inca un behemwe
Scris 31 octombrie 2012 - 10:41
daca crezi ca ai nevoie de garda la sol mai mare X3, daca nu 525xd clar.
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 31 octombrie 2012 - 11:14
320 xd nou e aproape la fel de scump ca si 525 xd, cilindreea e aceeasi, mai bine 5-a. Eu oricum exclud seria 3/A4/clasa C, vreau clasa superioara
Ia-ti ce-ti place/face cu ochiul. Daca e sa ai ghinion, nu conteaza modelul. Dar poate n-o sa ai ...
Scris 31 octombrie 2012 - 11:21
Ia-ti ce-ti place/face cu ochiul. Daca e sa ai ghinion, nu conteaza modelul. Dar poate n-o sa ai ...
Mi-as lua A6 Allroad modelul nou.... dar e scump iar cei de la Porsche nu prea se uita la discounturi. BMW e solutia ieftina. Dealerul BMW mi-a promis un X3 2 zile, o sa incerc sa iau si un 5-ar, dar sa imi fac timp... ca nu vreau sa iau masina si sa stea in parcare, ca nu am timp de ea.
Porsche mi-a dat A4 allroad la pret de X3, parca nu merita A4-ul in situatia asta.
Eventual sa le cer masina cand va fi zapada afara, sa ii vad comportamentul in conditii "vitrege"
Scris 31 octombrie 2012 - 11:39
În democraţie, ai dreptul să-l alegi pe cel care o să te folosească aşa cum vrea el.
Scris 31 octombrie 2012 - 01:15
subliniez insa "pe segmentul respectiv de produs"
VW Touareg 7P V6TDI BMT / VW Eos 2.0 TFSI
Esti prost si vrei sa te remarci? Aprinde proiectoarele!
Esti cel mai prost? Aprinde si stopul de ceata! © Si daca vrei sa fi capitanul lor pune xenon in proiectoare.
Scris 31 octombrie 2012 - 01:25
320xd e cam 39.000, iar 525xd e 53000320 xd nou e aproape la fel de scump ca si 525 xd, cilindreea e aceeasi, mai bine 5-a. Eu oricum exclud seria 3/A4/clasa C, vreau clasa superioara
Scris 31 octombrie 2012 - 01:49
În democraţie, ai dreptul să-l alegi pe cel care o să te folosească aşa cum vrea el.
Scris 31 octombrie 2012 - 02:03
Who ( from Otopeni ) call who ( from BMW Romania ) for technical support or warranty approval. I was informed at phone by you that is no tehnical problem and no need for tech support.
Please also send us the scan of the Repair Order.
Best regards,
From: Mircea CORA
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 11:39 AM
To: Vasilescu Constantin, B1-CS-RO-A
Cc: Nawrocki Pawel, B1-CS-RO-A; Schirca Vladislav, B1-CS-RO-A; florin ionita
Subject: Re: 30 oct 2012 phone call
Mr. Vasilescu
I was scheduled yesterday morning for a checkup because of noises on front suspension. These was the second check, last week i was there because of the same thing, the noise was acknowledged, but not being able to find the exact cause, they rescheduled for further investigation.
Yesterday after the test drive, and the acknowledgment of the noise i was complaining about, they said that it is most probably from the electric steering but they need to contact the local office, tehnical department, something about warranty procedures. That was around 12.30.
I waited in the dealership until 14.30 for an answer from the local office that never came, because nobody from local office had the goodwill to answer the phone calls, from my understanding they called two separate persons.
As previoulsy stated, these did not come as a surprise, as it is not the first time the dealer exhausts his options, being a car under warranty, and is waiting for advice from the local office, advice that comes extremelly slow, to say the least. After all my interactions with your department, if i were to describe your activity, all that comes to me is "dolce far niente". Every time i have had a problem with these car, until i started calling your supervisor, your speed was from slow to stall.
If you consider that the car is conform to the standards, and it doesn't need any repairs on suspension or steering, also it doesn't need any involvement from local office, then it's no problem, put it in writing, signed and stamped.
On a more personal note i dislike your audicity in saying, behind my back, that you asked for permission to take my car for the 300km joyride. If you have anything to comment about that episode i would expect it to come to my face, in a civilized manner, no yelling. Also please remember all the conversations on these subject in which you did actually acknowledged that you did not ask for such thing, hence the offer for compensation instead of what i was asking, administrative sanctions to the person/s responsible.
Best regards
Mircea Cora
On 31/10/2012 10:57 AM, [email protected] wrote:
Dear Mr Cora,
Please let me answer to your SMS-s from 30. Oct, due to a miss call from your side.
