de Warranty Direct, 44%, respectiv 46% din masinile care poarta aceste sigle aflate in colimatorul Warranty Direct le-au creat probleme proprietarilor

Sursa: EVZ.
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#149 marius_gl

    Nou venit

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Inregistrat: 13-iunie 06
  • Location:Galati
  • Marca:Kia
  • Model:Rio Dynamic
  • Motorizare:1.4 GSL 97 CP

Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 09:20

Ma intreb ce sentimente ii incearca pe producatorii unor marci de pe la coada ierarhizarii! Banuiesc ca nu din cele mai alese...
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#150 Artanis

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  • 1.304 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 06-august 05
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:SEAT
  • Model:Leon
  • Motorizare:1.4 TSI

Scris 13 februarie 2007 - 09:22

Adica Kia este mai fiabila decat Hyundai ?
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