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#201 scaevola


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Scris 18 iulie 2007 - 03:19

GM cumpara 50% din producatorul de motoare diesel VM Motori

Pentru a asigura viitorul marcii la capitolul diesel, General Motors a achizitionat 50% din fabricantul italian de motoare VM Motori. Acestia au fost detinuti de catre grupul Penske Corporation, si dezvolta motorul diesel V6 de 2.9 litri care va echipa sedanul Cadillac CTS incepand cu anul 2009. Acesta dezvolta o putere maxima de 250 CP si ofera un moment motor de 550 nm.

Gama de motoare diesel este intregita de catre propulsorul de doi litri si 150 CP care echipeaza modelele Chevrolet Captiva si Epica, dar si Lacetti si Nubira.

VM dezvolta in prezent si un motor V8 de 4.5 litri care se va monta si pe Hummer-ul H2. Aceelasi motor va echipa si gama pick-up Chevrolet Silverado si GMC Sierra., 17 iul 2007

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Ultima parte a stirii eu zic ca este cea mai importanta ! Diesel V8 pt H2 si Silverado ! Este o mare schimbare ! Si asta dupa ce in toamna va apare Chevy Tahoe Hybrid Dual-mode !


Ford vinde Volvo pentru 8 miliarde de dolari

Publicatia Sunday Times afirma ca �sefii Ford au decis sa vanda Volvo�, citand o sursa din interiorul companiei americane. In posesia carui producator auto sau, de ce nu, fond de investitii va ajunge brandul suedez, publicatia americana nu reuseste decat supozitii.

Se pare ca cel mai aproape de o preluare se afla BMW, dar exista si alte nume pe lista. Renault si Hyundai sunt deopotriva �vrajiti� de notorietatea brandului Volvo, dar si de facilitatile sale de productie.

Valoarea de piata a companiei se ridica la aproximativ 8 miliarde de dolari. Din surse apropiate conducerii Ford Europa se pare ca Volvo a reusit sa stranga un profit de jumatate de miliard de dolari anul trecut. Dincolo de partea financiara, Volvo este un producator strategic al Ford, pentru ca furnizeaza o serie de componente companiei mama.

Masinile de sub brandul Ford folosesc in mare masura sisteme electrice si de siguranta produse de Volvo.

Daca Ford reuseste sa vanda compania suedeza cu pretul vehiculat de Sunday Times, atunci o vinde in profit. La achizitionarea sa, in 1999, Ford a platit actioanrilor Volvo 6.95 miliarde de dolari. Ca si acum, cu 8 ani in urma Renault a fost una dintre companiile interesate de cumpararea actiunilor Volvo.
Integral in Stiri Auto

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Ford ar trebui totusi sa cantareasca si ce pierde la capitolul imagine, dupa ce va fi vandut Volvo !


Volkswagen va avea o noua sigla

Cea mai importanta stire a saptamanii este decizia celui mai mare fabricant de automobile din Europa, Volkswagen, de a schimba sigla marcii. Conform unor surse Volkswagen va prezenta publicului noua sigla odata cu prezentarea noului model Volkswagen Golf VI.

Tot aceeasi sursa a mentionat ca persoana care a dorit ca noile masini Volkswagen sa poarte o noua identirtate a fost actualul CEO, Dr Martin Winterkorn.

Noua sigla a masinilor Volkswagen va ramane pozitionata in centrul grilei radiatorului insa va avea o dimensiune marita fata de cea actuala. Tot pentru a intinerii logoul marcii, noua sigla va avea literele V si W mai proeminente., 18 iul 2007

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#202 Artanis

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Scris 19 iulie 2007 - 10:28

Ford ar putea muta productia modelului Fiesta in Romania

Concernul auto american Ford ar putea muta productia modelului de mici dimensiuni Fiesta din vestul Europei in Romania. Compania intentioneaza sa fabrice un nou model de autoturism aflat in prezent in curs de proiectare in Germania si Marea Britanie, a declarat John Fleming, presedinte si director general al Ford Europa, intr-un interviu acordat TVR. Conform analistilor din piata, modelul vizat ar putea fi Fiesta, cel mai vandut model Ford la nivel local.
Costurile de productie mai mici din Romania decat cele din Europa de Vest ar fi principalul motiv al deciziei Ford de a delocaliza productia modelului Fiesta.

"Modelul de care vorbea Fleming va fi cu certitudine noul Fiesta, care va fi fabricat in exclusivitate la fabrica de la Craiova. Compania cauta in acest moment o platforma industriala noua pentru acest model", a declarat pentru Business Standard Dan Vardie, directorul fondator al revistei Autoshow. Actuala generatie de Fiesta se asambleaza in uzinele din Valencia, Spania, si Cologne, Germania. Ford a vandut in 2005 modelul Fiesta in 323.000 de exemplare. Viitoarea generatie a modelului urmeaza sa fie lansata anul viitor.

Intentiile Ford pentru fabrica de la Craiova

Capacitatea de asamblare a fostei uzine Daewoo se va ridica la 300.000 de exemplare pe an din 2011, conform oficialilor Ford. Capacitatea ar putea fi majorata peste aceasta valoare daca piata o va cere, crede directorul Autoshow.

"Pentru inceput, in 2008, capacitatea de productie a fabricii de la Craiova va fi de 150.000-160.000 de unitati. In afara de Fiesta, concernul american ar putea produce si un al doilea model in Romania", a adaugat Vardie. Acest model ar putea fi pick-up-ul Ford Ranger, care in prezent este asamblat in Statele Unite din cauza lipsei capacitatilor de productie in Europa, crede directorul Autoshow.

"Ford Ranger genereaza volume de vanzari de 30.000 de unitati la nivelul intregii Europe", spune Vardie. Noul Fiesta va beneficia de pe urma costurilor mai reduse asociate fortei de munca din Romania, insa nu va avea un pret semnificativ mai mic decat actuala generatie sau decat masinile similare din segmentul sau, crede Vardie. Actuala Fiesta are preturi de pornire de 10.000 de euro cu TVA, la fel ca si concurentii sai directi, modele precum Renualt Clio 3 sau Volkswagen Polo.

"Parerea mea este ca la Craiova nu va fi produs un concurent direct pentru Dacia Logan. Va fi vorba de un model de mici dimensiuni, cu preturi apropiate, insa, de Logan", crede si Mihai Heimann, presedintele grupului de presa Auto Mondial Media.

Ford Motor Company este singurul ofertant pentru preluarea Automobile Craiova.


Ford s-a angajat sa faca investitii directe de 675 milioane de euro la Craiova, pentru retehnologizarea si modernizarea uzinei.

Concernul american spune ca va transforma uzina intr-una dintre cele mai importante unitati de productie Ford din Europa si se obliga sa aiba in Romania cheltuieli de un miliard de euro pe an din 2012 si sa produca anual 300.000 de autovehicule si tot atatea motoare.

Compania va exporta aproximativ 90% dintre masinile pe care le va produce anual la fosta fabrica Daewoo, iar dintre motoare, 70% vor fi destinate pietei externe.

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#203 the1


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Inregistrat: 26-iunie 05
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Scris 19 iulie 2007 - 01:53

S-au apucat ''greii'' presei auto sa dea declaratii. COOL! :) :D :D
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Imagine amplasata

''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

Imagine amplasata

#204 scaevola


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Scris 24 iulie 2007 - 05:43

Viitor model VW: sub 8 mii de euro
Luni, 23.07.2007

La Frankfurt, germanii vor prezenta o noua platforma din care va fi construit un model mai ieftin de 8.000 de euro.
de Robert Gherghe

Ofensiva marilor producatori auto pe segmentul de piata al modelelor low-cost continua. Trendul deschis de Renault si Dacia cu modelul Logan a determinat o noua strategie pentru multi constructori prestigiosi la nivel mondial.

Astfel, Volkswagen, primul producator auto din Europa, a anunta deja prin boss-ul Martin Winterkorn ca va lansa un model mai ieftin de 8000 de euro in urmatoarea perioada.

