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#551 adrian_r5


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Scris 07 noiembrie 2008 - 09:22

O noua schema EuroNCAP pentru 2009

Niciun automobil nu mai poate obtine punctaj maxim, de cinci stele EuroNCAP, fara ESC (Electronic Stability Control).

Astazi EuroNCAP se apropie tot mai mult de viziunea sa referitoare la automobilele sigure prin emiterea detaliilor ce privesc schema de obtinere a rating-ului acordat de prestigioasa organizatie. Cu implementarea noii scheme de obtinere a rating-ului, prevazuta pentru 2009, automobilele testate de EuroNCAP nu vor mai putea obtine scorul maxim de cinci stele fara ESC in dotarea standard.
Noul tip de punctaj va inlocui vechiul mod de acordare a rating-ului valabil din 1997.

Cu noul rating EuroNCAP va furniza cel mai simplu si mai clar aviz pentru client vizavi de siguranta totala oferit de autovehiculul testat. euroncap.jpg

Rating-ul total va fi compus din scoruri obtinute in patru tipuri de incercari: Adult Occupant, Child Occupant, Pedestrian Protection si noul tip numit Safety Assist. Safety Assist va permite EuroNCAP sa joace un rol important in prevenirea accidentelor si limitarea efectelor impacturilor.

Cu noul tip de punctaj, automobilele vor trebui sa faca fata cu brio la fiecare tip de proba. In particular, va fi imposibil pentru un constructor sa obtina cinci stele pentru automobilul testat fara sa posede in echiparea standard a sistemului ESC de control al stabilitatii. Statisticile releva faptul ca ESC-ul joaca un rol major in reducerea numarului de victime decedate pe drumurile noastre, astfel ca EuroNCAP crede ca niciun automobil nu poate obtine cinci stele fara acesta.

Primele rezultate pentru automobilele testate supuse noului tip de rating vor fi date publicitatii in februarie 2009. De la aceasta data, clientii ar trebui sa caute noile criterii de acordare a stelelor EuroNCAP pentru masinile lor.

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Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)

#552 rzv74


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Scris 07 noiembrie 2008 - 11:21

mi se pare corect. trebuie pus accent si pe sisteme active de siguranta. astea previn accidentul. in orice domeniu mai bine previi decit sa te combat efectele. vaccinul il faci inainte , nu dupa ce te imbolnavesti.

P.S. in romania, tara membra U.E. de 2 ani, se vind inca masini fara ABS. astea ce punctaj maxim pot obtine?

Aceasta postare a fost editata de rzv74: 07 noiembrie 2008 - 11:21

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#553 aztec

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  • Marca:Daewoo/Dacia
  • Model:Tico SL/Solenza
  • Motorizare:796/1.4

Scris 12 noiembrie 2008 - 08:38

Reteaua Dacia pregateste ieftiniri agresive, in ton cu restul pietei auto
Concesionarii Dacia ar putea sa lanseze foarte curand oferte speciale, pentru a evita falimentul, declara, pentru surse din piata. Aceste preparative vin pe fondul unor alte oferte speciale facute de rivalii importanti de pe piata locala.
Dacia pregateste un program agresiv de vanzari, in incercarea de a se salva din criza fara precedent in care se afla.

Vanzarile Dacia pe piata romaneasca au scazut, in octombrie, cu 30%, iar in primele zile din aceste luna, cei 90 de concesionari au vandut cu pana la 50% mai putin, a declarat Francois Fourmont, directorul general al companiei.

In aceste conditii, Dacia se pregateste sa lanseze o oferta agresiva, mai cu seama ca masinile de pe piata second-hand acapareaza tot mai mult din cota de piata.

"Trebuie sa luam masuri speciale, in contextul crizei", a declarat marti Fourmont, afirmand ca "situatia concesionarilor este disperata".

Surse din piata spun ca Dacia pregateste un plan de relansare a vanzarilor ce vizeaza discounturi de pana la 20%, oferte promotionale si facilitati de creditare. Fara astfel de instrumente, Dacia este pe cale sa piarda cea mai importanta piata de desfacere, cea romaneasca.