The text of the SMS was
Constantin Vasilescu wrote 14:12, 30 oct
Buna ziua,
Din pacate nu pot vorbi acum cu dvs. Va rog sa imi trimiteti un email si va voi raspunde cat pot de repede.
Cu stima,
Constantin Vasilescu
Mr Cora wrote 14:14, 30 oct
Sunati la ab otopeni si o sa va explice. Eu déjà m-am obisnuit cu indiferenta biroului local.
After your SMS, I contacted at 15:45 Mr Florin Ionita, the Aftersales Manager from Automobile Bavaria Otopeni.
He was not in the position to confirm us any defect of your car and more than this, he did not think is necessary the BMW Romania technical support.
I checked also in internal communication system for technical problems/assistance and is no dealer report. Our technical support was not contacted for any assistance, nor by email nor by phone.
For any technical problem, please be free to contact directly any BMW dealer and if it is necessary we will support the dealer in any technical issue.
We are apologizes to you, but due to normal business tasks, some times we are not in the position to answer you immediately. But in the quickest possible time, we will re-contact you.
Best regards,
BMW Vertriebs GmbH Salzburg,
Sucursala Bucureşti
Constantin Vasilescu.
Aftersales Area Manager B1-CS-RO-A
Baneasa Business & Technology Park
Şos. Bucureşti-Ploieşti 42-44
Modul B, Etaj 3
Bucureşti, 013696
Telephone: +40 21 3041 564
Mobile: +40 734 300 004
Fax: +40 21 3041 599
Mail: [email protected]
Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft
Vorstand: Norbert Reithofer, Vorsitzender,
Frank-Peter Arndt, Herbert Diess, Klaus Draeger,
Friedrich Eichiner, Harald Krüger, Ian Robertson
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Joachim Milberg
Sitz und Registergericht: München HRB 42243
nu are sens ca mai zic ca am vorbit cu dnul Ionita si discutia de la 15.45 la care face referire nu a decurs deloc cum incearca acuma sa spele putina mincinosu dracu
oricum am inteles ca omul se pregatea acuma sa-i raspunda pe masura.
VW Touareg 7P V6TDI BMT / VW Eos 2.0 TFSI
Esti prost si vrei sa te remarci? Aprinde proiectoarele!
Esti cel mai prost? Aprinde si stopul de ceata! © Si daca vrei sa fi capitanul lor pune xenon in proiectoare.
Scris 31 octombrie 2012 - 03:43
Noi, lenesii, cand murim, mergem in Rai sau vine cineva dupa noi?
Scris 31 octombrie 2012 - 04:54
Dear Mr. Cora,
Just to answer at your statement regarding test drive of the car in Baneasa.
1. Your permission for test drive was asked in written by dealer, on the Repair Order. It is not mentioned the length of the test drive.
2. It was not me who asked this permission. So, I can not say in front or in the back that I asked your permission. This is not true and I can confirm you this in written. I never asked this permission.
3. The length of a test drive was decided on spot by our tech support together with dealer foreman. This was due to problems in checking the system.
4. It was not a pleasure joyride but a test drive requested due to tech problems.
Best regards,
BMW Vertriebs GmbH Salzburg,
Sucursala Bucureşti
Constantin Vasilescu.
Aftersales Area Manager B1-CS-RO-A
Baneasa Business & Technology Park
Şos. Bucureşti-Ploieşti 42-44
Modul B, Etaj 3
Bucureşti, 013696
Telephone: +40 21 3041 564
Mobile: +40 734 300 004
Fax: +40 21 3041 599
Mail: [email protected]
Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft
Vorstand: Norbert Reithofer, Vorsitzender,
Frank-Peter Arndt, Herbert Diess, Klaus Draeger,
Friedrich Eichiner, Harald Krüger, Ian Robertson
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Joachim Milberg
Sitz und Registergericht: München HRB 42243
raspunsul meu trimis la polonez, si cadou celor de la bavaria :
Mr. Vasilescu
While you are basiclly distinctly blaming for that incident the people from AB Baneasa, you forget to send these email to the responsable persons from there.
1.&2. While i did sign the repair order, i would remind you that it happened at YOUR OWN REQUEST AND IN YOUR PRESENCE at the front desk of AB Baneasa, also these was done under the pretext that the car needs a quick diagnose, in order for your people to show me how the flat tire monitor is working, you never mentioned anything about any kind of test, lenghty or not. It's also worth mentioning the fact that while these happened inside AB Baneasa, you are the one who called me there, and not Mr. Krafft, also worth mentioning is the fact that it was not AB Baneasa employees that worked to the car, but BMW Group Romania. Also worth mentioning is the fact that i never discussed anything about these problem with AB Baneasa employees at that point.