Germanii nu au dat detalii cu privire la data exacta a lansarii unui model low-cost, dar au lasat sa se inteleaga ca va fi inainte de 2010. Se pare ca lucrurile s-au miscat mai repede in ograda celor de VW, pentru ca la Salonul Auto de la Frankfurt vor prezenta un concept low-cost din care va fi dezvoltat modelul mult-asteptat.

Andreas Meurer, purtatorul de cuvant al companiei, a anuntat ca viitorul model va fi lansat inainte de anul 2009. Noua platforma pe care VW o va prezenta la Frankfurt va fi folosita si de Skoda sau Seat, dar modelul VW se va diferentia prin dotarile superioare.


Audi va lansa cel mai ecologic motor diesel din lume

Incepand cu mijlocul anului 2008, Audi va introduce cea mai ecologica tehnologie diesel pe modelele sale de serie. Noile motoare TDI, cu sistemul de emisii foarte scazute, combina performantele spontane si puterea superioara a propulsoarelor TDI actuale cu un consum de combustibil excelent si emisii incomparabil de scazute. Intr-adevar, acestea se vor clasa sub nivelul celor mai stringente limite de emisii, care vor fi aplicate in Europa in curand. Pentru Audi, celebrul motor TDI este un element de baza al strategiei de tehnologie integrata. �Intentionam sa consolidam statutul TDI ca forma de propulsie foarte eficienta. In viitor, vom lansa variantele �e�, care sunt proiectate pentru un consum de combustibil optimizat la modelele de volum - indiferent ca vor fi motoare TDI sau pe benzina, cu tehnologia extraordinara TFSI�, a declarat Rupert Stadler, Presedinte al Consiliului Managerial AudiAG.

Audi si-a inceput strategia TDI pentru 2008 cu noile unitati V6 de 3,0 litri, care echipeaza Audi A4 si Audi Q7. Dezvoltand 240 CP si 500 Nm pentru Audi A4, respectiv 550 Nm pentru Audi Q7. Modele aditionale vor veni in curand, Audi dorind sa extinda noua tehnologie si catre alte clase de vehicule si categorii de putere pana la nivelul anului 2010. Inginerii de dezvoltare de la Audi au incorporat o serie noua de masuri inovatoare pentru cea mai recenta generatie TDI: noul sistem common-rail piezoelectric, cu o presiune de 2.000 bar, sistemul eficient de recirculare a gazelor de evacuare si turbocompresorul optimizat reduc foarte mult emisiile de noxe. Unele dintre cele mai importante elemente sunt senzorii din camera de combustie, care ajuta la o reglare mai precisa a procesului de combustie in motor - este pentru prima data cand astfel de senzori au fost montati pe un motor, fiind o alta inovatie Audi. Statutul noii generatii TDI ca cel mai curat si mai tehnologizat diesel din lume este pecetluit de sistemul de emisii foarte reduse de noxe, care reduce cantitatea de oxid de azot eliberata in atmosfera cu circa 90 de procente. Acesta functioneaza pe baza unui aditiv biodegradabil, sub forma unei solutii denumite AdBlue. Audi va lansa aceste modele noi in SUA si in Europa incepand cu a doua jumatate a lui 2008.

Rafinamentul meticulos al intregului vehicul ajuta in mod semnificativ la reducerea consumului de combustibil. Succesul acestei strategii este exemplificat cu ajutorul modelelor �e�, care sunt deja produse. De exemplu, Audi A3 1.9 TDI e, are un consum mediu de numai 4,5 litri/100 km si emisii de CO2 de 119 grame/kilometru. In viitor, Audi va extinde gama de modele foarte eficiente, oferind atat versiuni TDI, cat si TFSI ale modelelor de serie �e�.

Sursa: Porsche Romania (21 iulie 2007)
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#205 Marius*

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Scris 26 iulie 2007 - 12:56

Mercedes-Benz pregateste o revolutie in domeniul motoarelor pe benzina, apeland la solutii... diesel. "DiesOtto", un motor care combina caracteristicile unui diesel cu cele ale unui motor pe benzina, va fi prezentat alaturi de mai multe motoare economice la Salonul Auto de la Frankfurt.

Tehnologia utilizata in cazul acestui motor utilizeaza bujii cu scanteie in timpul pornirii si accelerarilor puternice, bazandu-se in schimb pe aprindere prin compresie, fara scanteie, la fel ca un diesel, in timpul mersului obisnuit sau la relanti.

Sistemul este similar cu cel de la VW, numit Gasoline Compression Ignition, insa asa cum a declarat un oficial Mercedes, se afla 'cu cativa ani inainte' pentru ca sistemul celor de la VW se bazeaza pe un combustibil sintetic special, pe cand sistemul Mercedes functioneaza pe baza de benzina obisnuita.

Un motor pe benzina care sa consume cat un diesel? Asta da noutate!...

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#206 adrian_r5


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Scris 27 iulie 2007 - 11:51

Chrysler oferă garanţie �life-time�

Producatorul auto a extins garantia pe care o acorda masinilor sale in speranta atragerii cumparatorilor, clientii companiei americane primind de acum inainte o garantie �life-time� pentru motor, transmisie si sistemele aferente trenului de rulare, informeaza CNBC. Clientii marcilor Chrysler, Dodge si Jeep vor beneficia de oferta.

Ceilalti mari producatori americani, Ford si General Motors, au adoptat aceasta practica inca de anul trecut pentru acelasi motiv, dar niciunul nu a oferit o garantie �life-time�. GM ofera in prezent o garantie de 160.000 de kilometri pentru autovehiculele sale iar Ford de 100.000 de kilometri pentru trenul de rulare.

Garantia va fi valabila doar pentru primul proprietar, nefiind transmisibila daca masina este vanduta de acesta. Oferta nu este valabile pentru masinile Chrysler echipate cu motoare diesel si pentru linia sport SRT.

Un sondaj efectuat de companie a aratat ca mai multe persoane s-ar gandi mai serios sa aleaga o masina Chrysler daca acestea ar avea o asemenea garantie.

Vanzarile Chrysler au scazut cu 1% in primul semestru.
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Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)

#207 Artanis

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Scris 01 august 2007 - 10:17

Ford ar putea construi la Craiova noua generaţie a modelului Fusion
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#208 adrian_r5


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Scris 01 august 2007 - 06:40

FIAT vrea un vehicul de 5000 de euro

FIAT se apropie de o decizie finala in ceea ce priveste constructia masinii de 5000 de euro. Succesul de care se bucura � cel putin la nivel declarativ � remake-ul modelului 500, ii incurajaza pe sefii companiei sa dea un raspuns pozitiv pentru o masina polulara de mic litraj. Daca FIAT reuseste sa aduca pe piata o astfel de masina inaintea celor de la Toyota sau Renault, italienii vor inregistra o alta lovitura de imagine.

Din moment ce Loganul a depasit de mult zona celor 5000 de euro, masina celor de la FIAT ar fi un produs ideal pentru segmentul low-cost. Italienii au comunicat deja ca sunt in faza finala de conceptie a unui propulosr de mic litraj (0.9 litri), in doi cilindri si cu un consum de aproximativ 3 litri la 100 de km. Acest motor este in mod cert o solutie ideala pentru mini-ul de 5000 de euro.

O idee despre aspectul viitoarei masini este oferita de conceptul Ecobasic prezentat de FIAT la Geneva, in urma cu 7 ani. Conceptul nu a ajuns niciodata in faza de productie, desi ar fi o solutie ideala pentru traficul aglomerat din orasele europene. Ecobasic cantareste doar 750 de kg si ofera suficient spatiu interior pentru 2 persoane si o cantitate apreciabila de bagaje sau pentru 4 persoane.

In acelasi registru, cei de la FIAT se gandesc la producerea unui utilitare pentru segmentul low-cost. Masina ar putea fi construita in Turcia.