Reducerile au inceput deja. La Sibiu, cel mai mare dealer local, Dacia Emilian vinde Dacia cu 5000 de euro cu tot cu TVA. "Practic, de la noi poate fi cumparata acum o Dacia Logan noua la un pret de 5.000 de euro, cu tot cu TVA si cu aerul conditionat inclus", a declarat, pentru Sibiu Standard, Stefan Dorian, managerul Emilian.

Ofertele vizeaza o reducere de 800 de euro, plus un discount de 1000 de euro pentru masinile aflate pe stoc. "Adaugati revizii gratuite si diferite facilitati la leasing si reducerile vor creste", a declarat Dorian.

In prezent, conform listei de preturi de pe site-ul oficial, Dacia vinde noul Logan incepand cu 6400 de euro, Sandero de la 6890 euro, noul Logan MVC de la 8400 de euro, in timp ce Logan Van si Logan Pick-up costa de la 7000 de euro in sus.

Carp: Multi dintre concesionari risca sa dea faliment

Daca nu va veni in fata pietei cu o oferta tentanta, mai ales in preajma sarbatorilor de iarna, problemele Dacia vor creste, mai cu seama ca situatia vanzarilor este slaba si la export.

Secretarul general al Asociatiei Concesionarilor Dacia-Renault, Marius Carp spune ca, in prezent, multi dintre concesionarii Dacia au probleme financiare, iar daca nu se vor fi luate masuri, multi dintre ei risca sa dea faliment.

"Majoritatea concesionarilor au facut in ultimii ani investitii in dezvoltarea unor complexuri integrate, cu show-room, service etc. Cele mai multe investitii au fost pe credit, iar acum, in contextul scaderii vanzarilor, exista riscul sa aiba mari probleme", spune Carp.

Marele avantaj al concesionarilor Dacia-Renault, in fata concurentei, spune Carp, este ca acestia nu au trebuit sa cumpere masinile pe care le au pe stoc, ca in cazul importatorilor de masini straine, si astfel nu au blocate sume importante.

"Cred ca, in conditiile concurentei din ce in ce mai acerbe din piata, pe fondul ingustarii clientelei si a impactului pietei second-hand, singura alternativa este declansarea unor campanii eficiente de marketing-vanzari, care sa atraga clientii prin facilitati la plata", a declarat Carp.


Aceasta postare a fost editata de aztec: 12 noiembrie 2008 - 08:38

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calator prin timp si spatiu...

#554 ska


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  • Model:Astra J
  • Motorizare:2.0CDTI 165cp

Scris 18 noiembrie 2008 - 11:12

VIDEO: GM higlights the consequences of automakers collapse

GM puts out a video on the dire consequences if US automakers are left to collapse

When a corporation sets up a website and puts out a video to beg for a government bailout, you know they are desperate.

We've considered earlier whether the doomsday scenario that GM has posited in their appeals for aid to the US Congress and the Bush administration would actually occur should GM become insolvent. They claim that if they go down, they will take the rest of the industry and its suppliers with them, with hundred of thousands of job losses and a contraction of the GDP since the auto industry makes up about 2.3 percent of that. One thing you can be sure of is that they believe it themselves. Otherwise, they would wait for an Obama administration since the President-elect (along with the Democratic-controlled Congress) is in favor of the loan guarantees.

Some analysts believe that the US auto industry would be able to survive and be made up mostly of local suppliers funneling parts to foreign automakers manufacturing vehicles inside the United States. That may be true. But those foreign automakers have their own interests at heart and they won't care much for GM, Ford and Chrysler's employees, nor the unions that represent them since foreign automakers like to set up plants in the South with non-unionized work forces. And what about the thousands of businesses and jobs at risk at Big 3 dealerships?

About 100,000 automaker and supplier jobs have been lost in the US this year alone, accounting for 10 percent of total job losses for 2008.

And GM does make one argument in this video that is interesting.

The continued erosion of the US manufacturing base is an old story, since we all know how nearly everything available for purchase in the United States is made either in China/Pacific Rim (low-cost goods) or Europe (luxury goods). But the automotive industry still represents the core of US industrial might.

GM claims than in a nation security emergency the US would be dependent on foreign manufacturers to build heavy vehicles for the military.

That may be an exaggeration but it is obvious that if the big 3 are no longer around that the bulk of research and development for new products and technologies will be done outside of the US. And that is a big hit in itself to American industrial power.

Source: GM

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happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.

