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Renault Megane RS Formula 1 Team R26

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#76 canan17ro

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  • Motorizare:1.9 CDTI 200

Scris 30 octombrie 2007 - 11:26

clar reno e mai performant. doar ca gti-ul se zice ca ar fi mai "usor" de condus in viata de zi cu zi.

Am mers cu aproape toate hot hatch-urile care sunt pe piata acuma si cand mergi "incet" toate se conduc la fel. Desi multi insista ca e usor de condus Gti-ul pe mine nu m-a impresionat cu nimic. Si nici rapid nu e comparativ cu ceilalti deci e foarte mult marketing si istorie in ecuatie. Dupa mine S3 datorita puterii+quattro si R26 care are avantaj fata de celelalte prin LSD-ul fata sunt adevaratele hot hatch-uri in clasa acuma. Mai e una peste ele la performante dar aia nu stiu daca intra la hot hatch.

FrankSF - sa vezi cand ii dai talpa pe o suprafata pe care ai aderennta diferita pe rotile fata ce feeling nice e - zici ca ai Active Steering. :)
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Opel Astra 1.9 CD<!--coloro:#ff0000--><span style="color:#ff0000"><!--/coloro-->TI<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> 200 de cai by<a href="" target="_blank"> <!--coloro:#cc0000--><span style="color:#cc0000"><!--/coloro-->Flash-tuning<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--></a>

#77 cata69

    the nobody

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Scris 30 octombrie 2007 - 07:50

R-ul e cel mai rapid pe circuit, vedeti ca exista niste teste. GTI e o masina mai "completa", cum prefer STI fata de EVO, desi EVO e muuult mai rapid. nu toata treaba e in rapiditate, conteaza si alte aspecte. apropos, nu laud GTI, eu la "clasa" asta as merge pe type R oricum daca e sa cumpar o asa masina. S3 e mult prea scump.

ce e important e ca si-a luat ce-i place si ca masina fuge de rupe cu un sofer bun.
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tu nebuno tu, zapacito, te sparg, te-ndoi ... m-am sucit ... si tot sugi si tot bagi si tot sugi ... daca nu e tare, cred ca o frec degeaba ... de meserie sunt frumoasa. si sunt modesta, dar vreau sa se stie .. înaltă, blondă și cu sânii mari ... sunt cu mașina la spălătorie.
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#78 the1


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  • Motorizare:1.3 95hp

Scris 30 octombrie 2007 - 07:53

Eu m-as multumi cu Focusu ST.
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Imagine amplasata

''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

Imagine amplasata

#79 the1


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Scris 30 octombrie 2007 - 08:33

What's in the Autocar car park today?
Renaultsport Megane R26

Winner of our 2007 hot hatch mega test, the R26 is still the benchmark model in its class. Don't buy a performance hatch without trying one of these first.

Imagine amplasata
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Imagine amplasata

''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

Imagine amplasata

#80 Dee

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  • Marca:OPEL
  • Model:ASTRA H
  • Motorizare:1.6 105CP

Scris 30 octombrie 2007 - 09:36

Sandu este etalonul echidistantei si intruchiparea obectivitatii in forma pura. Mai ales cand vine vorba de VW...o marca foarte buna de altfel...Multumim si pentru talente nebanuite.
Fiind atat de echidistant "nea sandu" cere in contrapartida aceeasi masura de echidistanta. Hai c-am plecat la Cora sa iau un "kil" de ulei Motul sa prajesc niste cartofi.

@FrankSF- Indiferent de ce spune lumea ti-ai luat o bomba pe roti la un pret zic eu chiar super okay pentru ce se ofera. Si totusi Renault reprezinta un nume in lumea motorsportului si in masina asta a intrat multa expertiza din F1 si Formula Renault deci cred ca ai facut o super afacere. Cum nu este pe toate drumurile din ratiuni ce tin de mentalitatea obtuza a ruralului care ocazional cara halcile de porc si berea Burger la PET cu masina, vei avea si un model exclusivist si cand o sa accelerezi la stop o sa-i cada manelistului din passat (cu pachet crom) ochelarii auriti D&G si o sa-ti admire "evacuarea" if u get my drift.
Indubitabil GTI-ul este cel mai bun all rounder si chiar si eu l-am apreciat ca cel mai bun hot hatch pentru utilzare mixta atat in sfera pragmatica cat si cea de agrement insa de acolo si pana la a bate un R26 mai este cale lunga.
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On a self-imposed forum break...