3.I would assume that any kind of extensive testing should be done only with the customer agreement, at least verbally, but if BMW policies state otherwise, and if it's a common happening for BMW employes to take for a ride customers cars, then it's no problem, please specify these in writing, signed and stamped.
4.I have no idea what it was, considering that you stated loud and clear that the car has absolutelly no problem, and the point of the meeting was to show me how the system works, instead you disappeared with my car.
Best regards
Mircea Cora
Eventual de'acum incolo inregistreaza si convorbirile ...
tu de ce crezi ca nu-mi raspunde la telefon ? l-am mai ars odata pe limbric cu niste gogoase pe care i le-am inregistrat si i le-am dat la polonez sa asculte.
s-a hotarat ca e mai simplu sa intre in concediu :
Absent de la birou: 30 oct 2012 phone call
[email protected] via cmtamx4a.bmwgroup.com4:16 PM (37 minutes ago)
to me
Thank you very much for your e-mail. I’m currently out of office and I cannot be contacted until 5-st of November 2012. I will reply to your e-mail as soon as possible after my return.
In urgent cases please contact my on mobile phone 0040734300xxx
Sincerely yours,
Constantin Vasilescu
Aceasta postare a fost editata de mecea: 31 octombrie 2012 - 04:55
VW Touareg 7P V6TDI BMT / VW Eos 2.0 TFSI
Esti prost si vrei sa te remarci? Aprinde proiectoarele!
Esti cel mai prost? Aprinde si stopul de ceata! © Si daca vrei sa fi capitanul lor pune xenon in proiectoare.
Scris 31 octombrie 2012 - 06:31
Scris 31 octombrie 2012 - 06:55
Scris 31 octombrie 2012 - 10:24
Scris 01 noiembrie 2012 - 11:21
Aceasta postare a fost editata de greierele: 01 noiembrie 2012 - 11:24
Scris 01 noiembrie 2012 - 12:53
masina a fost configurata nu a fost luata din stoc, avand in vedere configuratia mea, si mai ales ca vad ca aduc astia configurat de stoc sunt sigur ca e practic imposibil sa se fi nimerit una configurata identic cu ce am vrut eu.
masina a fost noua, pur si simplu am eu ghinion.
Vehicle information
VIN WBAWY31050L548624 Type code WY31 Type X3 20D (EUR) E series F25 () Series X Type GEFZG Steering LL Doors 5 Engine N47T Displacement 2.00 Power 135 Drive ALLR Transmission AUT Colour SCHWARZ 2 (668) Upholstery STOFF RIBBON/ANTHRAZIT (AYAT) 2011-07-22
Aceasta postare a fost editata de mecea: 01 noiembrie 2012 - 12:53
VW Touareg 7P V6TDI BMT / VW Eos 2.0 TFSI
Esti prost si vrei sa te remarci? Aprinde proiectoarele!
Esti cel mai prost? Aprinde si stopul de ceata! © Si daca vrei sa fi capitanul lor pune xenon in proiectoare.
Scris 01 noiembrie 2012 - 01:00
e o zi de vineri.
Seventeen dead in Norway bomb and gun attack
Scris 01 noiembrie 2012 - 02:22
pai ori e nou ori e rulat cu 16.000km la bord?!?!Chiar ieri am primit oferta cu un X6 cu discount de 29%.... nou (iar cu o steluta si scris fff mic pe ultimul rand scria masina de drive-test cu 16.000km la bord).
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 02 noiembrie 2012 - 08:28
Scris 02 noiembrie 2012 - 04:59
Scris 02 noiembrie 2012 - 06:31
io-s burlac inca-mi traiesc "tineretea"...Ska spune-i sotioarei tale ca a facut poate cea mai buna alegere
e vorba de sotia sefului meu.
si eu sunt convins ca nu a fost o alegere rea. e o masina ok. pretul a fost si el "promotional" sa zic asa. adica, de nerefuzat
Aceasta postare a fost editata de ska: 02 noiembrie 2012 - 06:32
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 02 noiembrie 2012 - 06:36
VW Touareg 7P V6TDI BMT / VW Eos 2.0 TFSI
Esti prost si vrei sa te remarci? Aprinde proiectoarele!
Esti cel mai prost? Aprinde si stopul de ceata! © Si daca vrei sa fi capitanul lor pune xenon in proiectoare.
Scris 02 noiembrie 2012 - 06:39
feel the beat. russian style
happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.
Scris 02 noiembrie 2012 - 08:45
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