#555 salesman

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Scris 18 noiembrie 2008 - 11:33

sa curga discount-urile !!!
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If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right (Henry Ford).

#556 adrian_r5


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Scris 18 noiembrie 2008 - 03:07

Logan Pick-up tunat de Elia: 15.000 de euro!

Tunerul german Elia a abordat intr-o gama diferita muzica Logan Pick-up. Imaginea schimbata face toti banii!

Daca Statele Unite nasc isterii cand e vorba de pick-up-uri tunate, lansarea noului Logan Pick-up nu a lasat indiferenti tunerii europeni. Deocamdata, prima casa de tuning care a realizat un kit comercial pentru versiunea utilitara a lui Logan este Elia, o companie specializata in modificarea modelelor grupului Renault.

Pachetul oferit de Elia pe Logan Pick-up include suspensii coborate, jante de 17 inch cu pneuri 215/45, un bull-bar cromat si un kit de bare care asezoneaza bena clasica a modelului.

Pretul intregului kit Elia plus Logan Pick-up este de 12.950 de euro (comandat cu motorul pe benzina de 1.6 litri) sau de 15.450 de euro daca motorizarea preferata este dieselul de 1,5 litri si 85 de cai putere.

... poze aici
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Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)

#557 adrian_r5


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Scris 24 noiembrie 2008 - 03:16

Producatorul auto national din Serbia construieste vineri ultima masina si asteapta era Fiat

Zastava Automobili, producatorul national auto al Serbiei, a avut o istorie complicata. Acum 20 de ani vindea masini in SUA si devenea subiect international de bancuri prin marca Yugo. Acum un deceniu bombele NATO au distrus cateva cladiri si au ranit muncitorii. Vineri, sarbii produc ultima masina si cauta clienti pentru a vinde vechile linii de asamblare. Din 2010, Fiat va produce in Serbia masini de clasa mica. ... continuare

Good bye Zastava ...
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Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)

#558 adrian_r5


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Scris 10 decembrie 2008 - 03:58

Chinezii de la Great Wall ar putea produce masini in Bulgaria

Great Wall, cel mai mare producator chinez de SUV-uri, ar fi interesat sa construiasca o uzina in Bulgaria, iar proiectul ar putea fi derulat de la inceputul lui 2009, sustin autoritatile de la Sofia. Investitia ar putea fi de 80 milioane euro, iar numarul de angajati de 1.500, mentioneaza Reuters. Compania vinde masini si in Romania.
Presa bulgara a scris ca producatorul chinez va investi impreuna cu un partener bulgar, probabil firma locala Litex, pentru a construi automobile in orasul Loveci, la 170 km de capitala Sofia. Guvernul bulgar a anuntat ca premierul Sergei Stanishev s-a intalnit cu vicepresedintii companiei chineze pentru a discuta parteneriatul. ... continuare
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Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)

#559 aztec

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Inregistrat: 29-august 03
  • Location:Bucuresti/DrTaberei
  • Marca:Daewoo/Dacia
  • Model:Tico SL/Solenza
  • Motorizare:796/1.4

Scris 15 decembrie 2008 - 12:28

Suzuki nu mai participa in 2009 la cursele de raliuri
de Carla Dinu
Luni, 15 decembrie 2008, 9:37 Ultima ora

Constructorul japonez Suzuki a anuntat, luni, ca isi "suspenda" in 2009 participarea la Campionatul mondial de raliuri, care va incepe in februarie in Irlanda, din cauza conjuncturii economice defavorabile, scriu agentiile internationale de presa.

Decizia nu este una surprinzatoare avand in vedere performantele slabe in sezonul din acest an, scrie AFP.

Importatorii auto anulează SIAB 2009

Ernest Popovici, preşedintele Asociaţiei Producătorilor şi Importatorilor de Automobile (APIA), spune că din cauza crizei financiare, care a afectat şi piaţa auto din Rom�nia, ediţia de anul viitor a Salonului Internaţional Auto de la Bucureşti ar putea fi anulată. SIAB ar urma să fie reluat din 2011.

"�n principiu, Salonul Auto de la Bucureşti nu va avea loc �n 2009 din cauza crizei financiare. Decizia finală �n acest sens va fi luată �n cursul acestei săptăm�ni", a subliniat Ernest Popovici.
Surse din cadrul APIA au declarat pentru ZF că decizia anulării SIAB �n 2009 este definifivă, aceasta fiind determinată de v�nzările �n scădere estimate pentru anul viitor.