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Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)

#209 Cristian

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Scris 03 august 2007 - 07:47

Au aparut o serie de informatii despre viitorul Ford Ka. Masina va fi construita la fabrica pe care FIAT o detine in Polonia. O buna parte a subansamblelor mini-ului de la Ford sunt produse de FIAT. Spre exemplu: sasiul, motorul, directia si sistemul de franare apartin constructorului italian. Aspectul exterior, spun britanicii de la Carmagazine, apartine integral Ford.

In trecut, Ford gandea Ka-ul drept un „frate” al Fiesta si Mazda 2. Insa, criza financiara prin care inca trece constructorul american i-a fortat pe managerii sai sa apeleze la aceasta varianta. Noul Ka este practic un FIAT imbracat in „haine” Ford. Mai precis, un frate al mini-ului 500.

Cum va arata

Singura fotografie disponibila cu un prototip al mini-ului Ka nu lasa prea multe semne de intrebare. Ford Ka va si tot un hatch cu trei usi, la fel ca actualul model sau ca FIAT 500. Surse din cadrul companiei sugereaza ca aspectul exterior prezinta o parte frontala cu adevarat impresionanta, in aceeasi nota inscriindu-se si spatele masinii.

Jurnalistii britanici sugereaza ca Ford-ul va prezenta o linie elegante desenata de Paul Smith si Burberry, asa cum 500 va beneficia de aportul artistic al caselor Prada si Bvlgari.

Ce rezerva viitorul

Pentru versiunea ST, Ka va oferi celor interesati de sportivitate propulsorul FIAT de 1.4 litri si 135 de CP. Motorul exista si in oferta recent lansatului 500. Mai multe detalii vom afla cu ocazia evenimentului auto de la Frankfurt, spun surse apropiate Ford.
Sursa :

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Cristian: 03 august 2007 - 07:47

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Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination. Albert Einstein

#210 the1


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Inregistrat: 26-iunie 05
  • Location:Bucharest, Romania
  • Marca:MITSU
  • Model:COLT
  • Motorizare:1.3 95hp

Scris 03 august 2007 - 02:26

Martin Smith, nu Paul.
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Imagine amplasata

''...Degeaba ai o sabie de samurai daca nu stii ce sa faci cu ea...'' © RELU

Imagine amplasata

#211 Frank SF

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  • Marca:Tiguan BiTDI
  • Model:Focus 1.5 Ecoboost
  • Motorizare:Logan 1310

Scris 07 august 2007 - 11:15

UK: Jaguar 'more attractive' than Land Rover

7 August 2007 | Source: editorial team

Jaguar is the more attractive of Ford's up-for-sale two brands, with significant upside potential between now and 2012, according to management consultants Arthur D Little.

"Land Rover is once again profitable, while Jaguar has continued to absorb cash - this performance is rooted in the key strategy decisions taken over the last decade," the consultancy's automotive practice concluded.

"While Land_Rover looks good now, there are major risks ahead in the form of CO2 constraints - with the potential to massively reshape Land Rover's sales, product range and profitability.

"There is no alchemy involved in a Jaguar turnaround; good financial performance can be achieved through realigning the strategy with the brand values, leading to a lower volume (50-60,000 units a year), high gross margin business producing premium sporting saloons and grand tourers.

"A rapid end to X-Type production would be one of the major changes that we foresee, along with other operational changes. However we do not see a major risk of industrial dispute, in particular as we estimate there to be no need for redundancies, in particular in the X-Type plant at Halewood."

The consultancy sees a far less certain future for Land Rover, particularly as emissions regimes in some of its key markets are still being debated.

"While we do not foresee near- or mid-term legislation that would actually ban high footprint SUVs (chiefly due to the European job losses that would result) legislation will inevitably toughen. We consider this to threaten over half Land Rover's volume - only Range Rover and Defender are relatively secure."

Arthur D Little said two other critical factors make life unusually hard for Land Rover - it is not forecast to build a hybrid product until 2011, despite Ford already applying the technology in North America. And, as off-road excellence is central to the Land Rover brand (far more so than for other SUVs), this inevitably drives up vehicle weight.

"We see three options, depending on their background, appetite for risk and time-horizon of the successful buyer.

These are: turn around Jaguar then sell the group to a major car manufacturer - this is the simplest option, and likely to be attractive to the two PE firms.

However the eventual exit is uncertain, depending on finding an automaker into whose portfolio both Jaguar and Land Rover would fit. Management could concentrate on the Jaguar turnaround and driving efficiencies throughout the business. In the meantime investment would still be required in Land Rover products, to protect volumes against future emissions legislation.

Split the brands - If they have an appetite for short term risk, then an aggressive owner could aim to turn around Jaguar and gradually separate the brands.

"We consider that it may be easier to find two future buyers within whose portfolios Jaguar and Land Rover fit, rather than trying to find a single buyer, so this option may release more value. Given that we consider Jaguar the more attractive long-term proposition, there is also the option of selling Land Rover to a major automotive player while retaining Jaguar.

"The major risk in separating the businesses comes not from major cost increases but from the disruption involved in separating marketing, sales, distribution and purchasing activities."

Build a long term 'Jaguar Land Rover' premium car group - a long term owner of the business may consider keeping the group together and maximising future synergy (for example platform sharing between the next generation XJ and Range Rover). Depending on the impact of emissions legislation on the mid-range vehicles such as Discovery and Freelander, the group may in the long term dwindle to three product areas: Jaguar, Range Rover luxury SUVs and Land Rover utility vehicles. However, providing that this evolution (and in particular the scaling down of manufacturing) is well managed then this may not be a bad thing, leading to a far more premium-sector oriented group and reducing the cash that has to be committed to product development in the mid-term.

Arthur D Little said Ripplewood and TPG (the private equity bidders) are most likely to favour the first two options. Although the final option is possible, they have no ability to achieve further synergy with other parts of their business.

Tata and Mahindra are both able to add something more to the third option - low cost engineering and sourcing capability and potentially the ability to share components with their own product ranges.

US: Demoted Chrysler CEO's days numbered - analyst

7 August 2007 | Source: editorial team

Naming the controversial former CEO of Home Depot Bob Nardelli Chrysler LLC's new chairman and CEO is an indication that business as those at Chrysler have known it is over, according to Edmunds'

"Despite all of its claims of patience, private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management has sent the clear message that it intends to move quickly - and likely ruthlessly - to turn Chrysler around. In fact, Nardelli's compensation requires it. At Chrysler, Nardelli will draw no salary. His compensation will be directly linked to the equity performance of the carmaker," noted editor Michelle Krebs.

"Even as Chrysler may go through some turmoil on the corporate level, there will be an improvement in the consumer experience for Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep owners," added Edmunds' consumer advice editor Philip Reed. "Internally, cutbacks may be made, but Nardelli, who has a retail, customer-focused background, has acknowledged that they must prioritise keeping customers happy as they rebuild the company."

Krebs said that, with the first private equity firm owning a car company, business will not be as usual, and neither will those who will run the business. Ford had already gone outside the industry, recruiting former Boeing executive Alan Mulally to run the troubled automaker.

"Cerberus obviously found Nardelli attractive because of his capability in expanding a business and his cost-slashing expertise," Krebs said.

But she noted that Nardelli left Home Depot under pressure with a controversial $US210m severance bonus and a declining stock price and that this was among other compensation packages that created shareholder backlash over such excess.

At Chrysler, Nardelli reportedly will draw no salary - his compensation will be directly linked to the equity performance of the car maker. He refused to discuss the terms and length of his contract at a press conference on Monday, saying only that his pay is tied to performance.

That, Krebs said, is a further indication that Cerberus - and Nardelli - will waste no time in turning things around.

Nardelli, who started his career as a manufacturing engineer, was skimpy on specifics of what he'll do at Chrysler during a news conference yesterday, prompting one seasoned journalist to quip: "He gives new meaning to dodge."

His responses were sprinkled with the words "speed," "lean" and "laser-focus" on customers' demands around the globe and execution of Chrysler's recovery and transformation plan.

Tom LaSorda, who had been Chrysler chairman and CEO but is now demoted to the newly created post of vice chairman and president, said: "We need to perform at even higher levels and with increased discipline. We need to grow in emerging markets. We need strategic alliances to help achieve goals. And we need great design to lead product development."