#81 sandumbogdan

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Scris 30 octombrie 2007 - 10:12

nu cred ca aici este discutia optima pentru un versus, dar asa in idee, gti-ul este modelul arhi cunoscut, etalon si super polular al modelului golf, golf gti este un nume cu rezonanta foarte mare care reprezinta foarte mult fata de ce are renault in acest segment, si daca vrei neaparat sa compari r26 care este varf la megane, compara eventual cu r32 care e varf la golf, insa comparatia ar fi cam dezechilibrata, un varf de la golf va fi intotdeauna peste un varf de la megane, asa ca e ok, varful de la megane cu etalonul de la golf, dar iarasi, aici nu e versus asa ca sa nu mai comparam nimic si sa ramanem pe ce a spus clarkson, foarte galbena dar nu asa stralucita

Aceasta postare a fost editata de sandumbogdan: 30 octombrie 2007 - 10:13

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  • Model:Focus Mk3.5
  • Motorizare:1.5TDCi 120CP

Scris 30 octombrie 2007 - 11:06

Si Clarkson asta e vreun etalon in materie de masini? Mie mi se pare fix un clovn care a avut bulan sa puna mana de mic pe masini si atat. Si la batranete tot clovn a ramas. Daca stai si iei litera de lege ce zice el, e grav...
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"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry Ford
Mondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele

#83 Frank SF

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Scris 30 octombrie 2007 - 11:06

@dee: multumesc mult pentru mesaj si opinie. Eu de-abia astept sa vina masinuta...

acuma despre parerile lui Clarkson, sincer, omul mi-e drag, e haios, insa as inmulti cu 1/2 cam toate verdictele lui... e destul de biased si subiectiv... In ultimul an a zis despre vreo 3 masini ca sunt cele mai bune din lume (intii Ford GT, pe urma BMW M5 si pe urma Audi R8....) :)

iar ca dedicatie pentru sandu, iata parerea lui Clarkson despre Jetta... aici ... Verdict ? So boring you want to die... :)
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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."



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  • Motorizare:1.5TDCi 120CP

Scris 30 octombrie 2007 - 11:11

Apropos, nenea SF: stii ca ai masina participanta la RoC, nu? :) Tare, nene!
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"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry Ford
Mondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele

#85 cata69

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Scris 30 octombrie 2007 - 11:17

aoleu, cei mici si-au luat jucarii noi :)

discutiile astea "a mea consuma cu 1l mai putin, a mea ia suta cu 1s mai repede, a mea e rosie, a mea e mai mare" nu ne fac cinste, dar fac parte din noi. important e sa intelegem asta si sa nu ne suparam si oricum subaru rulezz + TDI rulezz (gata, m-am dat dracu acum).

ar fi de asemenea stupid ca un posesor de GTi (nu dacia mah railor), sa fie invidios pe frank sau invers. la nivelul asta nici nu conteaza cine cat consuma, cate secunde sunt in joc etc. nu cred sa fie careva plictisit (ca nenea JC de mai sus) cu ele, chiar daca ar conduce supermasini, tot sunt si astea distractive. e minim de sportivitate pe care si-l poate permite un om normal (sau maxim, nu stiu).
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tu nebuno tu, zapacito, te sparg, te-ndoi ... m-am sucit ... si tot sugi si tot bagi si tot sugi ... daca nu e tare, cred ca o frec degeaba ... de meserie sunt frumoasa. si sunt modesta, dar vreau sa se stie .. înaltă, blondă și cu sânii mari ... sunt cu mașina la spălătorie.
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#86 DOOM


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Scris 31 octombrie 2007 - 12:27

Hop si posesorul de GTI :) :).Multe lucruri frumoase a spus Clarkson despre modelul asta..iar S3-ul l-a cam porcait cu diverse ocazii asa cum a facut si cu Megane-ul.Si totusi amuzandu-ma la emisiunile lui si fiind si oarecum fan mi-am luat S3 :).Pentru ca opinia mea e cea care conteaza nu a lui.Normal ca daca se da jos din Ferrari o sa i se pare orice masina o lesinatura de-ti vine sa mori.Cred ca si eu as face la fel in locul lui...
Asa ca stai linistit Frank, Top Gear este o emisiune de divertisment in primul rand si abia apoi de realitati auto.

Aceasta postare a fost editata de DOOM: 31 octombrie 2007 - 12:28

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Audi S3 8P
VW Passat B6

#87 andrei041

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Scris 31 octombrie 2007 - 12:46

Nu Frank ia in serios emisiunea aia ... ci alte persoane, dupa cum vezi ... :)
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Omue inainte de toate ;)
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?

#88 oaspetele


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Scris 31 octombrie 2007 - 06:10

poi daca luam in serios emisiunea aia inseamna ca ne distram...
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Daca te trezesti dimineata si nu vezi soarele, inseamna ca esti mort sau esti soarele.