Aceasta postare a fost editata de aztec: 15 decembrie 2008 - 12:28

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calator prin timp si spatiu...

#560 MikeTekRacing

    tifoso Ferrari

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  • Marca:Subaru
  • Model:Impreza WRX Sport Wagon
  • Motorizare:2.5 T >260cp

Scris 16 decembrie 2008 - 03:09

de azi s-a retras si subaru
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Felipe trebuie sa castigi cea mai importanta batalie a ta de pana acum!

#561 the1


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  • Marca:MITSU
  • Model:COLT
  • Motorizare:1.3 95hp

Scris 17 decembrie 2008 - 02:16

A aparut 911le TDI? :)

Imagine amplasata

Porsche 911 Carrera consuma doar 6.7 litri/100 de km
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Imagine amplasata

''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

Imagine amplasata

#562 ska


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  • Model:Astra J
  • Motorizare:2.0CDTI 165cp

Scris 17 decembrie 2008 - 03:06

e trucata.
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happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.

#563 the1


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  • Motorizare:1.3 95hp

Scris 17 decembrie 2008 - 04:09

Nu e, am uitat eu sa postez linkul catre articol.

Porsche a organizat un test de consum pentru 911 Carrera, echipat cu cea mai noua transmisie PDK. Acesta a consumat doar 6.7 litri la 100 de kilometri. Satui probabil de atatea teste de manevrabilitate si performanta la care au excelat, oficialii Porsche au incercat sa demonstreze tuturor ca modelele produse la Stuttgart pot fi si economice. Desi pare greu de crezut, o sportiva cu tractiune spate si peste 300 de cai putere poate impresiona si la acest capitol.

Porsche a organizat un test de consum impreuna cu Klaus Niedzwiedz, care s-a oferit sa conduca un 911 pe tot parcursul testului.
Klaus a tinut in mana volanul unui 911 Carrera echipat cu un motor de 3.6 litri si 345 de cai putere, cuplat la cea mai noua transmisie automata PDK.

Testul a fost realizat pe o distanta de 648 de kilometri de drum public, dintre care 30 km in mediul urban, 190 km pe drum de tara si restul pe celebrele autostrazi germane.
In conditii normale de trafic, cu luminile pornite si pe o vreme ploioasa, Klaus a reusit sa obtina un consum de numai 6.7 litri la 100 de kilometri.

Potrivit declaratiilor oferite de sofer, masina a rulat in majoritatea situatiilor cu viteze cuprinse intre 90 si 130 de km/h, in timp ce acul turometrului a oscilat intre 1800 si 2000 de rpm. La finalul testului, viteza medie a indicat o valoare de 84 km/h.
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Imagine amplasata

''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

Imagine amplasata

#564 ska


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  • Marca:Opel
  • Model:Astra J
  • Motorizare:2.0CDTI 165cp

Scris 17 decembrie 2008 - 04:55

al dracu ma astia de la porsche ce masini fac ei sa consume putin... :)
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happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.

#565 salesman

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Scris 17 decembrie 2008 - 04:56

Daca mi se permite sa extrapolez conform "limitelor" de functii invatate la analiza matematica din liceu ... si un Porsche si un Polo tot 0% consuma, stand in garaj.
Dar ce importanta are asta?
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If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right (Henry Ford).

#566 MikeTekRacing

    tifoso Ferrari

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  • Marca:Subaru
  • Model:Impreza WRX Sport Wagon
  • Motorizare:2.5 T >260cp

Scris 17 decembrie 2008 - 05:13

complet irelevant pt practica genul asta de teste
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Felipe trebuie sa castigi cea mai importanta batalie a ta de pana acum!


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  • Model:C220+A3 quattro
  • Motorizare:2.2+1.9

Scris 17 decembrie 2008 - 05:18

Cred ca transmite mesajul-daca mergi cuminte se poate sa consume si putzin,dar din pacate cine cumpara asa ceva il ia ca sa il auda peste 2000 ture...zic io...
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mai bine singur decit in companie proasta......