Krebs said Nardelli's appointment was as much of a shock because it had been widely believed that former Chrysler COO and Volkswagen executive Wolfgang Bernhard would take the top job.

He was offered the post of non-executive chairman but declined, supposedly due to personal and family reasons, but Krebs said the post of a non-executive chairman obviously didn't sit well with Bernhard, who likes to be firmly in control.

"Again, passing over Bernhard should not have been surprising. He has ruffled lots of feathers at Chrysler, Daimler (which will retain nearly 20% of Chrysler and still be involved in projects), and Volkswagen.

"Further, why would Cerberus tap the same folks to run the New Chrysler that got the old one in the state it is in today?" Krebs asked.

After COO and product development chief Eric Ridenourwas ousted in the takeover, LaSorda reportedly said he was in charge of model development and had been making product decisions.

The question now, Krebs said, is 'How long for LaSorda?' "

"The buzz has been and continues to be how long will LaSorda last. Supposedly he was the man - CEO. Now he has been displaced. He's clearly responsible for the day-to-day operations of the automaker until Nardelli learns the auto business. And he's in charge of the incredibly challenging contract talks with the United Auto Workers union."

Nardelli, who called LaSorda "Tommy" during the press conference as if they were old chums, said LaSorda had "responsibility and authority" in the operational realm.

And LaSorda will serve on Chrysler's board and as vice chairman of a Cerberus operating group.

That, Krebs suggested, looks like a way to ease him out of Chrysler. LaSorda likely will be kept on throughout the current labour talks, since he is polular with the union, having been from a union activist family. But once that contract is signed, the bet is he'll be brushed aside completely with a nice buyout package, she added.

She also expects changes in the design and product development staffs "as Chrysler must develop better, home-run products and do it faster".

She said top designer Trevor Creed has long been rumoured to be out, though Chrysler insisted on Monday he's still in charge of design. But the hot, young designer of the 300, Ralph Guilles, likely is 'the anointed one' for that post. And Tom Gale, former Chrysler design chief, will remain as an advisor to Cerberus on Chrysler.
  • 0
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."

#212 adrian_r5


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Scris 09 august 2007 - 10:23

Alfa Romeo, made in China

Fiat si Chery sunt pe cale sa semneze in cursul saptamanii viitoare un parteneriat pentru producerea mai multor modele Alfa Romeo in China, relateaza presa internationala.

Primul model ce va ajunge pe liniile de productie din aceasta tara va fi sedanul 159, urmat de hatch-ul 147. In prima faza a colaborarii, Chery se va ocupa doar de asamblarea kiturilor exportate din fabrica din Italia, urmand ca pe masura ce se vor gasi furnizorii de materii necesare, intregul proces de productie sa se desfasoare in China. Productia rezultata va fi comercializata pe piata din Asia.

continuare: http://www.wall-stre...e-in-China.html
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Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)

#213 masterblaster


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Inregistrat: 30-octombrie 05
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Marca:Hyundai / Dacia
  • Model:Accent / 1310
  • Motorizare:1.5 CRDI / 1.4

Scris 09 august 2007 - 10:27

The Federal Court of Appeal in Canada has ruled that Nissan is free to use the letter "M" when promoting its Infiniti M35 and M45 product range, in a two-year court case where BMW Canada has accused Nissan Canada Inc. of trademark infringement. Earlier this year BMW won an injuction that would prevent Nissan from using the "M" letter, but this was overturned on appeal on July 12.

When Infiniti originally unveiled the "M35" and "M45" models BMW expressed no objection. Only when Nissan Canada launched an advertising campaign announcing "the M is coming" did BMW executives raise some eyebrows and decided to take legal action.

BMW will now have to either petition the Supreme Court to hear the case or alternatively come to an agreement with Nissan, BMW spokesman Jochen Frey said on August 7.
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He who wants too much from life ends up losing everything! But he who wants too little ends up not having anything at all!

#214 Frank SF

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  • Marca:Tiguan BiTDI
  • Model:Focus 1.5 Ecoboost
  • Motorizare:Logan 1310

Scris 13 august 2007 - 10:03

GERMANY: Former BMW economist criticises focus on premium cars

13 August 2007 | Source: editorial team

Pursuing a premium car strategy will cost around 300,000 jobs in the German automotive industry, according to Helmut Becker, former chief economist at BMW, and now founder and chief of the research institute Institut f�r Wirtschaftsanalyse und Kommunikation (IWK), based in Munich.

In an interview with, Becker said he believes that German vehicle manufacturers have focused too intensively on the premium segment.

"If the automotive sector continues the way it has been going, I estimate that we will lose around 300,000 jobs. This process is already happening. Volkswagen is reducing its workforce, as are Daimler, Opel and Ford.

Instead of building fuel efficient, low-cost models, German companies have focused single-mindedly on increasing performance, according to Becker. "The German manufacturers have gone for faster, heavier and more expensive. We are satisfied with high-end niches and think that we have beaten off all the competition with them." But he says that buyer trends are moving in a different direction.

According to Becker, German vehicle manufacturers such as VW are not equipped to build a car for the 21st century that can compete with the success of cars such as the Toyota Aygo, Dacia Logan, or a possible competitor from China such as a Chery.

"VW must produce cars a third cheaper than it does at present so that it can sell cars at market prices and still have enough left to invest for the future."

Becker sees a particular problem in the psychology of today's managers. "There are so many egomaniacs in the German automotive industry, who would sooner put pseudo race cars onto the road than take a leading role in developing new environmentally-friendly technologies."
  • 0
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."

#215 Spining


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  • Model:T4
  • Motorizare:1,9L

Scris 17 august 2007 - 11:48

Renault va iniţia construcţia centrului de proiectare auto de la Titu �n toamna acestui an sau la �nceputul anului viitor, grupul francez av�nd probleme cu cumpărarea terenurilor de la persoane fizice, din cauza preţurilor ridicate, motiv pentru care a cerut autorităţilor exproprierea parcelelor.

Investitorul francez a achiziţionat p�nă �n prezent doar jumătate din totalul terenurilor pe care intenţionează să amenajeze centrul de proiectare şi dezvoltare de modele auto, aflate �n posesia unor persoane private, refuz�nd să accepte preţurile cerute de unii proprietari �n schimbul suprafeţelor, au declarat mai multe surse guvernamentale.

Preţurile terenurilor extravilane de l�ngă oraşul Titu s-au dublat după ce grupul francez a anunţat că va construi �n zonă un centru de proiectare auto, ajung�nd de la un preţ mediu de 1,5 euro pe metru pătrat, la �nceputul lunii februarie, la 3 euro pe metru pătrat, scrie Ziarul Financiar. Parcela de teren necesară Renault este fragmentată, pe o porţiune de 100 de hectare fiind circa 150 de proprietari.

Comisia de privatizare a Automobile Craiova a reluat ieri negocierile cu Ford Motor Company, potrivit reprezentanţilor AVAS.

Potrivit Ziarului Financiar, comisia a solicitat companiei americane să �mbunătăţească oferta financiară, trecerea societăţii �n proprietate privată av�nd loc printr-o lege specială.

Ca urmare a mandatului primit din partea Guvernului, comisia de privatizare, avocaţii AVAS �n negocierea contractului reprezentaţi de firma de avocatură Tucă, Zb�rcea şi Asociaţii şi avocaţii Ford, firma Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen, s-au �nt�lnit la �nceputul acestei luni pentru a discuta principalele elemente ale tranzacţiei ce vor fi cuprinse �n actul normativ.

Dacă va prelua uzina de la Craiova, Ford s-a angajat să investească 675 de milioane de euro şi p�nă �n 2012 să producă 300.000 de automobile anual.
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<!--sizeo:2--><!--/sizeo-->Daca te trezesti dimineata si nu vezi soarele... trage draperia!<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->

#216 adrian_r5


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Scris 17 august 2007 - 05:42

Renault va iniţia construcţia centrului de proiectare auto de la Titu �n toamna acestui an sau la �nceputul anului viitor, grupul francez av�nd probleme cu cumpărarea terenurilor de la persoane fizice, din cauza preţurilor ridicate, motiv pentru care a cerut autorităţilor exproprierea parcelelor.