#89 ska


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Scris 31 octombrie 2007 - 07:56

phey dupa ce conduce numa masini de 400-500cp, iti dai seama ca se suie intr-una de 200 si nu prea ii place :)
JC e fun, dar prefer un review facut de Plato sau Tiff.
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happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.



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Scris 31 octombrie 2007 - 09:06

Amin! Chiar daca Tiff e varza la felul in care prezinta, se vede ca e pilot. Nu sofer, ci pilot.
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"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry Ford
Mondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele

#91 alex230ro

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Scris 31 octombrie 2007 - 09:42

pana la urma cine dracu isi ia masina luandu-se dupa ce zice unul sau altul la televizor sau prin reviste :) e simplu mergi vezi cazanu bagi un drive test cu el iti place bine nu iti place,cauti altul :) .
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#92 ska


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Scris 31 octombrie 2007 - 10:20

nu isi ia nimeni masina, dar ptr unii unele pct de vedere sunt luate in seama poate mai mult decat trebuie :)
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happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.

#93 bleunightdanger


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Scris 31 octombrie 2007 - 12:44

Felicitari pt masina Frank! E geniala!

Sandu vad ca inca se straduie sa digere articolul lui JC about VW Jetta:))))))))))))

Apopo de jurnalistii sus-mentionati sustin si eu ideea ca sunt niste emisiuni de divertisment..... si JC tocmai d'asta e asa polular, pt verdictele subiective si sincere pe care le da.
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if you're looking for peace, then get ready for war

#94 sandumbogdan

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Scris 31 octombrie 2007 - 01:07

iar nu ai fost atent nici la 10% din ce am scris mai sus, stai jos, ai 4 :)
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#95 bleunightdanger


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Scris 31 octombrie 2007 - 02:50

solicit reevaluare pt marire de nota :laugh:
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if you're looking for peace, then get ready for war

#96 Legionaru'

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Scris 31 octombrie 2007 - 10:29

Vezi ca "re-ul" se plateste! :D :D :lol:
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#97 Relu


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Scris 31 octombrie 2007 - 10:45

Ca doar suntem in UE .... :D :D :lol:
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#98 Frank SF

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  • Motorizare:Logan 1310

Scris 01 noiembrie 2007 - 03:12

Inca un review:

Renault Megane
Renault Megane 230 F1 R26

Renault's tweaks have made the Megane a genuine hot hatch contender

As Formula One champion for a second consecutive year, Renault has plenty to celebrate. Flying the flag for its motorsport success, the hottest M�gane has been revised to pay tribute.

But the big news is the introduction of a limited-slip differential, and the results are impressive. The system makes a huge difference to the car's dynamics

Although past Renaultsport M�ganes have always offered strong performance, they have never been able to match the class leaders in terms of ride and handling. But Renault is hoping to change that with the launch of its latest hot hatch flagship.

According to the firm, the lengthily-named Renaultsport M�gane 230 F1 Team R26 is the most potent and driver-focused version yet. It's based on the Cup model, and the styling tweaks make the most of the M�gane's sharp lines, while the 18-inch anthracite alloys and matching door mirrors finish the look. Stickers on the bumpers, door and roof are a no-cost option.

But the big news is the introduction of a limited-slip differential, and the results are impressive. The system makes a huge difference to the car's dynamics - engine power is transferred to the road in a more consistent and predictable manner, and there's none of the torque steer that plagued the R26's predecessor. It's more comfortable, too.

The improvement is most noticeable on twisting roads. Where the previous car would lose power through wheelspin, the new model is much more composed. It turns in precisely and corners well, but while the steering is responsive, it still lacks feel. As a result, the driving experience is not as involving as that of rivals such as the VW Golf GTI. The Renault's 2.0-litre turbocharged powerplant has been boosted to 227bhp, but it's the low-down torque which is most impressive.

Throttle response is instant, and there is virtually no turbo lag. At �19,570, the F1 R26 is �900 more than the 225 Cup, which is still available. But unlike the previous F1 model, there will be no limit on the number of orders taken between now and next summer - and it's certainly worth the extra money.

This M�gane is a much more polished hot hatch - but still delivers intoxicating performance.
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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."

#99 mol


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Scris 01 noiembrie 2007 - 03:17

Frank,la 10 review-uri pozitive, pune macar unul negativ la adresa masinii...
Creste credibilitatea. :D
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#100 Frank SF

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  • Marca:Tiguan BiTDI
  • Model:Focus 1.5 Ecoboost
  • Motorizare:Logan 1310

Scris 01 noiembrie 2007 - 03:30

Si inca un test:

Renault Megane R26 � fantastic fun

December 12, 2006

By John Simister

Model: Renault Megane R26.
Price: �19 570 (about R270 000).
Engine: 1998cc, four cylinders, 16 valves, turbocharger, 170kW at 5500rpm, 310Nm at 3000rpm.
Transmission: Six-speed gearbox, front-wheel drive.
Performance: 235km/h, 0-100km/h in 6.2sec, 8.6 litres/100km official average.