#568 cata69

    the nobody

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Scris 17 decembrie 2008 - 07:59

macar nu e ca la noi sa mergi cu 200 si consum 5.
  • 0

tu nebuno tu, zapacito, te sparg, te-ndoi ... m-am sucit ... si tot sugi si tot bagi si tot sugi ... daca nu e tare, cred ca o frec degeaba ... de meserie sunt frumoasa. si sunt modesta, dar vreau sa se stie .. înaltă, blondă și cu sânii mari ... sunt cu mașina la spălătorie.
Posted Image
despre fotografie

Users ignored today: mecea

#569 ska


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  • Model:Astra J
  • Motorizare:2.0CDTI 165cp

Scris 19 decembrie 2008 - 05:57

Bailout approved: Automakers to get $17.4B

WASHINGTON � Citing danger to the national economy, the Bush administration approved an emergency bailout of the U.S. auto industry Friday, offering $17.4 billion in rescue loans in exchange for deep concessions from the desperately troubled carmakers and their workers.

The government will have the option of becoming a stockholder in the companies, much as it has with major banks, in effect partially nationalizing the industry.

At the same time, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said Congress should release the second $350 billion from the financial rescue fund that it approved in October to bail out huge financial institutions. Tapping the fund for the auto industry basically exhausts the first half of the $700 billion total, he said.

President Bush said, "Allowing the auto companies to collapse is not a responsible course of action." Bankruptcy, he said, would deal "an unacceptably painful blow to hardworking Americans" across the economy.

Some $13.4 billion of the money will be available this month and next, $9.4 billion for General Motors Corp. and $4 billion for Chrysler LLC. Both companies have said they soon might be unable to pay their bills without federal help. Ford Motor Co. has said it does not need immediate help.

Bush's plan is designed to keep the auto industry running in the short term, passing the longer-range problem on to the incoming administration of President-elect Barack Obama. The last $4 billion of the loans announced Friday would depend on release of the second half of the big Troubled Asset Relief Program fund.

Bush said the rescue package demanded concessions similar to those outlined in a bailout plan that was approved by the House but rejected by the Senate a week ago. It would give the automakers three months to come up with restructuring plans to become viable companies.

If they fail to produce a plan by March 31, the automakers will be required to repay the loans, which they would find all but impossible.

"The time to make hard decisions to become viable is now, or the only option will be bankruptcy," Bush said. "The automakers and unions must understand what is at stake and make hard decisions necessary to reform."

He said the companies' workers should agree to wage and work rules that are competitive with foreign automakers by the end of next year.

And he called for elimination of a "jobs bank" program � negotiated by the United Auto Workers and the companies � under which laid-off workers receive unemployment benefits and supplemental pay from their companies for 48 weeks. If they remain laid off beyond that, they move to a jobs bank in which the company provides about 95% of their pay and benefits. Until the most recent contract, people could remain in the jobs bank for years. Early this month, the UAW agreed to suspend the program.

Under terms of the loan, GM and Chrysler must provide the government with stock warrants giving it the option to buy GM and Chrysler stock at a specific price.

In addition, the automakers would be required to agree to limits on executive pay and eliminate some perks such as corporate jets.

Paulson said that with the help for the carmakers, the government will have allocated the first half of the largest government bailout program in history.

He said he was confident that the Treasury Department, Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. have the resources to address a significant market crisis if one should occur before Congress approves the use of the second half of the rescue fund.

Paulson said he would discuss the process with congressional leaders and Obama's transition team "in the near future."

Friday's rescue plan retains the idea of a "car czar" to make sure the auto companies are keeping their promises and moving toward long-term viability.

The short-term overseer will be Paulson. But the White House deputy chief of staff, Joel Kaplan, said that if the Obama team wants someone else installed to bridge the administrations, Bush is open to that.

The White House package is the lifeline desperately sought by U.S. automakers, who warned they were running out of money as the economy fell deeper into recession, car loans became scarce and consumers stopped shopping for cars.

The carmakers have announced extended holiday shutdowns. Chrysler is closing all 30 of its North American manufacturing plants for four weeks because of slumping sales; Ford will shut 10 North American assembly plants for an extra week in January, and General Motors will temporarily close 20 factories � many for the entire month of January � to cut vehicle production.

Bush said the automakers have faced serious challenges for many years: burdensome costs, a shrinking share of the market and plunging profits. "In recent months, the global financial crisis has made these challenges even more severe," he said.