... baieti buni astia de la Renault !
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Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)

#217 VIPER


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Inregistrat: 05-decembrie 03
  • Location:Bucuresti, RO
  • Marca:Ford
  • Model:Focus Mk3.5
  • Motorizare:1.5TDCi 120CP

Scris 17 august 2007 - 06:47

Mda, pe javrele de la AVAS si nu numai ii doare ca Ford nu vrea sa fabrice in urmatorii 10 ani piese de schimb pentru Matiz, Cielo si Nubira, si nu vrea sa plateasca datoriile defunctei Daewoo Craiova... Si pe alte site-uri de rahat (cica presa online) se zice ca Ford intarzie semnarea... Cata spaga mai vor astia ai nostri, nene???
  • 0

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry Ford
Mondeo Mk3 2.0TDCi 2002 Superchipped
Flickr - pozele mele

#218 aztec

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Inregistrat: 29-august 03
  • Location:Bucuresti/DrTaberei
  • Marca:Daewoo/Dacia
  • Model:Tico SL/Solenza
  • Motorizare:796/1.4

Scris 20 august 2007 - 11:15

General Motors vrea l�ngă Nokia
Concernul din Detroit vrea să ridice la Jucu o fabrică deautoturisme Opel, printr-o investiţie de 500 de milioane de euro.
Numărul unu mondial �n producţia de autoturisme, grupul american General Motors (GM) negociază cu autorităţile din Cluj un teren de 100 ha pentru construirea �n Parcul Industrial Tetarom 3 din comuna Jucu a unei unităţi de asamblare finală a autoturismelor Opel, o investiţie de o jumătate de miliard de euro. Fabrica ar urma să aibă 4.000 de angajaţi.

Concernul din Detroit intenţionează să ridice la Jucu o fabrică de asamblare finală a automobilelor Opel, �n valoare de 500 de milioane de euro.

Aceasta urmează să ocupe 100 de hectare şi presupune crearea a 4.000 de noi locuri de muncă.

Prima rundă de negocieri cu autorităţile judeţene a avut loc la �nceputul lunii august, �n prezenţa unei companii de consultanţă.

Judeţul Cluj se bate pentru investiţia americană cu Braşovul şi cu Bulgaria.

General Motors a pornit un proces de restructurare care implică �nchiderea a 12 uzine �n America de Nord.

Printre acţionarii companiei nord-americane se numără şi miliardarul rus Oleg Deripaska, implicat �n afaceri cu aluminiu şi automobile, care deţine aproape 5% din capitalul social.

�n zona Jucu s-a mai anunţat un investitor: Tuborg va construi un depozit de bere.

O primă rundă de negocieri �ntre GM şi autorităţile clujene a avut loc, conform informaţiilor ZIUA de Cluj, timp de două zile, �n perioada8-9 august. La �nt�lniri au mai participat, alături de reprezentanţii unei companii internaţionale de consultanţă, Marius Nicoară, preşedinte al Consiliului Judeţean (CJ) Cluj, şi Viorel Găvrea, director al societăţii Tetarom, administrator al parcurilor industriale publice din judeţ. Autorităţile clujene trebuie să dea un răspuns p�nă �n octombrie. �ntre timp, GM negociază �n paralel pentru locaţii �n Braşov sau �n Bulgaria.

Sandoz pleacăla T�rgu-Mureş

�GM a vrut iniţial să �şi construiască fabrica pe terenul de la Tractorul Braşov, dar acolo trebuia să cumpere tot combinatul. Au avut discuţii şi cu Autocamioane Roman Braşov, �nsă nu s-au �nţeles cu patronul Ioan Neculaie. Atunci au venit la cei de la Cluj şi au cerut teren l�ngă Nokia Village�, spun surse din mediul de afaceri.

Potrivit acestora, grupul farmaceutic elveţian Novartis, care şi-a exprimat dorinţa de a �nfiinţa la Cluj o fabrică de medicamente a diviziei sale Sandoz, a renunţat la terenul public pe care �l viza �n Tetarom 3 pentru unul privat �nT�rgu-Mureş, deoarece aceasta presupunea relocarea a 200 de angajaţi de la unităţile de profil existente �n oraşul respectiv.

Vine şi Tuborg

�Nu pot să confirm nici o �nt�lnire cu reprezentanţii GM�, a răspuns Nicoară. �Din surse neoficiale ştiu că este vorba de o fabrică, un service sau o reprezentanţă General Motors �n Parcul Tetarom 3. �n zona de l�ngă Nokia sunt disponibile 1.000 ha.

Acum se face descărcarea arheologică pentru viitoarea fabrică de telefoane mobile, s-au găsit acolo vestigii, monede. Cert este că la noi vin �n continuare investitori. Tuborg va avea aici un depozit de bere�, ne-a spus primarul din Jucu, Ioan Pojar.

Componente auto la Dej

Compania suedeză Trelleborg a inaugurat �n această vară �n Parcul Industrial Dej o unitate de producţie de piese auto şi va �nchide două fabrici din Uniunea Europeană pentru

a-şi extinde activitatea la Cluj.

�Principalul nostru client va fi Dacia. Vor urma GM şi BMW, pentru că intenţionăm să ne extindem producţia şi pentru Europa de Vest�, a spus Jim Law, preşedinte al Trelleborg Automotive AVS.

Aduc mărcile Cadillac şi Hummer

�GM comercializează �n Rom�nia mărcile Opel, Chevrolet, SAAB, iar de la finele lui 2007 - �nceputul lui 2008 va introduce şi Corvette, Cadillac şi Hummer�, ne-a mărturisit Ciprian Şuta, director de v�nzări GM pe Rom�nia şi Bulgaria.

�Este bine pentru noi dacă această fabrică se va face. V�nzările de autoturisme au cunoscut �n acest an �n Rom�nia o creştere cu 20% faţă de 2007. Opel a v�ndut p�nă �n iulie peste 9.175 de unităţi, iar Chevrolet �n jur de 7.000�, ne-a informat Marius Tudor, secretar general al Asociaţiei Producătorilor şi Importatorilor de Automobile.

Au renunţat la Craiova, nu şi la Rom�nia

Concernul american s-a angrenat �n cursa pentru achiziţionarea fabricii Daewoo Automobile din Craiova, dar s-a retras din cauza unor ne�nţelegeri cu Autoritatea pentru Valorificare a Activelor Statului, privind obligaţiile cumpărătorului.

GM a anunţat apoi că analizează posibilitatea de a construi o fabrică �n Europa de Est, iar Rom�nia se numără printre ţările vizate. Reprezentanţa din Rom�nia a estimat v�nzări de 31.000 de maşini �n 2007, ceea ce �nseamnă o creştere a v�nzărilor cu 60% faţă de 2006, motivele fiind cererea pentru noile modele Opel şi introducerea primei de casare.

GM Southeast Europe Rom�nia a avut �n 2006 v�nzări de 19.354 de unităţi şi o cotă de piaţă de 6,5% faţă de cea de 4,2% �n anul precedent. Din cei 123 de distribuitori din ţara noastră, 80 comercializează marca Opel şi 43 Chevrolet.

Milionarul Deripaskaa intrat �n acţionariat

GM fabrică mărcile Cadillac, Corvette, Saab, Hummer, Buick, Pontiac, GMC, Opel, Vauxhall, Holden, Saturn, Chevrolet şi Daewoo. �n al doilea semestru al anului a obţinut un profit de 891 de milioane de dolari, faţă de o pierdere de 3,4 miliarde �n aceeaşi perioadă din 2006. Veniturile din operaţiunile auto au scăzut de la 53,9 la 46,8 miliarde de dolari, �nsă ele nu includ rezultatele diviziei financiare GMAC, preluată anul trecut de fondul de investiţii Cerberus Capital Management.