Haven't we been here before? A very powerful hot hatch with front-wheel drive, a limited-slip differential and a mission to be the top choice for those of us who still love driving?

A couple of weeks ago it was the Mazda3 MPS that proved a curiously uninvolving drive and so missed the point and there was something of the problem found in the first Renault M�gane 225, a car too civilised - gagged, if you like - to be really exciting.

Since that M�gane there have been other versions of Renaultsport's medium-size fast hatchback.

Most notable was the Trophy (a good step in the right direction) and latterly the limited-edition 225 F1 Team. OK, it was in effect a Trophy with a fancy paint-job but it had a soul.

So what's new about the livid yellow car I drove? The length of its name, for a start: M�gane Renaultsport 230 F1 Team R26.

The reason for its existence is Renault's victory in this year's F1 championships. More significant is that the Renaultsport engineers (one of whom, like me, keeps a Peugeot 205 GTI as a hot-hatch reference point), have continued their quest to make the M�gane a real driver's car.

There was never much doubt that they knew what was needed; the problem was how to do it with modern chassis systems.

Extra energy

As the name suggests, engine power is up from 167 to 170kW. Two things bring on the extra energy: a small rise in the turbocharger's boost pressure and a less restrictive silencer that makes more audible this engine's characterful throb from 2200-2800rpm, giving it an aural signature lacking in many of today's cars.

This throb, and the surge of energy felt the instant you press the accelerator, set the mood for the drive. I'm heading for the Ard�che Gorge in the south of France, a fabulous road with short straights linked by every shape of bend, where I shall discover the effect of the changes to the ultimate M�gane's suspension and steering.

The M�gane range has undergone a facelift that, among other things, brought in a new electric power-steering system. The so-called Cup suspension system - the extra-sporty one - has its own steering settings with less artificial self-centring and less aggressive assistance when turning.

Getting the subtleties of assistance right is a challenge, helped here by more powerful electronic processors. The effect is to make the steering feel more fluid, more consistent, more natural.

Free flight of brilliance

In the first M�ganes you had no idea what was going on under the tyres; if you ran into wet leaves or ice the steering felt the same. It was unnerving. The latest M�ganes are much better but the R26 takes things to a new level with different spring and shock-absorber settings and a rear anti-roll bar added.

All these changes, together with the 235/40 R18 Michelin Pilot Sport 2 tyres, help tip this M�gane from mere competence to the free flight of brilliance. But here we must bring in the final, crucial ingredient - that limited-slip differential.

It's made by the Japanese arm of Britain's GKN Driveline and ensures that at least a third of available engine torque is sent to the front wheel with less traction. This ensures that the maximum 310Nm of torque isn't spun away on a bend by the inside front wheel in a haze of tyre smoke, so both wheels can give of their best in pulling and steering the R26.

Like the Mazda3MPS, the R26 gives a little sideways tug at the front when you accelerate suddenly. Unlike the Mazda, though, the Renault doesn't seek to distance you from the experience as though you're playing a video game.

Perfect balance

Nor does it scrabble this way and that, sniffing out cambers and verges like a manic spaniel or a Vauxhall Astra VXR, thanks to the optimum geometry of its front suspension. It's the perfect balance between these extremes, and huge fun on a road like the one along the gorge.

Brake hard; big Brembo brakes firm underfoot, tireless in their task. Turn; feel how little the R26 leans, how tautly it changes direction. Accelerate; feel the power flow to the road, nose pulling to the exit with no desire to wash wide.

Too fast into the next bend? Brake more deeply into it, feel the tail go light and tighten the line, but controllably, no danger of a slide. Then up the next straight, the engine's full-bodied thrust letting you choose whether or not to take it towards the rev limit. It's happy either way.

Spirited drive

It's fantastic fun, this M�gane that finally makes it to the top of the hot-hatch pantheon. The six gears are just right for a spirited drive or an easy cruise; the R26's traffic manners are impeccable; it even rides quite well over bumps.

I'm standing back after one of the best drives I've ever had, contemplating the R26. The front wings are plastic and the right-hand one has gone soft with the residual heat. You don't have to have the scattered-squares graphics, but I like them.

There's a numbered plaque by the handbrake, too - "my" car is No.3 - although this isn't a limited-edition car.

I'm trying to think of a better mid-sized hot hatchback than this but I can't. I said the Renaultsport engineers know exactly what it takes to make such a car, and here, in the R26, is the proof. - The Independent, London

Fir-ar sa fie, nu gasesc nici un review negativ... :D

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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."

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