The president said that on the one hand, the government has a responsibility not to undermine the private enterprise system, yet on the other hand, it must safeguard the broader health and stability of the U.S. economy.

"If we were to allow the free market to take its course now, it would almost certainly lead to disorderly bankruptcy and liquidation for the automakers," he said.

"Under ordinary economic circumstances, I would say this is the price that failed companies must pay," the president said. "And I would not favor intervening to prevent the automakers from going out of business. But these are not ordinary circumstances.

"In the midst of a financial crisis and a recession, allowing the U.S. auto industry to collapse is not a responsible course of action."

Chrysler CEO Bob Nardelli thanked the administration for its help.

In a statement Friday morning, Nardelli said the initial injection of capital will help the company get through its cash crisis and help eventually return to profitability. He said Chrysler was committed to meeting the conditions set by Bush in exchange for the money.

Ford President and CEO Alan Mulally said his company would not seek the short-term financial assistance but predicted the aid would stabilize the industry.

"The U.S. auto industry is highly interdependent, and a failure of one of our competitors would have a ripple effect that could jeopardize millions of jobs and further damage the already weakened U.S. economy," Mulally said.

General Motors said the short-term loans would help preserve jobs and "lead to a leaner, stronger General Motors."

"We know we have much work in front of us to accomplish our plan. It is our intention to continue to be transparent as we execute our plan, and we will provide regular updates on our progress," the automaker said.
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happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.

#570 cata69

    the nobody

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  • Motorizare:3.0sd

Scris 30 decembrie 2008 - 08:27

am prins o stire la radio ca tata renunta la jag&LR. oare cui raman?
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tu nebuno tu, zapacito, te sparg, te-ndoi ... m-am sucit ... si tot sugi si tot bagi si tot sugi ... daca nu e tare, cred ca o frec degeaba ... de meserie sunt frumoasa. si sunt modesta, dar vreau sa se stie .. înaltă, blondă și cu sânii mari ... sunt cu mașina la spălătorie.
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Users ignored today: mecea

#571 Relu


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  • 29.133 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 17-septembrie 03
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:For-ash ...
  • Model:MUV-FUV
  • Motorizare:Serioasa

Scris 30 decembrie 2008 - 09:11

Poate istoriei....
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#572 Frank SF

    membru de nadejde

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Inregistrat: 05-ianuarie 04
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  • Motorizare:Logan 1310

Scris 31 decembrie 2008 - 12:04

punem noi un ban si le luam pe 1 EUR :)

sincer, nu am auzit si nici vazut pe internet vreo stire de genul asta.

ba chiar Jaguar XF anunta un rival pt 535d si unul pentru M5....


ba chiar aici spune contrariul:

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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."

#573 ska


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Inregistrat: 22-iunie 04
  • Location:Oradea
  • Marca:Opel
  • Model:Astra J
  • Motorizare:2.0CDTI 165cp

Scris 02 ianuarie 2009 - 09:43

deja oferta Jag suna foarte bine cu noul diesel...
e o masina extraordinara.
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happiness is not around the corner. happiness is the corner.

#574 cata69

    the nobody

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Scris 02 ianuarie 2009 - 10:22

frank, in link-ul 2 eu citesc numai de rau. cat valoarea tata, cat trebuie sa bage in JLR si

Tata Motors, which has a market value of about $1.5 billion, has dropped 74 percent so far this year while the main BSE index .BSESN is down more than half.

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tu nebuno tu, zapacito, te sparg, te-ndoi ... m-am sucit ... si tot sugi si tot bagi si tot sugi ... daca nu e tare, cred ca o frec degeaba ... de meserie sunt frumoasa. si sunt modesta, dar vreau sa se stie .. înaltă, blondă și cu sânii mari ... sunt cu mașina la spălătorie.
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Users ignored today: mecea

#575 Relu


  • Moderators
  • 29.133 Mesaje:
Inregistrat: 17-septembrie 03
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:For-ash ...
  • Model:MUV-FUV
  • Motorizare:Serioasa

Scris 02 ianuarie 2009 - 10:55

deja oferta Jag suna foarte bine cu noul diesel...
e o masina extraordinara.

Daca-i pun si stabilizator de brazda, au spart piata .... :rolleyes:
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