GM a avut pierderi de 12 miliarde de euro �n ultimii doi ani, iar procesul de restructurare implică desfiinţarea a 34.000 de locuri de muncă şi �nchiderea a 12 uzine �n America de Nord. Miliardarul rus Oleg Deripaska, axat pe afaceri cu aluminiu şi cu automobile, a cumpărat �n 2006 5% din capitalul social al GM, �n valoare de aproape un miliard de dolari. Grupul dispune de 280.000 de angajaţi �n unităţi de producţie din 33 de ţări. �n 2006, GM a v�ndut 9,1 milioane de autovehicule.
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calator prin timp si spatiu...

#219 adrian_r5


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Scris 24 august 2007 - 08:50

Masina de 1.800 de euro!

Minunea indiana.

AFACERE. Compania indiana Tata Motors (care era asteptata si in privatizarea Automobile Craiova) va produce cea mai ieftina masina din lume, la pretul de doar 2.400 dolari (aproximativ 1.800 de euro), potrivit "Sunday Herald".

Stirea aparuta initial in �Financial Times�, in luna iunie, anunta ca acest automobil va inlocui actuala masina cea mai ieftina din lume, produsa tot in India de compania Suzuki, care costa 4.000 de euro (sub numele Maruti 800).

Masina va fi cu patru usi, fabricata dintr-un material plastic, va avea 30 de cai-putere si va fi la fel de mare ca un Volkswagen Rabbit. Masina va fi prezentata anul viitor, in ianuarie, la targul auto de la Delhi si va fi produsa incepand cu ultima perioada a anului 2008.

India a devenit o piata a masinilor ieftine odata cu cresterea peste asteptari a posesorilor indieni de autoturisme. Tata Motors va folosi pentru constructia acestei masini mana de lucru ieftina din India si doreste sa produca anual 250.000 de unitati.
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Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)

#220 adrian_r5


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Scris 25 august 2007 - 11:41

Noua Fabia Combi

Cu ocazia ediţiei din acest an a Salonului Auto Internaţional (IAA) de la Frankfurt (Germania), �koda Auto va prezenta versiunea Combi a celei de-a doua generaţii a modelului Fabia.

Comparativ cu actualul model existent �n producţie, dimensiunile exterioare ale noului automobil au crescut. Noua Fabia Combi este mai lungă cu şapte milimetri şi mai �naltă cu 46 milimetri. Lungimea, lăţimea şi �nălţimea (4.239 mm/ 1.642 mm/1.498 mm) constituie o bază solidă pentru spaţiul interior al automobilului.

Portbagajul a crescut cu 54 litri şi a ajuns la un volum total de 480 litri. Prin rabatarea banchetei, volumul disponibil al portbagajului atinge 1.460 litri, 235 litri peste cel al generaţiei anterioare.

Portofoliul de motorizări cuprinde trei versiuni pe benzină (1.2 12V HTP/ 51 kW/ 70 CP, 1.4 16V/ 63 kW/ 85 CP şi 1.6 16V/ 77 kW/ 105 CP) şi trei propulsoare diesel (1.4 TDI PD/ 51 kW/ 70 CP, 1.4 TDI PD/ 59 kW/ 80 CP şi 1.9 TDI PD/ 77 kW/ 105 CP), toate acestea fiind �n conexiune cu o cutie de viteze cu cinci trepte. Opţional, motorul 1.6 16V/ 77 kW/ 105 CP poate fi echipat cu o transmisie automată, cu şase trepte (Tiptronic). Cele mai puternice două motorizări diesel, 1.4 TDI PD/59 kW/ 80 CP şi 1.9 TDI PD/77 kW/ 105 CP, dispun de filtru de particule diesel (DPF).

Pe l�ngă designul proaspăt care corespunde cu cel al versiunii hatchback, noul automobil oferă o serie de facilităţi menite să �mbunătăţească confortul. Cele mai importante sunt spaţiul suficient pentru pasageri din spate, volumul portbagajului (480 l, respectiv 1.460 l), multitudinea de spaţii de depozitare, materialele de �naltă calitate din interiorul maşinii şi prelata ce acoperă portbagajul al cărui sistem este identic cu cel de la Octavia Combi.
�koda Auto a comercializat peste 630.000 unităţi din prima generaţie Fabia Combi �n �ntreaga lume şi va continua să producă actualul model cel puţin p�nă la finalul acestui an. �n Rom�nia au fost livrate p�nă �n prezent aproximativ 5.000 unităţi.

http://www.curieruln...oua Fabia Combi

Imagine amplasata
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Too Old to Rock and Roll: Too Young to Die (© Jethro Tull 1976)

#221 oaspetele


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  • Model:Golf 6
  • Motorizare:1.6

Scris 09 septembrie 2007 - 11:14

Every year, the editors gather to ponder that eternal question, "What cars or trucks would we most want to park in our garage?" For the 2007 model year our editors have once again scoured the entire automotive spectrum looking for their favorite vehicles. What they've came up with are the Editors' Most Wanted cars and trucks for 2007.

Most Significant Vehicle of the Year: Toyota Tundra

The 2007 Toyota Tundra has the specs and the muscle to take on the Big Three in the last segment they have to themselves: full-size trucks.


Sedan Under $15,000: 2007 Hyundai Accent/Kia Rio

These Seoul brothers prove that economical doesn't mean low-quality.

Sedan Under $20,000: 2007 Honda Civic

Winning in both the Coupe and Sedan categories, the Honda Civic continues to please.

Sedan Under $25,000: 2007 Mazda 6

The 2007 Mazda 6 and Mazdaspeed 6 stand as symbols of what a midrange sedan should be, compromising nothing and surpassing expectations on almost every level.

Sedan Under $30,000: 2007 Hyundai Azera

Hyundai comes to play with a reasonably priced and unexpectedly refined Azera.

Sedan Under $35,000: 2007 BMW 3 Series

Last year's redesign of this entry-luxury vehicle makes it hard to budge it from the top spot.

Sedan Under $45,000: 2007 Infiniti M35/M45

Infiniti's unique mix of aggressive styling, firm suspension tuning and torque-rich engines gives it the edge in this crowded category.

Sedan Under $60,000: 2007 BMW 5 Series

2006's winner comes back strong, with its perfect combination of luxury and performance.

Sedan Over $60,000: 2007 Audi A8

Modern marvel with classic elegance.


Wagon Under $15,000: 2007 Kia Rio5

The 2007 Kia Rio5 stands alone. No, really. There aren't any competitors in this segment, proving how incredible an achievement this vehicle is...offering the versatility of a wagon for the price of a subcompact.

Wagon Under $20,000: 2007 Mazda 3

The Mazda 3 excels in just about every area, proving that good things really do come in small packages.

Wagon Under $30,000: 2007 Dodge Magnum

Equal parts brain, brawn, and good looks, the Magnum can't be beat for its all-around appeal and practicality, especially with its stronger engines.

Wagon Under $40,000: 2007 Audi A4

Want to thumb your nose at Mother Nature? The Audi Avant lets you do it safely and in unparalleled style.

Wagon Over $40,000: 2007 Mercedes-Benz E-Class

Strong. Handsome. Smart. Protective. And rich. The seven-passenger E-Class wagon is everything you'd want in a wagon, and more.


Coupe Under $20,000: 2007 Honda Civic

An enduring classic, the Honda Civic offers fuel-efficient fun at a reasonable price.

Coupe Under $30,000: 2007 Mini Cooper

Forget about cute. A redesign with more powerful engines returns the iconic Mini Cooper to the head of the under-$30K coupe pack.

Coupe Under $40,000: 2007 Infiniti G35

Nissan dominates this category, topping its own 2007 350Z with the luxurious, exciting and eye-pleasing Infiniti G35.

Coupe Under $60,000: 2007 Porsche Cayman

Porsche bundles all the best aspects of its legendary 911 coupe into the more affordable, and some say more attractive, Cayman coupe.

Coupe Over $60,000: 2007 Porsche 911

After all these years, the Porsche 911 coupe still defines the ultimate sports car.


Convertible Under $25,000: 2007 Mazda MX-5 Miata

A new power-retractable hardtop version of this perennial favorite puts the MX-5 in our top slot over the Cooper Convertible.

Convertible Under $35,000: 2007 Ford Mustang

The rear-drive Ford Mustang offers pony-car performance and retro good looks at an economical price.

Convertible Under $45,000: 2007 Lotus Elise

Last year's winner returns to take the crown, with style, performance and eye-catching looks, at a very reasonable price.

Convertible Under $60,000: 2007 Porsche Boxster

Give us a high-revving flat-6 and a ragtop and we're happy.

Convertible Over $60,000: 2007 Porsche 911

A roadster for the real world.


Compact Truck: 2007 Toyota Tacoma

It doesn't try to be anything but a true truck, a trait that puts the Toyota Tacoma at the top of the segment.

Large Truck: 2007 Toyota Tundra

Toyota finally steps it up and builds a true full-size truck. The competition should be worried.


SUV Under $25,000: 2007 Honda CR-V

An old favorite with a very stylish makeover snags our top honor in the affordable SUV category.

SUV Under $35,000: 2007 Mazda CX-9

Two Mazdas that pack both utility and performance dominate this midsize-SUV category.

SUV Under $45,000: 2007 Acura MDX

Designed for a family but built for an enthusiast, the 2007 Acura MDX gets top honor in the luxury SUV segment.

SUV Over $45,000: 2007 Mercedes-Benz GL-Class

Strong acceleration, a quiet interior and Mercedes' signature fit and finish make this a winning combination.


Minivan: 2007 Honda Odyssey

With just the right combination of utility, style and power, the Honda Odyssey is our favorite minivan for the sixth time in seven years. It's the minivan for those who'd rather be driving a sport sedan.


Exotic (Coupe and Sedan): 2007 Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano and 2007 Bentley Continental Flying Spur Sedan

High style and high performance easily justify the high price.
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Daca te trezesti dimineata si nu vezi soarele, inseamna ca esti mort sau esti soarele.

#222 Artanis

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Scris 12 septembrie 2007 - 04:58

Contractul pentru privatizarea Automobile Craiova a fost semnat

Contractul prin care compania americană Ford va prelua acţiunile deţinute de stat la Automobile Craiova, pentru 57 de milioane de euro, a fost semnat �n urmă cu mai puţin de o oră �n Germania, la Salonul Internaţional Auto de la Frankfurt.

Documentul a fost semnat de Sebastian Vlădescu, preşedintele comisiei de privatizare şi secretar de stat �n Ministerul Economiei şi Finanţelor, şi de negociatorul-şef al Ford, Lyle Waters.
La eveniment au participat premierul Călin Popescu Tăriceanu, ambasadorul SUA �n Rom�nia, Nicholas Taubman, precum şi Brent Valmar, din partea Asociaţiei Producătorilor şi Importatorilor de Automobile.
La Frankfurt a fost semnată varianta �n limba engleză a documentului, urm�nd ca vineri, �n cadrul unei ceremonii organizate la uzina de la Craiova, să fie semnat şi contractul redactat �n limba rom�nă. Ford va plăti pentru pachetul de 72,4 la sută din acţiunile Automobile Craiova, 57 de milioane de euro.

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#223 Frank SF

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Scris 18 septembrie 2007 - 07:49

GERMANY: VW works council files complaint against Porsche

18 September 2007 | Source: editorial team

The Volkswagen works council has filed a complaint against Porsche with the Stuttgart labour court.

According to dpa-AFX news, the complaint was filed on Monday, ahead of a regular works council meeting today. The head of the Volkswagen works council, Bernd Osterloh, has written to all 324,000 Volkswagen employees at 44 sites to explain just what the works council is objecting to.

Under German law, workers are entitled to be represented on a company supervisory board. The Volkswagen AG supervisory board has 20 members, 10 of which represent shareholders, and 10 representing employees. One of these 10 is from management and the other nine are from the regular workforce.

The Porsche and Piech families are planning to set up a European holding company (SE) to house their Porsche and Volkswagen shareholdings.

European companies generally have smaller supervisory boards. In this case Porsche is proposing a board consisting of 12 people, six to represent the shareholders and six representing employees. These employees would primarily be from Porsche, not necessarily Volkswagen. It is likely there would be some Volkswagen employee representation, but it appears there would probably be no more than three.

In his letter to Volkswagen employees, Osterloh complained that Porsche employees would be over-represented on the Porsche Holding SE board. Porsche has just 12,000 workers, compared to Volkswagen, which has 324,000. This would mean that Volkswagen employees would have virtually no say over future strategic decisions made by Porsche Holding that would affect Volkswagen AG.

According to dpa-AFX, Osterloh also pointed out that it would be very difficult to change the supervisory board structure once it was put into force, so the issue needs to be resolved now, before the new company is registered.

Towards the end of the letter Osterloh explained that the works council does not have a major problem with the Porsche ownership - just that it wants to clarify workers rights. He said that the works council is convinced that the partnership with Porsche can have advantages for both sides, and that the involvement of the Piech and Porsche families is good protection against private equity investors.

Unions also want to clarify what would happen if Porsche did raise its shareholding in Volkswagen AG to more than 50% from the current 31%, a Volkswagen spokesman said.

Volkswagen representatives have some justification for concerns that their rights will be diminished under Porsche's influence. Porsche CEO, Wendelin Wiedeking, recently referred to the tradition of co-determination at Volkswagen as a 'holy cow'.

Although Porsche owns around 31% of the shares, its voting rights are limited to 20% by the so-called VW Law. But the law has been challenged by the European Commission as an obstacle to the free flow of capital and a ruling from the European Court of Justice is due later this year.

FRANKFURT SHOW: Logan to go forth and multiply

17 September 2007 | Source: editorial team

The Frankfurt show launch of two new versions of the Dacia Logan 'world car' - a pick-up and the Sandero hatchback - takes the number of derivatives of the Logan programme, still referred to within Renault by its X90 codename, to five and Renault chairman Carlos Ghosn says there will be six. But X90 programme manager Gerard Detourbet thinks he's made a mistake.

"I think that six is not enough" he said. "We want to develop more bodies on the same platform. The next one should be a kind of crossover - that will be the sixth body. But after that it's not finished for us - the story is just beginning."

X90 is more than a car programme - it's designed to take Renault into new markets, and to develop new plants and new territories around the world, like India, Russia, Morocco and Iran. "The most important market is still Romania. We are just starting to increase capacity from 35 units per hour to 60, hoping that the production rate at the end of 2008 will be 400,000 cars a year," said Detourbet.

This capacity increase is vital if Renault is to relaunch the Dacia brand in the UK. That's likely to happen in 2009, when the Logan Crossover comes on stream - though the Sandero hatch, which shares the platform but few body panels with Logan, is a possibility too.

The Logan accounts for a very large proportion of the extra 800,000 cars Ghosn wants Renault to make every year under its so-called Commitment 2009 programme. Indeed, Detourbet reckons Logan family production could top 1m a year by 2009. And that's without China, which won't build the current car.

"Logan is not big enough for China. The car we'll introduce in China will be the next evolution of the car," said Detourbet.

Meanwhile, Renault is working on 'son of Logan' - a cheaper, smaller car being developed jointly with Indian scooter-maker Bajaj, and to be sold with a $US3,000 price tag.

"We're at beginning of the life of this project," said Detourbet. But radical thinking is needed in order to keep the costs down. "We need to develop new powertrain - an existing R powertrain would cost $3,000 alone!"

The project is fundamentally "a new idea of a car", he said. Not a car Renault can sell everywhere in the world - not Europe, not China. It will be designed for the Indian market , maybe also places like Thailand. But it might be possible to develop a more upmarket version that fits "between the $3,000 car and the Logan". This could be sold in Europe as a basic, eco-friendly city car.

AUSTRALIA/JAPAN: Toyota redesigns Landcruiser

18 September 2007 | Source: editorial team

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Toyota has rewarded Australia's 50-year loyalty to its Landcruiser line by selecting next month's Sydney motor show for the global motor show debut of the redesigned '200 series' station wagon model line.

The new model went on sale in Japan today (18 September) with a monthly sales target of 700 units. It is built in Toyota Motor Corporation's Tahara plant and Toyota Auto Body's Yoshiwara plant.

Australian LandCruiser models will have the choice of a new turbodiesel V8 or the V8 petrol engine updated with intelligent variable valve timing that is the sole engine option in Japan.

Both engines have considerably more power than their predecessors and the turbo-diesel engine develops significantly more torque.

Petrol models feature what Toyota claims is the world's first 'crawl control' system for driving on surfaces such as rocks, sand or steep hills.

It automatically controls the engine and brakes to maintain very low speeds with minimal spinning or locking of the wheels and allows for delicate speed adjustments between approximately 0.5 and 3mph (1km/h and 5 km/h). Three speed settings can be selected by turning a dial.

This allows the driver to have a greater focus on steering and is also effective at extracting the vehicle if it becomes stuck, Toyota said.

Toyota Australia's senior executive director of sales and marketing, David Buttner, said Sydney was chosen for the model's 11 October launch over the current Frankfurt motor show in Germany.

"This is a real coup for Australia," Buttner said. "It reflects the vital role Australia has played in the development of Landcruiser over almost 50 years," he added.

"It has been a key factor in building the foundations for the market leadership that Toyota enjoys today in this country."

The first two-door FJ25 models used on the Snowy Mountains hydro-electric scheme in New South Wales state arrived 'down under' in 1958.

The new 200-series model is 60mm longer, 30mm wider and the roofline is 15mm higher - with a full restyle.

The platform has also been fully redesigned but the full-frame structure is retained, strengthened to increase safety, reduce noise and vibration and enhance interior comfort.

A double-wishbone front suspension with coil springs replaces the previous torsion-bar set-up, improving handling and stability.

Options for the Australia market include a 'kinetic dynamic suspension system (KDSS)' - originally developed by Western Australia state company Kinetic. This hydraulic system, used for the first time in a Toyota, controls the front and rear stabiliser bars to provide excellent on-road stability.

KDSS also provides outstanding off-road performance through a larger suspension stroke achieved by effectively disabling the stabiliser bars, Toyota said.

Hill-start (HAC) is standard on all models minimising vehicle roll-back when starting on steep hills or climbing slippery surfaces by controlling brake fluid pressure as the driver's foot is removed from the brake to the accelerator.

Power is divided between the front and rear wheels through a Torsen limited-slip centre differential built into the transfer unit of the full-time all-wheel-drive system.

A newly adopted multi-terrain anti-skid braking system provides excellent braking performance even on dirt roads, gravel and sand, Toyota claimed.

Safety advances include the stronger body structure, vehicle stability control and up to 10 airbags - front, side and knee airbags for the driver and front passenger, side airbags for the outboard second-row seats and curtain shield airbags for all three rows.

The new Landcruiser can seat up to eight people.

Available features in Australia will include smart entry and smart start, Bluetooth mobile-phone connection, satellite_navigation and steering wheel controls.

Japanese market models also offer an optional 30GB high-capacity HDD navigation system with a high-resolution 8-inch wide display compatible with advanced 'G-Book Alpha Pro' telematics service.

The Navi-AI2 shift control system uses road information from the navigation system for optimal gear shift control.
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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" - James Dean
"Les voitures, c'est comme les femmes, il y a celles pour lesquelles on a un coup de foudre et celles avec lesquelles on a envie de vivre."

#224 Cristian

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Scris 03 octombrie 2007 - 09:51

Skoda isi extinde productia si in fabrici Volkswagen - 2 Octombrie 2007

Pentru a putea face fata cererii crescute, producatorul ceh Skoda se vede nevoit sa faca investiti8i suplimentare in fabricile pe care le detine in Cehia si chiar sa isi mute o parte din productie in fabrici ale Volkswagen. Productia modelului Octavia, de exemplu, s-ar putea extinde si in uzina Volkswagen de la Bratislava, deoarece capacitatea de productie de la Mlada Boleslav nu mai poate face fata cererii.

Conform agentiei de presa CTK, Skoda analizeaza posibilitatea inceperii productiei la o fabrica Volkswagen din Slovacia, pana in 2010, pentru a putea face fata cererii. Skoda Auto, parte a grupului Volkswagen, a anuntat ca va investi in fabrica Kvasiny si in uzina Vrchlabi.
Ambele unitati de productie sunt subsidiare ale fabricii principale, Mlada Boleslav. Pana acum, viitorul uzinei Vrchlabi era incert, in conditiile in care Skoda vroia sa externalizeze productia pentru a reduce costurile. Unitatea de productie Kvasiny va produce in viitor un SUV de mici dimensiuni, modelul Yeti. Investitiile Skoda in Cehia ar putea ajunge la doua miliarde euro in urmatorii cinci ani.

Productia masinii Skoda Octavia s-ar putea extinde si la fabrica Volkswagen de la Bratislava, deoarece uzina Mlada Boleslav nu poate face fata cererii pentru modelul amintit. "Fabrica de la Bratislava poate produce mai mult si are dotarile necesare pentru ca productia modelului Octavia sa inceapa acolo. Productia in uzina Volkswagen ar putea incepe chiar anul viitor, in functie de cat de mare va fi cererea pentru model", a spus purtatorul de cuvant al Skoda Auto, Evzen Krauskopf.

Ca urmare a modernizarii unitatii de la Vrchlabi s-ar putea mari numarul de angajati, pana la 3.000, in 2010, iar productia ar putea atinge 1.000 de masini pe zi, de la 400 in prezent. Alte cateva sute de muncitori ar putea fi angajati la uzina Kvasiny, iar productia ar putea atinge 200.000 de masini pe an.

Producatorul ceh de automobile Skoda intentioneaza sa ajunga la o productie anuala de un milion de masini in 2010, cu cinci ani mai devreme decat estimarile initiale ale companiei, declara in septembrie, Martin Jahn, membru al consiliului de administratie al companiei, citat de Prague Daily Monitor. Oficialul Skoda a adaugat ca producatorul ceh va construi peste 600.000 de masini anul acesta, iar in 2008 va produce 800.000 de masini.

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Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination. Albert Einstein

#225 Cristian

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Scris 21 octombrie 2007 - 11:57

Audi a anuntat ca va renunta luna viitoare la productia sedanului RS4, pentru a nu concura proaspatul RS6 Avant.
Audi pregateste un nou val de schimbari in gama sa de modele. Constructorul german anunta ca va renunta la sedanul de performanta RS4 in luna noiembrie. Desi au mai existat zvonuri despre oprirea productiei se pare ca de aceasta data informatiile au fost oferite chiar de oficialii din Ingolstadt.
Dupa celebrul sedan, care a ingenunchiat concurenti cu renume ca BMW M3 si Mercedes C63 AMG, Audi va semna si sfarsitul variantelor Avant si Cabrio undeva la mijlocul lui 2008. Fanii modelelor de performanta produse de Audi vor fi astfel nevoiti sa astepte o lunga perioada de timp deoarece stocurile actuale nu ar urma sa ajunga decat pana in decembrie.

Vestile sunt si mai proaste daca stam sa ne gandim ca pe piata va ramane doar versiunea standard a noului A4, in prezent neexistand zvonuri despre posibile versiuni sportive sau de performanta ale acestuia, S4 sau RS4.
Aceasta decizie a fost luata pentru a se evita un eventual insucces al noului RS6 care vine la un pret cu mult peste cel al lui RS4 sau S4, insa oficialii germani ar trebui sa se teama si de golul lasat de aceasta decizie in gama sa. O dezamagire din acest punct de vedere ar urma sa aiba urmari neplacute, majoritatea fanilor putandu-se reorienta catre rivalii BMW M3 si Mercedes C63 AMG.

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Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination. Albert Einstein

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